Deploy MsPASS with Conda and Coiled


This section provides a concise summary of the steps required to run MsPASS using Conda and Coiled. The instructions assume you are working in a cloud environment (AWS, GCP, Azure). You can also only use conda to install MsPASS locally without Coiled (step 3).

1. Install Coiled

Fetch and install Coiled following instructions on the Coiled web site.

Install the Coiled client Python library with pip or conda.

pip install coiled "dask[complete]"
coiled login

This will redirect you to the Coiled website to authenticate your computer.

2. Connect to your cloud

Next grant Coiled permission to run in your cloud account(AWS, GCP, Azure). Coiled creates the IAM policies and network configuration for your account, asking you for permission at each step.

coiled setup aws
coiled setup gcp

You can configure Coiled with custom network configuration in the user portal.

3. Get MsPASS Conda package

If you have not run MsPASS before you will need to get the conda package. from our standard repository. Alternatively if you want to get the most recent updates you may also need to do this step.

We strongly advise you create a separate environment for mspass to avoiding breaking any existing python packages you may have installed previous. Make sure you are on the base environment ant enter

conda create --name mspass

Noting the name “mspass” is not special and it can be changed if you prefer something else. You chould then make the new environment current with the standand conda command:

conda activate mspass

You will almost certainly need to add key “channels” as follows:

conda config --add channels mspass
conda config --add channels conda-forge

Then install mspass in this environment with

conda install -y mspasspy

4. Run MsPASS

After installing, Coiled will then pick up all those things installed locally, and install them on your cluster. For running things on Coiled, you could try coiled run (or follow one of the examples in coiled docs)!

For example, to connect to MongoDB using Atlas:

from pymongo.mongo_client import MongoClient
from pymongo.server_api import ServerApi
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
username = "your username"
password = "your password"

# URL-encode the username and password
uri_username = quote_plus(username)
uri_password = quote_plus(password)
uri = "mongodb+srv://"

# Create a new client and connect to the server
client = MongoClient(uri, server_api=ServerApi('1'))

# Send a ping to confirm a successful connection
    print("Pinged your deployment. You successfully connected to MongoDB!")
except Exception as e:

If the ping success, it means we successfully connect to your remote mongo database. Let’s build a MsPASS client and start to use MsPASS:

from mspasspy.db.client import DBClient
dbclient.list_database_names() # view all the databases
db = dbclient['mspass']        # choose a database
db.index_mseed_file('', some_path) # index mseed files

To use Dask:

from coiled import Cluster

cluster = Cluster(n_workers=20)
client = cluster.get_client()

Once you have a Dask cluster you can then run Python code on that cluster. Here is a simple code you could run:

def inc(x):
    return x + 1

future = client.submit(inc, 10)
future.result() # returns 11

You can find more useful examples in Coiled documentation and reach out to Coiled team ( for any usage questions.