Source code for mspasspy.algorithms.MCXcorStacking

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module implementing a similar algorithm to dbxcor in python.  

Created on Tue Jul  9 05:37:40 2024

@author: pavlis
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
from mspasspy.ccore.algorithms.amplitudes import (
from mspasspy.algorithms.window import WindowData
from obspy.geodetics.base import gps2dist_azimuth, kilometers2degrees
from obspy.taup import TauPyModel

from mspasspy.ccore.utility import ErrorLogger, ErrorSeverity, Metadata
from mspasspy.ccore.seismic import (
from mspasspy.util.seismic import number_live, regularize_sampling, ensemble_time_range
from mspasspy.ccore.algorithms.basic import TimeWindow
from mspasspy.algorithms.signals import filter
from mspasspy.algorithms.window import WindowData, WindowData_autopad

[docs]def extract_initial_beam_estimate( ensemble, metric="bandwidth", subdoc_key="Parrival", ) -> TimeSeries: """ The robust stacking method used in the `align_and_stack` function in this module requires an initial signal estimate for first-order alignment of signals in the input ensemble. In the original dbxcor implementation of that algorithm the user was required to select that initial signal interactively in a graphical user interface. This function provides one possible algorithm to accomplish that task automatically. It does so by scanning the ensemble to extract a member with the largest value of some quality control metric. This implementation is limited to metrics computed by the MsPASS function called `broadband_snr_QC`. The algorithm, however, would be easy to modify to produce a custom operator using some other metric posted to the Metadata container of each ensemble member. An oddity of the `broadband_snr_QC` is that it posts its output to a python dictionary (subdocument in pymongo jargon) fetched with a single key. That key can be changed from the default "Parrival" (default of `broadband_snr_QC`) to something else via the "subdoc_key" argument. This list of keys inside that subdocument that can be used to set what metric will be used are: bandwidth, filtered_envelope, filtered_L2, filtered_Linf, or filtered_perc. See the docstring for `broadband_snr_QC` for an explanation of each metric. :param ensemble: ensemble to be scanned :type ensemble: `TimeSeriesEnsemble` :param metric: quality metric to use for selecting member to use as return. Always scans for the maximum of specified value as it assume the value is some norm measure. Accepted values at present are all those computed by `broadband_snr_QC`: bandwidth, filtered_envelope, filtered_L2, filtered_Linf, or filtered_perc. Default is "bandwidth". A ValueError exception will be thrown if not one of those values. :type metric: string :param subdoc_key: `broadband_snr_QC` normally posts output to a subdocument (dictionary). This is the key that is used to extract that subdocument from each member. Default is "Parrival" which is the default of `broadband_snr_QC`. :type subdoc_key: string :return: `TimeSeries` that is a copy of the ensemble member with the largest value of the requested member. A default constructed, dead datum is returned if the algorithm failed. """ if ensemble.dead(): return TimeSeries() if metric == "bandwidth": key2use = "bandwidth" elif metric == "filtered_envelope": key2use = "filtered_envelope" elif metric == "filtered_L2": key2use = "filtered_L2" elif metric == "filtered_perc": key2use = "filtered_perc" else: message = "extract_initial_beam_estimate: illegal value for argument metric={}".format( metric ) message += "Must one of: bandwidth, filtered_envelope, filtered_L2, filtered_MAD, filtered_Linf, or filtered_perc" raise ValueError(message) N = len(ensemble.member) # this holds metric values - use the index of to associate with correct member # works because zero is never the maximum unless none are defined mvals = np.zeros(N) n_set = 0 for i in range(len(ensemble.member)): d = ensemble.member[i] if and d.is_defined(subdoc_key): subdoc = d[subdoc_key] mvals[i] = subdoc[key2use] n_set += 1 if n_set > 0: imax = np.argmax(mvals) return TimeSeries(ensemble.member[imax]) else: return TimeSeries()
[docs]def estimate_ensemble_bandwidth( ensemble, snr_doc_key="Parrival", ): """ Estimate average bandwidth of an ensemble of data using the output of broadband_snr_QC. The original dbxcor program used a GUI that allowed the user to select one of a set of predefined filters to be used to set the frequency band of the signal to be processed by the equivalent of the `align_and_stack` function of this module. The purpose of this function is to automate that process to defined an optimal bandwidth for processing of the input ensemble. This function only works on ensembles processed previously with the mspass function `broadband_snr_QC`. That function computes a series of metrics for signal-to-noise ratio. The only one this one uses is the two values defined by "low_f_band_edge" and "high_f_band_edge". The verbose names should make their definition obvious. This function returns the median of the values of all values of those two attributes extracted from all live members of the input ensemble. The result is returned as a tuple with the low frequency edge as 0 and the high frequency edge as 1. The expectation is that the data will be bandpass filtered between the low and high edges before running the `align_and_stack` function. :param ensemble: ensemble of data to be scanned :type ensemble: `TimeSeriesEnsemble` :param srn_doc_key: subdocument key of attributes computed by `broadband_snr_QC` to fetch as estimates of low and high frequency edges. :type snr_doc_key: string (default "Parrival" = default of `broadband_snr_QC`) """ if ensemble.dead(): return [0.0, 0.0, 0] f_l = [] f_h = [] for d in ensemble.member: if if d.is_defined(snr_doc_key): doc = d[snr_doc_key] f = doc["low_f_band_edge"] f_l.append(f) f = doc["high_f_band_edge"] f_h.append(f) if len(f_h) > 0: f_low = np.median(f_l) f_high = np.median(f_h) return [f_low, f_high, len(f_h)] else: return [0.0, 0.0, 0]
def _compute_default_robust_window( f_low, ncycles=3, starttime=2.0, min_endtime_multiplier=3, ) -> TimeWindow: """ Small function to encapsulate the algorithm used to define the default robust window set by MCXcorPrepP. Returns a time window with the starttime frozen as the function default argument. endtime is the thing computed. It is computed as ncycle times the period defined by the low frequency band edge f_low passed as arg0. There is a safety called min_endtime_multiplier that would only be used if f_low is larger than 1 Hz - which for teleseismic P wave data means f_low is not reasonable. """ T = 1.0 / f_low endtime = ncycles * T if endtime < min_endtime_multiplier: endtime = starttime * min_endtime_multiplier return TimeWindow(starttime, endtime)
[docs]def MCXcorPrepP( ensemble, noise_window, noise_metric="mad", initial_beam_metric="bandwidth", snr_doc_key="Parrival", low_f_corner=None, high_f_corner=None, npoles=4, filter_parameter_keys=["MCXcor_f_low", "MCXcor_f_high", "MCXcor_npoles"], coda_level_factor=4.0, set_phases=True, model=None, Ptime_key="Ptime", pPtime_key="pPtime", PPtime_key="PPtime", station_collection="channel", search_window_fraction=0.9, minimum_coda_duration=5.0, correlation_window_start=-3.0, ) -> TimeSeriesEnsemble: """ Function used to preprocess an ensemble to prepare input for running multichannel cross-correlation and stacking method (automated dbxcor algorithm) of P phase data. This function should not be used for anything but teleseismic P data. The multichannel correlation and stacking function in this module called `align_and_stack` requires one to define a number of parameters that in the original dbxcor implementation were input through a graphical user interface. This function can be thought of a robot that will attempt to set all the required parameters automatically using signal processing. It will attempt to produce two inputs required by the `align_and_stack`: 1. What I call a "correlation window". 2. The ensemble member that is to be used as the initial estimate of the beam (stack of the data aligned by cross correlation). A CRITICAL assumption of this function is that the input ensemble's data have been processed with the snr module function `broadband_snr_QC`. That function computes and posts multiple snr metrics to a subdocument (dictionary) accessed with a single key. This function requires that data exist and be accessible with the key defined by the argument "snr_doc_key". The data in that dictionary are used in the following algorithms run within this function: 1. The working bandwidth of the data is established by computing the median of the attributes "low_f_band_edge" and "high_f_band_edge" extracted from each live member. Those frequencies are computed using the function in this module called `estimate_ensemble_bandwidth`. The working ensemble (which is what is returned on success) will be filtered in the band defined by the output of `estimate_ensemble_bandwidth` using a Butterworth, bandpass filter with the number of poles defined by the "npoles" argument. 2. What I call the correlation window is estimated by a complex recipe best understood from the user manual page and example jupyter notebooks related to this module. Briefly, the correlation window is defined by applying an envelope function to each signal and defining the coda end using a common recipe for coda magnitudes where the end of the coda is defined by where the coda level (envelope) first falls below a level specified as a multiple of measured background noise. This function REQUIRES the input for each member to have a section that it can treat as background noise. For most uses that means some section of data immediately before the P wave arrival time. The noise level is estimated by the metric defined by the "noise_metric" argument and the coda level cutoff is computed as `noise_level*coda_level_factor` where `coda_level_factor` is the valued passed via the function argument with that key. Because this function is designed strictly for P phases it has to handle the complexity of interference by secondary P phases. For that reason it compute arrival times for pP and PP and will always start the coda search before time of the smaller of pP or PP. Note, however, that pP is not used a constraint if the source depth is less than 100 km. The justification for that number can be found in jupyter notebooks that should be part of the MsPASS documentation. 3. It then extracts one member from the ensemble the algorithm judges to be the best choice for an initial beam estimate. That is, in align_and_stack the first step is to align the data with a reference signal using cross-correlation of the "beam" with each member. The aligned data are then summed with a robust stack to refine the beam. That is repeated until the stack does not change significantly. That algorithm requires a seed for the initial beam estimate. That initial signal is extracted as the ensemble member with the largest value of the snr metric defined with the `initial_beam_metric` argument. The correlation window parameters computed earlier are then posted to the `Metadata` of that `TimeSeries` where `align_and_stack` can parse them to set the correlation time window. The function returns a copy of the input ensemble filtered to the average bandwidth and the initial beam estimate. They are return as a tuple with 0 the ensemble and 1 the initial beam estimate. Callers should verify the beam signal is marked live. A dead beam signal indicates the algorithm failed in one way or another. Errors at the level will result in errors being posted to the `ErrorLogger` container of the beam output. Note also this algorithm can kill some ensemble members in the output that were marked live in the input. :param ensemble: input ensemble of data to use. As noted above it must have been processed with `broadband_snr_QC` or this function will return a null result. The function makes a tacit assumption that all the members of this ensemble are in relative time with 0 of each member being an estimate of the P wave arrival time. It does no tests to validate this assumption so the assumption is wrong you will, at best, get junk as output. :type ensemble: `TimeSeriesEnsemble` Note for most uses this is the output of ExtractComponent of a `SeismogramEnsemble` processed with `broadband_snr_QC` that is the longitudinal component for the P phase. :param noise_window: time window defining the section of each ensemble member that is to be treated as "noise" for estimating a relative noise level. :type noise_window: `TimeWindow` tacitly expected to be time relative to a measure of the P wave arrival time. :param noise_metric: vector norm metric to use for measuring the amplitude of the noise extracted from the data in the range defined by noise_window. :type noise_metric: string (Must be one of: "mad" (default), "rms", or "peak"). Any other string will cause the function to throw a ValueError exception. :param initial_beam_metric: key of attribute to extract from the output of `broadband_snr_QC` used to select initial beam signal. This argument is passed to the `extract_initial_beam_estimate` function for as the "metric" argument of that function. :param initial_beam_metric: string (default "bandwidth"). For a list of allowed values see the docstring of `extract_initial_beam_estimate`. :param snr_doc_key: key to use to fetch the subdocument containing the output of `broadband_snr_QC`. :type snr_doc_key: string (default "Parrival" which is the default of `broadband_snr_QC`). :param low_f_corner: force the low frequency corner for the output data bandwidth to this value. When defined, the internal call to `estimate_ensemble_bandwidth` is bypassed and the output data are filtered between the value defined by low_f_corner and high_f_corner. :type low_f_corner: float (default None which is interpreted to mean scan ensemble to estimate the frequency range) :param high_f_corner: force the high frequency corner for the output data bandwidth to this value. When defined, the internal call to `estimate_ensemble_bandwidth` is bypassed and the output data are filtered between the value defined by low_f_corner and high_f_corner. :type high_f_corner: float (default None which is interpreted to mean scan ensemble to estimate the frequency range) :param npoles: number of poles to use for the Butterworth bandpass filter. :type npoles: integer (default 4) :param set_phases: boolean that if set True (default) the P phase time s P, pP (if defined), and PP (if defined) are computed and posted to the output of each ensemble member. If False the algorith assumes the same quantities were previously calculated and can be fetched from the member TimeSeries Metadata container using keys defined by Ptime_key, pPtimme_key, and PPtime_key. :param Ptime_key: :param pPtime_key: :param PPtime_key: These three arguments define alternative keys that will be used to fetch (if set_phases is false) or post (if set_phases is True) computed P, pP, and PP times to each member's Metadata container. Changing any of these values not really advised when set_phases is True. These are most useful if the phase arrival times were previously computed or measured and posted with different keys. :param station_collection: MonogDB collection name used to fetch receiver coordinate data. Normal practice in MsPASS is to save receiver Metadata in two channels called "channel" and "site" and to load the coordinate data through normalization when the data are loaded. The MsPASS convention defines data loaded by normalization with a leading collection name. e.g. the "lat" value extracted from a "channel" document would be posted to the data as "channel_lat". The same value, however, loaded from "site" would be tagged "site_lat". The default for this argument is "channel" which means the algorithm will require the attributes "channel_lat" and "channel_lon" as the receiver coordinates (in degrees). The standard alternative is to define `station_collection="site"`, in which case the function will use "site_lat" and "site_lon". :type station_collection: string (default "channel") :param search_window_fraction: The window for defining the correlation window is determined by running the internal `_coda_duration` function on each ensemble member and computing the range from the median of the ranges computed from all the ensemble members. Each coda search, however, is constrained by the time so f pP and/or PP. As noted above the function uses the pP time for events with depths greater than 100 km but PP for shallow sources. To allow for hypocenter errors the duration defined by P to pP or P to PP is multiplied by this factor to define the search start for the coda estimation. :type search_window_fraction: float (default 0.9) :param minimum_coda_duration: if the estimate of coda duration computed internally is less than this value the correlation window is set to this value - relative time from P. :type minimum_coda_duration: float (5.0 seconds) :param correlation_window_start: the time of the correlation window set in the output "beam" is fixed as this value. It is normally a negative number defining a time before P that no signal is likely to have an arrival before this relative time. :type correlation_window_start: float (default -3.0) """ alg = "MCXcorPrepP" if not isinstance(ensemble, TimeSeriesEnsemble): message = alg + ": Illegal type={} for arg0\n".format(type(ensemble)) message += "Must be a TimeSeriesEnsemble object" raise TypeError(message) if ensemble.dead(): return [ensemble, TimeSeries()] if model is None: model = TauPyModel(model="iasp91") if not isinstance(noise_window, TimeWindow): message = alg + ": Illegal type={} for arg1\n".format(type(noise_window)) message += "Must be a TimeWindow object" raise TypeError(message) # first sort out the issue of the passband to use for this # analysis. Use kwargs if they are defined but otherwise assume # we extract what we need from the output of `broadband_snr_QC`. # effectively a declaration to keep these from going away when they # go out of scope f_low = 0.0 f_high = 0.0 if low_f_corner or high_f_corner: if low_f_corner and high_f_corner: f_low = low_f_corner f_high = high_f_corner if f_high <= f_low: message = ( alg + ": Inconsistent input. low_f_corner={} and high_f_corner={}\n".format( low_f_corner, high_f_corner ) ) message += "low_f_corner value is greater than high_f_corner value" raise ValueError(message) else: message = ( alg + ": Inconsistent input. low_f_corner={} and high_f_corner={}\n".format( low_f_corner, high_f_corner ) ) message += "If you specify one you must specify the other" raise ValueError(message) else: [f_low, f_high, nused] = estimate_ensemble_bandwidth( ensemble, snr_doc_key=snr_doc_key, ) if (f_low == 0) or (f_high == 0): message = "estimate_ensemble_bandwidth failed\n" message += "Either all members are dead or data were not previously processed with broadband_snr_QC" ensemble.elog.log_error(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Invalid) ensemble.kill() return [ensemble, TimeSeries()] enswork = filter( ensemble, type="bandpass", freqmin=f_low, freqmax=f_high, corners=npoles, ) # using a list like this creates this odd construct but docstring (should at least) advise againtst # changing these enswork[filter_parameter_keys[0]] = f_low enswork[filter_parameter_keys[1]] = f_high enswork[filter_parameter_keys[2]] = npoles if set_phases: for i in range(len(enswork.member)): # this handles dead data so don't test for life enswork.member[i] = _set_phases( enswork.member[i], model, Ptime_key=Ptime_key, pPtime_key=pPtime_key, PPtime_key=PPtime_key, station_collection=station_collection, ) if number_live(enswork) == 0: message = "_set_phases killed all members of this ensemble\n" message += "station_collection is probably incorrect or the data have not been normalized for source and receiver coordinates" enswork.elog.log_error(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Invalid) enswork.kill() return [enswork, TimeSeries()] # if set_phases is False we assume P, pP, and/or PP times were previously # set. First make sure all data are in relative time with 0 as P time. # kill any datum for which P is not defined for i in range(len(enswork.member)): d = enswork.member[i] if if d.is_defined(Ptime_key): Ptime = d[Ptime_key] if d.time_is_relative(): d.rtoa() d.ator(Ptime) else: message = ( "Required key={} defining P arrival time is not defined\n".format( Ptime_key ) ) message += "Cannot process this datum without a P wave time value" d.elog.log_error(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Invalid) d.kill() enswork.member[i] = d # now get coda durations and set the correlation window as median of # the coda durations coda_duration = [] # coda estimates are placed here search_range = [] # use this to set ranges - duration limited to min of these for d in enswork.member: if sr = _get_search_range(d) sr *= search_window_fraction search_range.append(sr) # compute a noise estimate without being too dogmatic about # window range if d.t0 < noise_window.start: nw = TimeWindow(d.t0, noise_window.end) else: nw = TimeWindow(noise_window) nd = WindowData(d, nw.start, nw.end, short_segment_handling="truncate") # silently skip any datum for which the WindowData algorithm fails # can happen if the noise window does not overlap with data if nd.dead(): continue if noise_metric == "rms": namp = RMSAmplitude(nd) elif noise_metric == "peak": namp = PeakAmplitude(nd) else: # silently default to MAD - maybe should log an error to ensemble or throw an exception namp = MADAmplitude(nd) coda_window = _coda_duration(d, coda_level_factor, search_start=sr) # silently drop any retun value less than the floor defined # by minimum_coda_duration duration = coda_window.end - coda_window.start if duration > minimum_coda_duration: coda_duration.append(duration) if len(coda_duration) == 0: message = "Calculation of correlation window from the envelop of filtered ensemble members failed\n" message += "No data detected with signal level in the passband above the floor value={}\n".format( coda_level_factor ) message += "noise_window range or value of floor value are likely inconsistent with the data\n" message += "Killing this ensemble" enswork.elog.log_error(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Invalid) enswork.kill() return [enswork, TimeSeries()] correlation_window_endtime = np.median(coda_duration) # relative time min_range = np.min(search_range) min_range *= search_window_fraction if correlation_window_endtime > min_range: correlation_window_endtime = min_range beam0 = extract_initial_beam_estimate( enswork, metric=initial_beam_metric, subdoc_key=snr_doc_key, ) beam0["correlation_window_start"] = correlation_window_start beam0["correlation_window_end"] = correlation_window_endtime # finally use the low frequency band limit to set a default range # for the robust window rw = _compute_default_robust_window(f_low) # fudge this one sample to avoid a roundoff error on starttime computations beam0["robust_window_start"] = correlation_window_start + beam0.dt # make sure the end isn't larger than the correlation window end if rw.end < correlation_window_endtime: beam0["robust_window_end"] = rw.end else: # similar fudge by one sample for endtime beam0["robust_window_end"] = correlation_window_endtime - beam0.dt return [enswork, beam0]
[docs]def dbxcor_weights(ensemble, stack, residual_norm_floor=0.1): """ Computes the robust weights used originally in dbxcor for each member of ensemble. Result is returned in a parallel numpy array (i.e. return[i] is computed weight for ensemble.member[i]) This function is made for speed and has no safeties. It assumes all the members of ensemble are the same and it is the same length as stack. It will throw an exception if that is violated so callers should guarantee that does not happen. This function adds a feature not found in the original Pavlis and Vernon(2011) paper via the `residual_norm_floor` argument. Experience with this algorithm showed it tends to converge to a state with very high weights on one or two signals and low weights on the rest. The high weights are given to the one or two signals most closely matching the stack at convergence. This has the undesirable effect of causing a strong initial value dependence and suboptimal noise reduction. This argument handles that by not allowing the L2 norm of the residual to fall below a floor computed from the ratio ||r||/||d||. i.e. if ||r|| < residual_norm_floor*||d|| it is set to the value passed as `residual_norm_floor`. Note that setting this to 1.0 effectively turns off the residual norm term in the weight equation which I now recognize is the cross-correlation of the beam and datum at zero lag. That is true, however, only if the ensemble members are all time aligned perfectly. Returns a numpy vector of weights. Any dead data will have a weight of -1.0 (test for negative is sufficient). In addition the function has a safety to handle receiving a vector of all zeros. If the function detects all 0s for a datum marked live it will silently return a weight of 0 for that datum. :param ensemble: `TimeSeriesEnsemble` of data from which weights are to be computed. :type ensemble: Assumed to be a `TimeSeriesEnsemble`. No type checking is done so if input is wrong an exception will occur but what is thown will depend on what ensemble actually is. :param stack: TimeSeries containing stack to be used to compute weights. The method returns robust weights relative to the vector of data in this object. :type stack: `TimeSeries`. :param residual_norm_floor: nondimensional floor in the ratio norm2(r)/norm2(d) used as described above. Default is 0.1 which is reasonable for high snr signals. Data with irregular quality can profit from smaller values of this parameter. :type residual_norm_floor: float :return: numpy vector of weights parallel with ensemble.member. Dead members will have a negative weight in this vector. """ norm_floor = np.finfo(np.float32).eps * stack.npts N = len(ensemble.member) wts = np.zeros(N) r = np.zeros(stack.npts) # Scale the scack vector to be a unit vector s_unit = np.array( nrm_s = np.linalg.norm( s_unit /= nrm_s N_s = len(s_unit) for i in range(N): if ensemble.member[i].dead(): wts[i] = -1.0 else: N_d = ensemble.member[i].npts if N_d == N_s: d_dot_stack =[i].data, s_unit) r = ensemble.member[i].data - d_dot_stack * s_unit else: # handle off by one errors silently # with usage here should that is possible but larger differences are not likely N2use = min(N_d, N_s) d_dot_stack =[i].data[0:N2use], s_unit[0:N2use]) r = ensemble.member[i].data[0:N2use] - d_dot_stack * s_unit[0:N2use] nrm_r = np.linalg.norm(r) nrm_d = np.linalg.norm(ensemble.member[i].data) if nrm_d < norm_floor: # this is a test for all zeros # Give zero weight in this situation wts[i] = 0.0 elif nrm_r / nrm_d < residual_norm_floor: denom = residual_norm_floor * nrm_d * nrm_d wts[i] = abs(d_dot_stack) / denom # this attempts to duplicate dbxcor # if nrm_r < norm_floor or nrm_d < norm_floor or abs(d_dot_stack) < norm_floor: # wts[i] = residual_norm_floor else: denom = nrm_r * nrm_d # dbxcor has logic to avoid an nan from a machine 0 # denom. Not needed her because of conditional chain here wts[i] = abs(d_dot_stack) / denom # rescale weights so largest is 1 - easier to understand maxwt = np.max(wts) wts /= maxwt return wts
[docs]def regularize_ensemble( ensemble, starttime, endtime, pad_fraction_cutoff ) -> TimeSeriesEnsemble: """ Secondary function to regularize an ensemble for input to robust stacking algorithm. ASsumes all data have the same sample rate. Uses WindowData to assumre all data are inside the common range startime:endtime. Silently drops dead data. """ ensout = TimeSeriesEnsemble(Metadata(ensemble), len(ensemble.member)) if ensemble.elog.size() > 0: ensout.elog = ensemble.elog for i in range(len(ensemble.member)): d = ensemble.member[i] if if ( np.fabs((d.t0 - starttime)) > d.dt or np.fabs(d.endtime() - endtime) > d.dt ): d = WindowData_autopad( d, starttime, endtime, pad_fraction_cutoff=pad_fraction_cutoff, ) if message = "Dropped member number {} because undefined data range exceeded limit of {}\n".format( i, pad_fraction_cutoff ) ensout.member.append(d) else: ensout.member.append(d) else: message = "Dropped member number {} that was marked dead on input".format(i) ensout.elog.log_error( "regularize_ensemble", message, ErrorSeverity.Complaint ) if len(ensout.member) > 0: ensout.set_live() return ensout
[docs]def robust_stack( ensemble, method="dbxcor", stack0=None, stack_md=None, timespan_method="ensemble_inner", pad_fraction_cutoff=0.05, residual_norm_floor=0.01, ) -> tuple: """ Generic function for robust stacking live members of a `TimeSeriesEnsemble`. An optional initial stack estimate can be used via tha stack0 argument. The function currently supports two methods: "median" for a median stack and "dbxcor" to implement the robust loss function used in the dbxcor program defined in Pavlis and Vernon (2010). Other algorithms could easily be implemented via this same api by adding an option for the "method" argument. All robust estimators I am aware of that use some form of penalty function (e.g. m-estimators or the dbxcor penalty function) require an initial estimator for the stack. They do that because the penalty function is defined from a metric of residuals relative to the current estimate of center. The median, however, does not require an initial estimator which complicates the API for this function. For the current options understand that stack0 is required for the dbxcor algorithm but will be ignored if median is requested. The other complication of this function is handling of potential irregular time ranges of the ensemble input and how to set the time range for the output. The problem is further complicated by use in an algorithm like `align_and_stack` in this module where the data can get shifted to have undefined data within the time range the data aims to utilize. The behavior of the algorithm for this issue is controlled by the kwarg values with the keys "timespan_method" and "pad_fraction_cutoff". As the name imply "timespan_method" defines how the time span for the stack should be defined. The following options are supported: "stack0" - sets the time span to that of the input `TimeSeries` passed as stack0. i.e. the range is set to stack0.dt to stack0.endtime(). "ensemble_inner" - (default) use the range defined by the "inner" method for computing the range with the function `ensemble_time_range`. (see `ensemble_time_range` docstring for the definition). "ensemble_outer" - use the range defined by the "outer" method for computing the range with the function `ensemble_time_range`. (see `ensemble_time_range` docstring for the definition). "ensemble_median" - use the range defined by the "median" method for computing the range with the function `ensemble_time_range`. (see `ensemble_time_range` docstring for the definition). These interact with the value passed via "fractional_mismatch_level". When the time range computed is larger than the range of a particular member of the input ensemble this parameter determines whether or not the member will be used in the stack. If the fraction of undefined samples (i.e. N_undefined/Nsamp) is greater than this cutoff that datum will be ignored. Otherwise if there are undefined values they will be zero padded. :param ensemble: input data to be stacked. Should all be in relative time with all members having the same relative time span. :type ensemble: TimeSeriesEnsemble :param method: Defines a name string of the method to be used to compute the stack. :type method: string. Currently must be one of two values or the function will abort: "median" or "dbxcor". As the names imply "median" will cause the function to return the median of the sample vectors while "dbxcor" applies the dbxcor method. :param stack0: optional initial estimate for stack. Estimators other than median I know of use a loss function for downweighting members of the stack that do not match the stack as defined by some misfit metric. This argument can be used to input an optional starting estimate of the stack for the dbxcor method. By default it uses the median as the starting point, but this can be used to input something else. Note the function will silently ignore this argument if method == "median". :type stack0: TimeSeries. Note the time span of this optional input must be the same or wider than the ensemble member range defined by the (internal to this module) validate_ensemble function or the return will be return as a copy of this TimeSeries marked dead. Default for this argument is None which means the median will be used for the initial stack for dbxcor :param stack_md: optional Metadata container to define the content of the stack output. By default the output will have only Metadata that duplicate required internal attributes (e.g. t0 and npts). An exception is if stack0 is used the Metadata of that container will be copied and this argument will be ignored. :type stack_md: Metadata container or None. If stack0 is defined this argument is ignored. Otherwise it should be used to add whatever Metadata is required to provide a tag that can be used to identify the output. If not specified the stack Metadata will be only those produce from default construction of a TimeSeries. That is almost never what you want. Reiterate, however, that if stack0 is defined the output stack will be a clone of stack0 with possible modifications of time and data range attributes and anything the stack algorithm posts. :param residual_norm_floor: floor on residuals used to compute dbxcor weight function. See docstring for `dbxcor_weights` for details. Ignored unless method is "dbxcor" :type residual_norm_floor: float (default 0.01) :return: tuple containing the requested stack as component 0. The stack is returned as a `TimeSeries` with optional Metadata copied from the (optional) stack_md argument. Component 1 is defined only for the dbxcor method in which case it a numpy array containing th e robust weights returned by the dbxcor algorithm. If the method is set to "median" component 1 will be returned as a None type. """ alg = "robust_stack" # if other values for method are added they need to be added here if method not in ["median", "dbxcor"]: message = alg + ": Illegal value for argument method={}\n".format(method) message += "Currently must be either median or dbxcor" raise ValueError(message) # don't test type - if we get illegal type let it thro0w an exception if ensemble.dead(): d_bad = TimeSeries() message = "Received an input ensemble marked dead - cannot compute a stack" d_bad.elog.log_error(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Invalid) # this isn't currently required by better to be explicit d_bad.kill() return [d_bad, None] if timespan_method == "stack0": if stack0: # intentionally don't test type of stack0 # if not a TimeSeries this will throw an exception timespan = TimeWindow(stack0.t0, stack0.endtime()) else: message = alg + ": usage error\n" message += ( "timespan_method was set to stack0 but the stack0 argument is None\n" ) message += "stack0 must be a TimeSeries to use this option" raise ValueError(message) elif timespan_method == "ensemble_inner": timespan = ensemble_time_range(ensemble, metric="inner") elif timespan_method == "ensemble_outer": timespan = ensemble_time_range(ensemble, metric="outer") elif timespan_method == "ensemble_median": timespan = ensemble_time_range(ensemble, metric="median") else: message = alg + ": illegal value for argument timespan_method={}".format( timespan_method ) raise ValueError(message) # below we clone common stuff form member[0] if ensemble # that is safe only because this function guarantees member 0 is not dead # or irregular # TODO: removing this for a test - I don't think this is needed with a # change in the algorithm. If that proves true remove this function # from this module and remove this comment and the call to regularize_ensemble # ensemble = regularize_ensemble( # ensemble, timespan.start, timespan.end, pad_fraction_cutoff # ) # the above can remove some members M = number_live(ensemble) M_e = len(ensemble.member) # can now assume they are all the same length and don't need to worry about empty ensembles # N = ensemble.member[0].npts dt = ensemble.member[0].dt N = int((timespan.end - timespan.start) / dt) + 1 if stack0: stack = WindowData_autopad( stack0, timespan.start, timespan.end, pad_fraction_cutoff=pad_fraction_cutoff, ) if stack.dead(): message = "Received an initial stack estimate with time range inconsistent with data\n" message += "Recovery not implemented - stack returned is invalid" stack.elog.log_error("robust_stack", message, ErrorSeverity.Invalid) return [stack, None] else: # bit of a weird logic here - needed because we need option for # dbxcor method to use median stack as starting point or use # the input via stack0. This does that in what is admittedly a confusing way # # Also this is a bit of a weird trick using inheritance to construct a # TimeSeries object for stack using an uncommon constructor. # The actual constructor wants a BasicTimeSeries and Metadata as # arg0 and arg1. A TimeSeries is a sublass of BasicTimeSeries so this # resolves. Note the conditional is needed as None default for # stack_md would abort stack = TimeSeries(N) if stack_md: stack = TimeSeries(stack, stack_md) stack.t0 = timespan.start # this works because we can assume ensemble is not empty and clean stack.dt = ensemble.member[0].dt # Make sure the stack has the same time base as the input stack.tref = ensemble.member[0].tref # Always compute the median stack as a starting point # that was the algorithm of dbxcor and there are good reasons for it data_matrix = np.zeros(shape=[M, N]) ii = 0 for i in range(M_e): if ensemble.member[i].live: d = WindowData( ensemble.member[i], timespan.start, timespan.end, short_segment_handling="pad", ) # this makes this bombproof. Subject otherwise to # subsample t0 rounding ambiguity N2use = min(N, d.npts) data_matrix[ii, 0:N2use] = np.array([0:N2use]) ii += 1 stack_vector = np.median(data_matrix, axis=0) = DoubleVector(stack_vector) stack.set_live() if method == "median": return [stack, None] else: # since method can only be median or dbxcor at this point this # block is exectuted only when method=="dbxcor" # this works because _dbxcor returns a tuple of the right form return _dbxcor_stacker( ensemble, stack, residual_norm_floor=residual_norm_floor, )
def _dbxcor_stacker( ensemble, stack0, eps=0.001, maxiterations=20, residual_norm_floor=0.1, ) -> tuple: """ Runs the dbxcor robust stacking algorithm on `enemble` with initial stack estimate stack0. Returns a tuple with the stack as component 0 and a numpy vector of the final robust weights as component 1. This function is intended to be used only internally in this module as it has no safties and assumes ensemble and stack0 are what it expects. :param ensemble: TimeSeriesEnsemble assumed to have constant data range and sample interval and not contain any dead data. :param stack0: TimeSeries of initial stack estimate - assumed to have same data vector length as all ensemble members. :param eps: relative norm convergence criteria. Stop iteration when norm(delta stack data)/norm(<eps. :param maxiterations: maximum number of iterations (default 20) :param residual_norm_floor: floor on residuals used to compute dbxcor weight function. See docstring for `dbxcor_weights` for details. :type residual_norm_floor: float (default 0.01) """ stack = TimeSeries(stack0) # useful shorthands N = stack0.npts M = len(ensemble.member) wts = None # needed to keep this symbol from going out of scope before return for i in range(maxiterations): # this requires stack0 not be altered in this function wts = dbxcor_weights(ensemble, stack0, residual_norm_floor=residual_norm_floor) # newstack = np.zeros(N) # this is just a fast way to initalize to 0s stack.set_npts(N) sumwts = 0.0 for j in range(M): if ensemble.member[j].live and wts[j] > 0.0: d = TimeSeries(ensemble.member[j]) d *= wts[j] stack += d sumwts += wts[j] if sumwts > 0.0: stack *= 1.0 / sumwts else: message = "all ensemble members are dead - cannot compute a stack" stack.elog.log_error("_dbxcor_stacker", message, ErrorSeverity.Invalid) stack.kill() return [stack, wts] # newstack /= sumwts # order may matter here. In this case delta becomes a numpy # array which is cleaner in this context # delta = newstack - delta = stack - stack0 relative_delta = np.linalg.norm( / np.linalg.norm( # normalize by sample size or there is a window length dependency relative_delta /= N # update stack here so if we break loop we don't have to repeat # this copying. Force one iteration to make this a do-while loop # newstack is a numpy vector so this cast is necesary stack0 = stack if i > 0 and relative_delta < eps: break return [stack, wts]
[docs]def beam_align(ensemble, beam, window=None, time_shift_limit=10.0): """ Aligns ensemble members using signal defined by beam (arg1) argument. Computes cross correlation between each ensemble member and the beam. An optional window can be specified that is applied to each ensemble member before computing the cross correlation function. All live ensemble members are shifted to align with time base of the beam. Note that can be a huge shift if the beam is relative and the ensemble members are absolute time. It should work in that context but the original context was aligning common-source gathers for teleseismic phase alignment where the expectation is all the ensemble members and the beam are in relative time with 0 defined by some estimate of the phase arrival time. Will correctly handle irregular window sizes between ensemble members and beam signal. It is important to recognize that if the window option is used it is applied only internally. In that situation the output will be time shifted but the number of samples of each member will be the same. :param ensemble: ensemble of data to be correlated with beam data. :type ensemble: assumed to be a TimeSeriesEnsemble :param beam: common signal to correlate with ensemble members. :type beam: assumed to be a TimeSeries object :param window: optional window to apply to ensemble members before computing cross correlation. :type window: :py:class:`mspasspy.ccore.algorithms.basic.TimeWindow` :param time_shift_limit: ceiling on allowed time shift for ensemble members. Any computed shift with absolute value larger than this value will be reset to this value with the sign of the shift preserved. (i.e. a negative lag will be set to the negative of this number). The default is 10.0 which is large for most data more or less making this an optional parameter. :type time_shift_limit: float (may abort if you use an int because the value can to sent to a C++ method that it type sensitive) :return: copy of ensemble with the members time shifted to align with the time base of beam. Note if a window is defined it is not applied to the ensemble members. """ # this may not be necessary for internal use but if used # externally it is necessary to avoid mysterious results # we don't test ensemble or beam because exceptions are # guaranteed in that case that should allow problem solving if time_shift_limit < 0.0: message = "beam_align: illegal value time_shift_limit={}\n".format( time_shift_limit ) message += "value must be positive" raise ValueError(message) for i in range(len(ensemble.member)): d = TimeSeries(ensemble.member[i]) # in this context not needed but tiny cost for robustness if if window: d = WindowData( d, window.start, window.end, short_segment_handling="truncate", ) if d.dead(): # this should rarely if ever happen but safety prudent # in this case the return will have truncated length for this datum ensemble.member[i] = d continue timelag = _xcor_shift(d, beam) # apply a ceiling/floor to allowed time shift via # the time_shift_limit arg if timelag > time_shift_limit: timelag = time_shift_limit elif timelag < (-time_shift_limit): timelag = -time_shift_limit # We MUST use this method instead of dithering t0 to keep # absolute time right. This will fail if the inputs were # not shifted from UTC times # also note a +lag requires a - shift ensemble.member[i].shift(timelag) return ensemble
[docs]def align_and_stack( ensemble, beam, correlation_window=None, correlation_window_keys=["correlation_window_start", "correlation_window_end"], window_beam=True, robust_stack_window=None, robust_stack_window_keys=["robust_window_start", "robust_window_end"], robust_stack_method="dbxcor", use_median_initial_stack=True, output_stack_window=None, robust_weight_key="robust_stack_weight", time_shift_key="arrival_time_correction", time_shift_limit=2.0, abort_irregular_sampling=False, convergence=0.01, residual_norm_floor=0.1, demean_residuals=True, ) -> tuple: """ This function uses an initial estimate of the array stack passed as the `beam` argument as a seed to a robust algorithm that will align all the data in the input ensemble by cross-correlation with the beam, apply a robust stack to the aligned signals, update the beam with the robust stack, and repeat until the changes to the beam signal are small. Returns a copy of the ensemble time shifted to be aligned with beam time base and an updated beam estimate crated by the robust stack. The shifts and the weights of each input signal are stored in the Metadata of each live ensemble member returned with keys defined by `robust_weight_key` and `time_shift_key`. This function is a python implementation of the same basic algorithm used in the dbxcor program described by Pavlis and Vernon(2010) Array Processing of teleseismic body waves with the USArray, Computers and Geosciences,15, 910-920. It has additional options made possible by the python interface and integration into MsPASS. In particular, the original algorithm was designed to work as part of a GUI where the user had to pick a set of required parameters for the algorithm. In this function those are supplied through Metadata key-value pairs and/or arguments. This function uses a pythonic approach aimed to allow this function to be run in batch without user intervention. The original dbxcor algorithm required four interactive picks to set the input. The way we set them for this automated algorithm is described in the following four itemize paragraphs: 1. The "correlation window", which is the waveform segment used to compute cross-correlations between the beam and all ensmebled members, is set one of three ways. The default uses the time window defined by the starttime and endtime of the `beam` signal as the cross-correlation window. Alternative, this window can be specified either by fetching values from the `Metadata` container of beam or via the `correlation_window` argument. The algorithm first tests if `correlation_window` is set and is an instance of a `TimeWindow` object. If the type of the argument is not a `TimeWindow` object an error is logged and the program reverts to using the span of the beam signal as the correlation window. If `correlation_window` is a None (default) the algorithm then checks for a valid input via the `correlation_window_keys` argument. If defined that argument is assumed to contain a pair of strings that can be used as keys to fetch start (component 0) and end times (component 1) from the Metadata container of the TimeSeries objct passed via beam. For example, ``` correlation_window_keys = ['correlation_start','correlation_end'] ``` would cause the function to attempt to fetch the start time with "correlation_start" and end time with "correlation_end". In the default both `correlation_window` and `correlation_window_keys` are None which cause the function to silently use the window defined as [beam.t0, beam.endtime()] as the correlation winow. If the optional boolean `window_beam` argument is set True the function will attempt to window the beam using a range input via either of the optional methods of setting the correlation window. An error is logged and nothing happens if `window_beam` is set True and the default use of the beam window is being used. 2. The "robust window" is a concept used in dbxcor to implement a special robust stacking algorithm that is a novel feature of the dbxcor algorithm. It uses a very aggresssive weighting scheme to downweight signals that do not match the beam. The Pavlis and Vernon paper shows examples of how this algorithm can cleanly handle ensembles with a mix of high signal-to-noise data with pure junk and produce a clean stack that is defined. Note recent experience has shown that with large, consistent ensembles the dbxcor robust estimate tends to converge to the focus on the signal closestbeam_correlation to the median stack. The reason is that the median stack is always used as the initial estimator. Hence, it can be thought of as a median stack that uses the full data set more completely. 3. dbxcor required the user to pick a seed signal to use as the initial beam estimate. That approach is NOT used here but idea is to have some estimate passed to the algorithm via the beam (arg1) argument. In MsPASS the working model is to apply the broadband_snr_QC function to the data before running this function and select the initial seed (beam) from one or more of the computed snr metrics. In addition, with this approach I envision a two-stage computation where the some initial seed is used for a first pass. The return is then used to revise the correlation window by examining stack coherence metrics and then rerunning the algorithm. The point is it is a research problem for different types of data to know how to best handle the align and stack problem. 4. dbxcor had a final stage that required picking the arrival time to use as the reference from the computed beam trace. That is actually necessary if absolute times are needed because the method used will be biased by the time shift of the beam relative to the reference time. See the Pavlis and Vernon paper for more on this topic. The idea here is that if absolute times are needed some secondary processing will be used to manually or automatically pick an arrival time from the beam output. This function does some consistency checking of arguments to handle the different modes for handling the correlation and robust windows noted above. It also applies a series of validation tests on the input ensemble before attempting to run. Any of the following will cause the return to be a dead ensemble with an explanation in the elog container of the ensemble (in these situation the stack is an empty `TimeSeries` container): 1. Irregular sample intervals of live data. 2. Any live data with the time reference set to UTC 3. Inconsistency of the time range of the data and the time windows parsed for the correlation and robust windows. That is, it checks the time span of all member functions and if the time range of all members (min of start time and maximum end times). is not outside (inclusive) the range of the correlation and robust windows it is viewed as invalid. 4. What we called the "robust window" in the dbxcor paper isextract_input_beam_estimate required to be inside (inclusive of endpoints) the cross-correlation window time window. That could be relaxed but is a useful constraint because in my (glp) experience the most coherent part of phase arrivals is the first few cycles of the phase that is also the part cross-correlation needs to contain if it is to be stable. The "robust window" should be set to focus on the section of the signal that will have the most coherent stack. There is a further complexity in the iteration sequence used by this algorithm for any robust stack method. That is, time shifts computed by cross-correlation can potentially move the correlation window outside the bounds of the data received as input. To reduce the impact of that potential problem the function has an optional argument called `time_shift_limit` that is validated against other inputs. In particular, the function computes the average start and end time (keep in mind the assumption is the time base is time relative to the arrival time a particular phase) of the input ensemble. If the difference between the average start time and the correlation window start time is less than `time_shift_limit` the input is viewed as problematic. How that is handled depends on how the correlation window is set. If it is received as constant (`correlation_window` argument) an exception will be thrown to abort the entire job. It that window is extracted from the beam TimeSeries Metadata container a complaint is logged to the outputs. An endtime inconsistency is treated the same way. i.e. it is treated as a problem if the average ensemble endtime - the correlation window endtime is less than the `time_shift_limit`. A related issue is that arrival times estimated by this algorithm will be biased by the model mismatch with whatever signal was used as the initial beam estimae. In dbxcor that was handled by forcing the user to manually pick the first arrival of the computed stack. That could be done if desired but would require you to devise a scheme to do that picking. The default here is handled by the boolean parameter demean_residuals. When True (the default) the vector of computed time shifts is corrected by the mean value of the group. Note that is common practice in regional tomography inversion anyway. For reasonable sized ensembles it will tend to yield data that when aligned by arrival time are all close to 0 relative time. Note the output stack normally spans a different time range than either the correlation or robust windows. That property is defined by the `output_stack_window` argument. See below for details. :param ensemble: ensemble of data to be aligned and stacked. This function requires all data to be on a relative time base. It will throw a MsPASSError exception if any live datum has a UTC time base. The assumption is all data have a time span that have the correlation and robust windows inside the data time range. Both windows are carved from the inputs using the WindowData function which will kill any members that do not satisfy this requirement. :type ensemble: `TimeSeriesEnsemble` with some fairly rigid requirements. (see above) :param beam: Estimate of stack (may be just one representative member) used as the seed for initial alignment and stacking. :type beam: `TimeSeries`. Must have a length consistent with window parameters. :param correlation_window: Used to specify the time window for computing cross-correlations with the beam signal. Closely linked to `correlation_window_keys` as described above. :type correlation_window: `TimeWindow` to define explicitly. If None (default) uses the recipe driven by `correlation_window_keys` (see above) :param correlation_window_keys: optional pair of Metadata keys used to extract cross-correlation window attributes from beam Metadata container. If defined component 0 is taken as the key for the start time of the window and component 1 the key for the end time. :type correlation_window_key: iterable list containing two strings. Default is None which is taken to mean the span of the beam signal defines the cross-correlation window. :param window_beam: if True (default) the parsed cross-correlation window attributes are applied to the beam signal as well as the data before starting processing. If False the beam signal is used directly in all cross-correlations. Set False only if you can be sure secondary phases are not present in the unwindowed input. :param robust_stack_window: Provide an explicity `TimeWindow` used for extracting the robust window for this algorithm. Interacts with the robust_stack_window_keys argument as described above. :type robust_stack_window: If defined must be a `TimeWindow` object. If a None type (default) use the logic defined above to set this time window. :param robust_stack_window_keys: specifies a pair of strings to be used as keys to extract the strart time (component 0) and end time (component 1) of the robust time window to use from the beam `TimeSeries. :type robust_stack_window_keys: iterable list of two strings :param output_stack_window: optional `TimeWindow` to apply to the computed robust stack output. Default returns a stack spanning the inner range of all live members of the ensemble. :type output_stack_window: `TimeWindow` object. If None (default) the range is derived from the ensemble member time ranges. :param robust_weight_key: The robust weight used for each member to compute the robust stack output is posted to the Metadata container of each live member with this key. :type robust_weight_key: string :param robust_stack_method: keyword defining the method textract_input_beam_estimateo use for computing the robust stack. Currently accepted value are: "dbxcor" (default) and "median". :type robust_stack_method: string - must be one of options listed above. :param use_median_initial_stack: If True (default) use the median stack as the initial estimate of the stack in the first iterative pass. When False the signal in the `TimeSeries` passed via the "beam" argument is used for the initial estimate. :param time_shift_key: the time shift applied relative to the starting point is posted to each live member with this key. It is IMPORTANT to realize this is the time for this pass. If thisextract_input_beam_estimatefunctions is applied more than once and you reuse this key the shift from the previous run will be overwritten. If you need to accumulate shifts it needs to be handled outside this function. :type time_shift_key: string (default "arrival_time_correction") :param convergence: fractional change in robust stack estimates in iterative loop to define convergence. This should not be changed unless you deeply understand the algorithm. :type convergence: real number (default 0.001) :param time_shift_limit: when time shifting data with the cross correlation algorithm any estimated time shift larger than this value will be truncated to this value with the sign of th shift preserved. :type time_shift_limit: float :param abort_irregular_sampling: boolean that controls error handling of data with irregular sample rates. This function uses a generous test for sample rate mismatch. A mismatch is detected only if the computed time skew over the time span of the input beam signal is more than 1/2 of the beam sample interval (beam.dt). When set true the function will abort with a ValueError exception if any ensemble member fails the sample interval test. If False (the default) offending ensemble members are killed and a message is posted. Note the actual ensemble is modified so the return may have fewer data live than the input when this mode is enabled. :type abort_irregular_sampling: boolean :param residual_norm_floor: floor on residuals used to compute dbxcor weight function. See docstring for `dbxcor_weights` for details. :type residual_norm_floor: float (default 0.01) :param demean_residuals: boolean controlling if the computed shifts are corrected with a demean operation. Default is True which means the set of all time shifts computed by this function will have zero mean. :return: tuple with 0 containing the original ensemble but time shifted by cross-correlation. Failed/discarded signals for the stack are not killed but should be detected by not having the time shift Metadata value set. component 1 is the computed stack windowed to the range defined by `stack_time_window`. """ alg = "align_and_stack" # xcor ensemble has the initial start time posted to each # member using this key - that content goes away because # xcorens has function scope it0_key = "_initial_t0_value_" ensemble_index_key = "_ensemble_i0_" # maximum iterations. could be passed as an argument but I have # never seen this algorithm not converge in 20 interation MAXITERATION = 20 # Enformce types of ensemble and beam if not isinstance(ensemble, TimeSeriesEnsemble): message = alg + ": illegal type for arg0 (ensemble) = {}\n".format( str(type(ensemble)) ) message += "Must be a TimeSeriesEnsemble" raise TypeError(message) if not isinstance(beam, TimeSeries): message = alg + ": illegal type for arg1 (beam) = {}\n".format(str(type(beam))) message += "Must be a TimeSeries" raise TypeError(message) if ensemble.dead(): return [ensemble, beam] if beam.dead(): message = "ensemble was marked live but beam input was marked dead - cannot process this ensemble" ensemble.elog.log_error(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Invalid) ensemble.kill() return [ensemble, beam] ensemble = regularize_sampling(ensemble, beam.dt, Nsamp=beam.npts) if ensemble.dead(): return [ensemble, beam] # we need to make sure this is part of a valid set of algorithms if robust_stack_method not in ["dbxcor", "median"]: message = "Invalid value for robust_stack_method={}. See docstring".format( robust_stack_method ) raise ValueError(message) # This section implements the somewhat complex chain of options for # setting the correlation window xcor_window_is_defined = False # needed for parsing logic below # when this value is True window constraint errors cause the beam returned to be killed # with error messages. If set in parsers to False an exception is thrown # as in that situation both windows would be set as arguments and the function would # always fail windows_extracted_from_metadata = True if correlation_window: if isinstance(correlation_window, TimeWindow): xcorwin = correlation_window xcor_window_is_defined = True windows_extracted_from_metadata = False else: message = "Illegal type for correlation_window={}\m".format( str(type(correlation_window)) ) message += "For this option must be a TimeWindow object" raise TypeError(message) elif correlation_window_keys: # this is a bit dogmatic - I know there is a less restrictive # test than this if isinstance(correlation_window_keys, list): skey = correlation_window_keys[0] ekey = correlation_window_keys[1] if beam.is_defined(skey) and beam.is_defined(ekey): stime = beam[skey] etime = beam[ekey] else: message0 = "missing one or both of correlation_window_keys\n" if beam.is_defined(skey): stime = beam[skey] else: message = ( message0 + "start time key={} is not set in beam signal\n".format(skey) ) message += "reverting to beam signal start time" ensemble.elog.log_error(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Complaint) stime = beam.t0 if beam.is_defined(ekey): etime = beam[ekey] else: message = ( message0 + "end time key={} is not set in beam signal\n".format(ekey) ) message += "reverting to beam signal endtime() method output" ensemble.elog.log_error(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Complaint) etime = beam.endtime() xcorwin = TimeWindow(stime, etime) xcor_window_is_defined = True else: message = "Illegal type={} for correlation_window_keys argument\n".format( str(type(correlation_window_keys)) ) message += "If defined must be a list with 2 component string used as keys" raise TypeError(message) else: # it isn't considered an error to land here as this is actually the default # note it is important in the logic that xcor_window_is_defined be # left false xcorwin = TimeWindow(beam.t0, beam.endtime()) windows_extracted_from_metadata = False if xcor_window_is_defined and window_beam: beam = WindowData( beam, xcorwin.start, xcorwin.end, short_segment_handling="truncate" ) # this shouldn't happen but requires an exit if it did if beam.dead(): return [ensemble, beam] # now a simpler logic to handle robust window if robust_stack_window: if isinstance(robust_stack_window, TimeWindow): rwin = robust_stack_window windows_extracted_from_metadata = False else: message = "Illegal type for robust_stack_window={}\m".format( str(type(robust_stack_window)) ) message += "when using robust_stack_window option value passed must be a TimeWindow object" raise ValueError(message) elif robust_stack_window_keys: # this is a bit dogmatic - I know there is a less restrictive # test than this if isinstance(robust_stack_window_keys, list): skey = robust_stack_window_keys[0] ekey = robust_stack_window_keys[1] if beam.is_defined(skey) and beam.is_defined(ekey): stime = beam[skey] etime = beam[ekey] else: message = "missing one or both of robust_stack_window_keys\n" if beam.is_defined(skey): stime = beam[skey] else: message += "start time key={} is not set in beam signal\n".format( skey ) message += "reverting to beam signal start time" ensemble.elog.log_error(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Complaint) stime = beam.t0 if beam.is_defined(ekey): etime = beam[ekey] else: message += "endtime key={} is not set in beam signal\n".format(ekey) message += "reverting to beam signal endtime() method output" ensemble.elog.log_error(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Complaint) etime = beam.endtime() rwin = TimeWindow(stime, etime) else: message = "Illegal type={} for robust_stack_window_keys argument\n".format( str(type(robust_stack_window_keys)) ) message += "If defined must be a list with 2 component string used as keys" raise ValueError(message) else: message = "Must specify either a value for robust_stack_window or robust_stack_window_keys - both were None" raise ValueError(message) # Validate the ensemble # First verify the robust window is inside the correlation window (inclusive of edges) # reset to xcor range limits if wrong if not (rwin.start >= xcorwin.start and rwin.end <= xcorwin.end): message = ( "Cross correlation window and robust window intervals are not consistent\n" ) message += ( "Cross-correlation window: {}->{}. Robust window: {}->{}\n".format( xcorwin.start, xcorwin.end, rwin.start, rwin.end ) ) message += ( "Robust window interval should be within bounds of correlation window\n" ) if rwin.start < xcorwin.start: rwin.start = xcorwin.start if rwin.end > xcorwin.end: rwin.end = xcorwin.end message += "Robust window set to range {}->{}".format(rwin.start, rwin.end) beam.elog.log_error(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Complaint) ensemble_timespan = ensemble_time_range(ensemble, metric="median") if ensemble_timespan.start > xcorwin.start or ensemble_timespan.end < xcorwin.end: message = "Correlation window defined is not consistent with input ensemble\n" message += "Estimated ensemble time span is {} to {}\n".format( ensemble_timespan.start, ensemble_timespan.end ) message += "Correlation window time span is {} to {}\n".format( xcorwin.start, xcorwin.end ) message += "Correlation window range must be inside the data range" # we don't use the windows_extracted_from_metadata boolean and never throw # an exception in this case because data range depends upon each ensemble # so there is not always fail case beam.elog.log_error(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Invalid) beam.kill() return [ensemble, beam] # need this repeatedly so set it N_members = len(ensemble.member) # We need this Metadata posted to sort out total time # shifts needed for arrival time estimates for i in range(N_members): if ensemble.member[i].live: ensemble.member[i].put_double(it0_key, ensemble.member[i].t0) # above guarantees this cannot return a dead datum rbeam0 = WindowData(beam, rwin.start, rwin.end) nrm_rbeam = np.linalg.norm( for i in range(MAXITERATION): ensemble = beam_align( ensemble, beam, xcorwin, time_shift_limit=time_shift_limit ) rens = WindowData(ensemble, rwin.start, rwin.end, short_segment_handling="pad") # this clones the Metadata of beam for the output using the stack_md # parameter - this won't work without that because of how robust stack # is implemented. Note also that not passing an initial stack value # with the dbxcor method forces a median stack as the starting point rbeam, wts = robust_stack( rens, method=robust_stack_method, residual_norm_floor=residual_norm_floor, timespan_method="ensemble_median", stack_md=Metadata(rbeam0), ) delta_rbeam = rbeam - rbeam0 nrm_delta = np.linalg.norm( if nrm_delta / nrm_rbeam < convergence: break # this updates the always longer beam signal for correlation # use rbeam is used for convergence testing beam = _update_xcor_beam(ensemble, beam, robust_stack_method, wts) if beam.dead(): message = "all members were killed in robust stack estimation loop\n" message += "Stack estimation failed" beam.elog.log_error(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Invalid) return [ensemble, beam] rbeam0 = rbeam nrm_rbeam = np.linalg.norm( if i >= MAXITERATION: beam.kill() message = "robust_stack iterative loop did not converge" beam.elog.log_error(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Invalid) return [ensemble, beam] # apply time shifts to original ensemble that we will return # and set the value for the attribute defined by "time_shift_key" # argument. This has to be done here so we can properly cut the # window to be stacked # # first remove the average time shift if requested to get more # rational arrival times - otherwise will be biased by initial beam time if demean_residuals: allshifts = [] for i in range(len(ensemble.member)): if ensemble.member[i].live: initial_starttime = ensemble.member[i][it0_key] tshift = ensemble.member[i].t0 - initial_starttime allshifts.append(tshift) tshift_mean = np.average(allshifts) # debug print("Applying average time shift of ", tshift_mean) for i in range(len(ensemble.member)): if ensemble.member[i].live: # this method alters the t0 values of the ensemble members # when used plots will tend to be aligned with 0 relative time ensemble.member[i].shift(tshift_mean) for i in range(len(ensemble.member)): if ensemble.member[i].live: # in this context it0_key should always be defined # intentionally let it throw and exception if that assumption # is wrong as it implies a bug initial_starttime = ensemble.member[i][it0_key] tshift = ensemble.member[i].t0 - initial_starttime ensemble.member[i].put_double(time_shift_key, tshift) if output_stack_window: # this will clone the beam trace metadata automaticallyextract_input_beam_estimate # using pad option assures t0 will be output_stack_window.start # and npts is consistent with window requested output_stack = WindowData( beam, output_stack_window.start, output_stack_window.end, short_segment_handling="pad", ) # this is an obscure but fast way to initialize the data vector to all 0s output_stack.set_npts(output_stack.npts) else: # also clones beam metadata but in this case we get the size from the ensemble time span output_stack = TimeSeries(beam) output_stack_window = TimeWindow(ensemble_timespan) output_stack.set_t0(output_stack_window.start) npts = int((output_stack_window.end - output_stack_window.start) / beam.dt) + 1 output_stack.set_npts(npts) if robust_stack_method == "dbxcor": # We need to post the final weights to all live members wts = dbxcor_weights(rens, rbeam, residual_norm_floor=residual_norm_floor) for i in range(len(ensemble.member)): if ensemble.member[i].live and wts[i] > 0.0: ensemble.member[i].put(robust_weight_key, wts[i]) else: wts = None # this private function is used for forming the longer xcor beam but it works in this # context the same way. The only difference is the output_stack will normally be longer # than the signal used for cross-correlation output_stack = _update_xcor_beam(ensemble, output_stack, robust_stack_method, wts) return [ensemble, output_stack]
# these are intended to use only on the output from align_and stack
[docs]def beam_correlation(d, beam, window=None, aligned=True) -> float: """ Computes normalized peak cross-correlation value a datum with an array stack. Cross-correlation is a heavily used concept in seismology. This function is a specialized version designed to compute a peak cross correlation value between a datum and an array stack. The normal use is to call this function in a loop and post the results to each live member of the ensemble used to compute the beam. Note it is assumed beam and d are filtered in the same passband. Windowing is bombproof """ alg = beam_correlation if not isinstance(d, TimeSeries): message = alg message += ": arg0 must be a TimeSeries. Actual type={}".format(type(d)) raise TypeError(message) if not isinstance(beam, TimeSeries): message = alg message += ": arg0 must be a TimeSeries. Actual type={}".format(type(beam)) raise TypeError(message) # assume beam is live but don't assume d is if d.dead(): return 0.0 if window: d1 = WindowData(d, window.start, window.end, short_segment_handling="pad") d2 = WindowData(beam, window.start, window.end, short_segment_handling="pad") else: d1 = TimeSeries(d) d2 = TimeSeries(beam) nrm1 = np.linalg.norm( /= nrm1 nrm2 = np.linalg.norm( /= nrm2 if not aligned: timelag = _xcor_shift(d1, d2) d1.shift(timelag) t0max = max(d1.t0, d2.t0) etmin = min(d1.endtime(), d2.endtime()) d1s = d1.sample_number(t0max) d2s = d2.sample_number(t0max) d1e = d1.sample_number(etmin) d2e = d2.sample_number(etmin) # this may not be necessary but with rounding errors it could be needed N = min(d1e - d1s, d2e - d2s) xcor_0 =[0:N],[0:N]) return abs(xcor_0)
[docs]def beam_coherence(d, beam, window=None) -> float: """ Compute time-domain coherence of a datum relative to the stack. Time domain coherence is a measure of misfit between a signal and a a reference signal (normally a stack). The formula is 1.0 - norm(residual)/norm(beam) where residual=d-beam. This function has an optional window parameter that computes the coherence with a specified time window. By default the entire d and beam signals are used. The default is done cautiously by using windowing to the mininum overlap of the two signals (if they differ) """ alg = beam_correlation if not isinstance(d, TimeSeries): message = alg message += ": arg0 must be a TimeSeries. Actual type={}".format(type(d)) raise TypeError(message) if not isinstance(beam, TimeSeries): message = alg message += ": arg0 must be a TimeSeries. Actual type={}".format(type(beam)) raise TypeError(message) # assume beam is live but don't assume d is if d.dead() or beam.dead(): return 0.0 if window is None: st = min(d.t0, beam.t0) et = max(d.endtime(), beam.endtime()) window = TimeWindow(st, et) # Making a blatant assumption d and beam are on the same time base here d1 = WindowData(d, window.start, window.end, short_segment_handling="pad") d2 = WindowData(beam, window.start, window.end, short_segment_handling="pad") # return 0 immediately if the data vector is all zeros nrmd1 = np.linalg.norm( if nrmd1 <= 0.0: return 0.0 # make d2 a unit vector nrmd2 = np.linalg.norm( if nrmd2 <= 0.0: return 0.0 else: d2 *= 1.0 / nrmd2 # this may not be necessary but more robust - assumes window can # return inconsistent lengths due to subsample rounding issue N = min(d1.npts, d2.npts) amp =[0:N],[0:N]) d2 *= amp r = d1 - d2 coh = 1.0 - np.linalg.norm( / nrmd1 if coh < 0.0: coh = 0.0 return coh
[docs]def amplitude_relative_to_beam(d, beam, normalize_beam=True, window=None): """ Compute and return amplitude relative to the stack (beam). dbxcor computed a useful metric of amplitude relative to the beam (stack) as `(d dot beam)/N` where "dot" means vector dot product with between the sample vectbeam_coherence(d,beam,window=None,filter=True)ors of b and beam and N is vector size. The formula requires the beam to be normalized so its L2 norm is 1. By default it assumes that but that can be overriden with the normalize_beam argument. Default assumes d and beam cover the same time span. If they aren't the minimum overlap of the two signals is used. :param d: datum for which the relative amplitude is to be computed. :type d: `TimeSeries` assumed - will throw an exception if it isn't :param beam: stack with which it is to be compared. :type beam: `TimeSeries` assumed - will throw an exception if it isn't :param normalize_beam: If True (default) the windowed beam vector will be normalized to be a unit vector (i.e. L2 norm of 1.0) for the calculation. If False that will not be done and the vector in beam will be used directly. Use False ONLY if windowing is off and beam is already normalized. A minor efficiency gain is possible if beam is already normalized. :type normalize_beam: boolean :return: float value of amplitude. A negative number indicates an error. """ if d.dead() or beam.dead(): return -1.0 if window is None: st = min(d.t0, beam.t0) et = max(d.endtime(), beam.endtime()) window = TimeWindow(st, et) # Making a blatant assumption d and beam are on the same time base here d1 = WindowData(d, window.start, window.end, short_segment_handling="pad") d2 = WindowData(beam, window.start, window.end, short_segment_handling="pad") if normalize_beam: nrm_beam = np.linalg.norm( if nrm_beam <= 0.0: return -1.0 d2 *= 1.0 / nrm_beam # careful of subsample t0 value causing an off by one roundoff problem N = min(d1.npts, d2.npts) return[0:N],[0:N]) / float(N)
[docs]def phase_time( d, phase_time_key="Ptime", time_shift_key="arrival_time_correction" ) -> float: """ Small generic function to return a UTC arrival time combining an initial arrival time estimate (normally a model based time) defined by the "phase_time_key" metadata value extracted from d and the time shift computed by align_and_stack (or any other algorithm that computes relative time shifts) and set with the Metadata key defined by the "time_shift_key" argment. The defaults work for P phase times computed by `MCXcorPrepP` and shifts computed by `align_and_stack`. The computation here is trivial (just a difference) but the fluff is all the safeties in handling missing values. Returns -1.0 if any of the requried keys are missing. Returns -2.0 if d is not defined as UTC. That is basically a reminder this function only makes sense for data with a UTC time standard. """ phase_time = d.t0 if d.is_defined(phase_time_key) and d.is_defined(time_shift_key): phase_time = d[phase_time_key] + d[time_shift_key] return phase_time else: return -1.0
[docs]def post_MCXcor_metrics( d, beam, metrics={ "arrival_time": "Ptime_xcor", "cross_correlation": "beam_correlation", "coherence": "beam_coherence", "amplitude": "beam_relative_amplitude", }, window=None, phase_time_key="Ptime", time_shift_key="arrival_time_correction", ) -> TimeSeries: """ Computes and posts a set of standard QC metrics for result of multichannel cross-correlation algorithm. This function should be thought of as a post-processing function to standardize a set of useful calculations from the output of the multichannel cross-correlation algorithm. The default is set up for post processing teleseismic P wave data but with changes to the arguments it should be possible to use it for any teleseismic body wave phase. What is computed is controlled by the input parameter "metrics". "metrics" is expected to be a dictionary with the keys defining the concept of what is to be computed and posted and a "value" being the actual key to use for posting the computed value. Defaults for "metrics" are as follows the dictionary key in quotes at the start of each paragraph: - "arrival_time" - compute arrival time from posted initial time estimate and correlation time shift computed by `align_and_stack`. Uses the "phase_time_key" and "time_shift_key" to fetch required values. Default works for Pwave data processed with `align_and_stack`. Changes needed for other phases. - "cross_correlation" - compute cross correlation with respect to beam - "coherence" - compute time domain coherence with respect to beam - "amplitude" - compute amplitude of d relative to the beam. :param d: datum to be processed :type d: `TimeSeries` :param beam: array stack (beam) output of `align_and_stack` :type beam: `TimeSeries` :param metrics: defines what metrics should be computed ans posted (see above for options) :type metrics: python dictionary with one or more of the keys defined above. :param window: optional time window to use for computing specified metric(s). Windowing is normally applied for cross-correlation, coherence, and amplitude calculations (it is ignored for the time computation). If it is not defined behavior depends on the algorithm as the object is passed directly to functions used to compute correlation, coherence, and amplitude metrics. :type window: `TimeWindow` or None (default) :param phase_time_key: key used to fetch the initial phase time used for initial alignment for `align_and_stack` input. The assumption is the content is defined in d and when fetch is an epoch time defining the initial time shift for the given phase. Note it could be either a measured or model-based arrival time. :type phase_time_key: string (default "Ptime" which is default expectation used in `align_and_stack`) :param time_shift_key: key used to store the relative time shifts computed by `align_and_stack`. :type time_shift_key: string (default "arrival_time_correction" is the key used to post the cross-correlation shifts in `align_and_stack`) :return: copy of d `TimeSeries` with the requested metrics posted to the Metadata container of the output. """ # no safeties for d and beam type in this function because of stock use. # that maybe should be changed if "arrival_time" in metrics: atime = phase_time( d, time_shift_key=time_shift_key, phase_time_key=phase_time_key ) if atime > 0.0: key = metrics["arrival_time"] d[key] = atime if "cross_correlation" in metrics: xcor = beam_correlation(d, beam, window=window, aligned=True) key = metrics["cross_correlation"] d[key] = xcor if "coherence" in metrics: coh = beam_coherence(d, beam, window=window) key = metrics["coherence"] d[key] = coh if "amplitude" in metrics: amp = amplitude_relative_to_beam(d, beam, normalize_beam=True, window=window) key = metrics["amplitude"] d[key] = amp return d
[docs]def demean_residuals( ensemble, measured_time_key="Ptime_xcor", model_time_key="Ptime", residual_time_key="Presidual", corrected_measured_time_key="Pmeasured", center_method="median", center_estimate_key="Presidual_bias", kill_on_failure=False, ): """ Residuals measured by any method are always subject to a bias from Earth structure and earthquake location errors. With the MsPASS multichannel xcor algorithm there is an additional bias inherited from the choice of the initial beam estimate that can produce an even larger bias. This algorithm id designed to process an ensemble to remove and estimate of center from the residuals stored in the Metadata containers of the ensemble members. The arguments can be used to change the keys used to access attributes needed to compute the residual and store the result. The formula is trivial an with kwarg symbols is: residual_time_key = measured_time_key - model_time_key - bias where bias is the estimate of center computed from the vector of (uncorrected) residual extracted from the ensemble members. Each member of the ensemble where the measured and model times are defined will have a value set for the residual_time_key in the output. The actual estimate of bias will be posted to the output in the ensemble's Mewtadata container with the key defined by the argument "center_estimate_key". Note the corrected (by estimate of center that is) measured phase arrival time will be stored in each member with the key defined by the "corrected_measured_time_key" argument. By default that is a different key than measured_time_key but some many want to make measured_time_key==corrected_measured_time_key to reduce complexity. That is allowed but is a choice not a requirement. Again, default will make a new entry for the corrected value. :param ensemble: ensemble object to be processed. Assumes the members have defined values for the keys defined by the "measured_time_key" and "model_time_key". :type ensemble: :py:class:`mspasspy.ccore.seismic.TimeSeriesEnsemble` or :py:class:`mspasspy.ccore.seismic.SeismogramEnsemble`. The function will throw a ValueError exception if this require arg is any other type. :param measured_time_key: key to use to fetch the measured arrival time of interest from member Metadata containers. :type measured_time_key: string (default "Ptime_xcor") :param model_time_key: key to use to fetch the arrival time computed from an earth model and location estimate. Each member is assumed to have this value defined. :type model_time_key: string (default "Ptime") :param residual_time_key: key use to store the output demeaned residual. Be warned that this will overwrite a previously stored value if the key was previously defined for something else. That can, however, be a useful feature if the same data are reprocessed. :type residual_time_key: string (default "Presidual") :param corrected_mesured_time_key: key to use to save the bias corrected measured time estimate. This value is just the input measured time value minus the computed bias. :type corrected_measured_time_key: string (default "Pmeasured") :param center_method: method of center method to use to compute bias correction from vector of residuals. Valid values are: "median" to use the median and "mean" ("average" is also accepted an is treated as "mean") to use the average/mean value operator. :type center_method: string (default "median") :param center_estimate_key: key to use to post the estimated center of the vector of residuals. Note that value is posted to the ensemble's Metadata container, not the members. Be warned, however, that currentlyh when ensemble data are saved this value will be posted to all members before saving. Be sure this name does not overwrite some other desired member Metdata when that happens. :type center_estimate_key: string (default "Presidual_bias") :param kill_on_failure: boolean controlling what the function does to the output ensemble if the algorithm totally fails. "totally fails" in this case means it the number of residuals it could compute was less than or equal 1. If set True the output will be killed. When False it will be returned with no values set for the keys defined by "residual_time_key" and "center_estimate_key". Default is False. :return: edited copy of input ensemble altering only Metadata containers """ alg = "demean_residuals" if not isinstance(ensemble, (TimeSeriesEnsemble, SeismogramEnsemble)): message = alg + ": arg0 has invalid type={}\n".format(str(type(ensemble))) message += "Must be TimeSeriesEnsemble or SeismogramEnsemble" raise TypeError(message) if ensemble.dead(): return ensemble valid_center_methods = ["mean", "average", "median"] if center_method not in valid_center_methods: message = "center_method={} is not a valid - defaulting to median" ensemble.elog.log_error(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Complaint) center_method = "median" residuals = list() r_index = list() number_problem_members = 0 message = "" for i in range(len(ensemble.member)): if ensemble.member[i].live: # use d as shorthand to reduce complexity of expressions d = ensemble.member[i] if d.is_defined(measured_time_key) and d.is_defined(model_time_key): r = d[measured_time_key] - d[model_time_key] residuals.append(r) r_index.append(i) else: message += ( "member {} is missing one or both of keys {} and {}\n".format( i, measured_time_key, model_time_key ) ) number_problem_members += 1 if number_problem_members > 0: ensemble_message = ( "Could not compute residuals for all live members - list problems:\n" ) ensemble_message += message ensemble.elog.log_error(alg, ensemble_message, ErrorSeverity.Complaint) if len(residuals) <= 1: message = "Number of residuals computed = {} - demean is not feasible".format( len(residuals) ) ensemble.elog.log_error(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Complaint) if kill_on_failure: ensemble.kill() return ensemble if center_method in ["average", "mean"]: r_mean = np.average(residuals) else: # for now this means median - if more methods are added they # should appear in elif blocks above this r_mean = np.median(residuals) # drive the setting of computed output with the residuals dictionary # that is a clean mechanism to guarantee for i in r_index: # we can assume these will resolve or i would not have been set # in the r_index list r = ensemble.member[i][measured_time_key] - ensemble.member[i][model_time_key] r -= r_mean ensemble.member[i][residual_time_key] = r ensemble.member[i][corrected_measured_time_key] = ( ensemble.member[i][measured_time_key] - r_mean ) ensemble[center_estimate_key] = r_mean return ensemble
[docs]def remove_incident_wavefield(d, beam): """ Remove incident wavefield for teleseismic P wave data using a beam estimate. In imaging of S to P conversion with teleseimic P wave data a critical step is removing the incident wavefield. The theoretical reason is described in multiple publications on S to P imaging theory. This function implements a novel method using the output of `align_and_stack` to remove the incident wavefield. The approach make sense ONLY IF d is a member of the ensemble used to compute beam and is the longitudinal component estimate for a P phase. The best choice for that is the free surface transformation operator but in could be used for LQT or even the very crude RTZ transformation. The actual operation is very simple: the overlaping section of beam and d is determined. The algorthm then computes a scaling factor for beam as the dot product of beam and d in the common time range. That number is used to scale the beam which is then subtracted (in the overlapping time range) from d. There are several key assumptions this algorithm makes about the input that should be kept in mind before using it: 1. d is implicitly expected to span a longer or a least equal span to the beam time range. 2. beam should always be tapered to prevent an offset at the front and end when it is subtracted from d. 3. beam should be normalized so it L2 norm is 1.0. Note that should be the taper beam not the beam cut with WindowData. That is not computed in this function for efficiency as normal use would apply the same beam estimate to all live ensemble members. 4. Because this is assumed to be used at deep in a processing chain it has no safties. d and beam and assumped to be TimeSeries objects. The only safety is that if d or beam are marked dead it does nothing but return d. :param d: datum from which beam is to be subtracted (Assumed to have a time span containing the time span of beam) :type d: `TimeSeries` :param beam: windowed and tapered output stack from `align_and_stack`. Assumed to have L2 norm of 1.0. """ if beam.dead() or d.dead(): return d st = max(d.t0, beam.t0) et = min(d.endtime(), beam.endtime()) isd = d.sample_number(st) isb = beam.sample_number(st) ied = d.sample_number(et) ieb = beam.sample_number(et) # necessary to use : notation to prevent subsample t0 value rounding # from causing an indexing error Nd = ied - isd + 1 Nb = ieb - isb + 1 if Nd < Nb: ieb = Nd + isb - 1 elif Nd > Nb: ied = Nb + isd - 1 amp =[ied:ieb],[ieb:ied]) x = DoubleVector([ieb:ied]) x *= amp[ied:ieb] -= x return d
# private functions - should be used only internally. Use with care if imported def _coda_duration(ts, level, t0=0.0, search_start=None) -> TimeWindow: """ Low-level function to estimate the range of the "coda" of a particular seismic phase. This function first computes the envelope of the input signal passed via arg0 as a `TimeSeries` object. The function then searches backward in time from `search_start` to the first sample of the envelop function that exceeds the value defined by `level`. It returns a `TimeWindow` object with a `start` set as the value passed as t0 and the `end` attribute set to the time stamp of the estimated coda end time. Normal use by processing functions inside this module assume the input has a relative time standard but the function could work with UTC data you treat `t0` and `search_start` as required, not optional, arguments. The function return a zero length `TimeWindow` (start == end) if the level of the envelope never exceeds the value defined by the level argument. :param ts: Datum to be processed. The function will return a null result (zero length window) if ts.t0> t0 (argument value). The sample data is assumed filtered to an appropriate band where the envelope will properly define the coda. :type ts: `TimeSeries` is assumed. There is not explicit type checking but a type mismatch will always cause an error. :param level: amplitude of where the backward time search will be terminated. This value should normally be computed from a background noise estimate. :type level: float :param t0: beginning of coda search interval. This time is mainly used as the failed search. That is, if the level never rises above the value defined by the `level` argument a zero length window will be returned with start and end both set to this value. If the value is inconsistent with the start time of the data it is reset to the time of the first data sample. :type t0: float (default 0.0 - appropriate for normal use with data time shifted so 0 is a P or S phase arrival time) :param search_start: optional time to start backward search. The default, which is defined with a None type, is to start the search at ts.endtime(). If a value is given and it exceeds ts.endtime() the search will silently be truncated to start at ts.endtime(). Similarly if `search_start` is less than ts.t0 the search will also be silently reset to the ts.endtime(). :type search_start: float (time - either relative time or an epoch time) :return: `TimeWindow` object with window `end` value defining the end of the coda. window.end-window.start is a measure of coda duration. Returns a zero length window if the amplitude never exceeds the valued defined by the `level` parameter. Not the start value may be different from the input t0 value if the data start time (ts.t0) is greater than the value defined by the `t0` argument. """ # silently handle inconsistencies in t0 and search_start # perhaps should have these issue an elog complaint it0 = ts.sample_number(t0) # silently reset to 0 if t0 is not valid for if it0 < 0: it0 = 0 t0used = ts.time(0) else: t0used = t0 if search_start: itss = ts.sample_number(search_start) if itss >= ts.npts or itss < 0: itss = ts.npts - 1 else: itss = ts.npts - 1 if itss <= it0: message = "_coda_durations: values for inferred search range {} to {} do not overlap data range" raise ValueError(message) httsd = signal.hilbert( envelope = np.abs(httsd) it0 = ts.sample_number(t0) i = itss while i > it0: if envelope[i] > level: break i -= 1 # A failed search will have start and end the same return TimeWindow(t0used, ts.time(i)) def _set_phases( d, model, Ptime_key="Ptime", pPtime_key="pPtime", PPtime_key="PPtime", station_collection="channel", default_depth=10.0, ) -> TimeSeries: """ Cautiously sets model-based arrival times in Metadata of input d for first arrival of the phases P pP, and PP. pP and PP do not exist at all distances and depths so the times may be left undefined. A value for P should always be set unless that datum was marked dead on input. The input datum must contain Metadata entries required to compute the travel times. That can be in one of two forms: (1) The normal expectation is to source coordinates are defined with keys "source_iat" , "source_lon", and "source_time", and "source_depth" while receiver coordinates are defined with "channel_lat" and "channel_lon". A common variant is possible if the `station_collection` argument is set to "site". Then the function will try to fetch "site_lat" and "site_lon". A special case is source depth. If "source_depth" is not defined the value defined with the `default_depth` argument is used. (2) If the key "dist" is defined in d it is assumed to contain a previously computed distance in degrees from source to this receiver. In that case the only other required source property is "source_time" - event origin time. :param d: seismic datum to process. This datum requires source and receiver metadata attributes as noted above :type d: Assumed to be a `TimeSeries`. That is not tested as this is an internal function. Use outside the module should assure input is a `TimeSeries` or create an error handler for exceptions. :param model: an instance of an obspy TauPyModel object used to compute times. :type model: obspy TauPyModel object :param Ptime_key: key used to set the pP arrival time. :type pPtime_key: string (default "pPtime") :param pPtime_key: key used to set the P arrival time. :type PPtime_key: string (default "PPtime") :param PPtime_key: key used to set the PP arrival time. :type PPtime_key: string (default "PPtime") :param station_collection: normalizing collection used to define receiver coordinates. Used only to create names for coordinates. e.g. if set to "site" expects to find "site_lat" while if set to default "channel" would expect to find "channel_lat". :type station_collection: string (default "channel") :param default_depth: source depth to use if the attribute "source_depth" is not defined. This is a rare recovery to handle the case where the epicenter and origin time are defined but the depth is not. :type default_depth: float :return: `TimeSeries` copy of input with model-based arrival times posted to Metadata container with the specified keys. """ if d.dead(): return d alg = "_set_phases" # these symbols need to be effectively declared here or the go out of scope # before being used as arguments for the get_travel_time method of the taup calculator depth = 0.0 dist = 0.0 if d.is_defined("dist"): dist = d["dist"] origin_time = d["source_time"] else: if ( d.is_defined("source_lat") and d.is_defined("source_lon") and d.is_defined("source_time") ): srclat = d["source_lat"] srclon = d["source_lon"] origin_time = d["source_time"] # compute dist else: message = "Missing required source coordinates: source_lat,source_lon, and/or source_time values\n" message += "Cannot handle this datum" d.elog.log_error(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Invalid) d.kill() return d lat_key = station_collection + "_lat" lon_key = station_collection + "_lon" if d.is_defined(lat_key) and d.is_defined(lon_key): stalat = d[lat_key] stalon = d[lon_key] [dist, seaz, esaz] = gps2dist_azimuth(stalat, stalon, srclat, srclon) dist = kilometers2degrees(dist / 1000.0) # always post these - warning produces a state dependency as there is no guarantee these # get posted if "dist" was defined on input # keys are frozen and based on standard mspass schema d["dist"] = dist d["seaz"] = seaz d["esaz"] = esaz else: message = "Missing required receiver coordinates defined with keys: {} and {}\n".format( lat_key, lon_key ) message += "Cannot handle this datum" d.elog.log_error(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Invalid) d.kill() return d if d.is_defined("source_depth"): depth = d["source_depth"] else: depth = default_depth message = "source_depth value was not defined - using default value={}".format( depth ) d.elog.log_error(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Complaint) arrivals = model.get_travel_times( source_depth_in_km=depth, distance_in_degree=dist, phase_list=["P", "pP", "PP"] ) # from all I can tell with the list above arrivals always has entries for at least one of # the phases in phase_list. If depth is invalid it throws an exception and it seems to # handle dist for anything. Hence, this assumes arrivals is not empty. An earlier # had an unnecessary error handler for that case. # only set first arrival for multivalued arrivals P = [] pP = [] PP = [] for arr in arrivals: if == "P": P.append(arr.time) elif == "pP": pP.append(arr.time) elif == "PP": PP.append(arr.time) if len(P) > 0: d[Ptime_key] = min(P) + origin_time if len(pP) > 0: d[pPtime_key] = min(pP) + origin_time if len(PP) > 0: d[PPtime_key] = min(PP) + origin_time return d def _get_search_range( d, Pkey="Ptime", pPkey="pPtime", PPkey="PPtime", duration_undefined=20.0 ): """ Small internal function used to standardize the handling of the search range for P coda. It returns a time duration to use as the search range relative to 0 (P time) based on a simple recipe to avoid interference from pP and PP phases. Specifically, if the source depth is greater than 100 km the pP phase is used as the maximum duration of the coda. For shallower sources PP is used. This function should not normally be used except as a component of the MCXcorPrepP function. It has no safeties and is pretty simple. That simple recipe, however, took some work to establish that is documented a notebook in the distribution. """ if depth = d["source_depth"] if depth > 100.0: if d.is_defined(pPkey): tend = d[pPkey] elif d.is_defined(PPkey): tend = d[PPkey] else: d[Pkey] + duration_undefined else: tend = d[PPkey] duration = tend - d[Pkey] else: duration = 0.0 return duration def _xcor_shift(ts, beam): """ Internal function with no safeties to compute a time shift in seconds for beam correlation. The shift is computed by using the scipy correlate function. The computed shift is the time shift that would need to be applied to ts to align with that of beam. Note that number can be enormous if using UTC times and it will still work. The expected use, however, in this function is with data prealigned by an phase arrival time (predicted from a mdoel of an estimate). :param ts: TimeSeries datum to correlate with beam :param beam: TimeSeries defining the common signal (beam) for correlation - the b argument to correlation. """ # note this assumed default mode of "full" xcor = signal.correlate(, lags = signal.correlation_lags(ts.npts, beam.npts) # numpy/scipy treat sample 0 as time 0 # with TimeSeries we have to correct with the t0 values to get timing right lag_of_max_in_samples = lags[np.argmax(xcor)] lagtime = ts.dt * lag_of_max_in_samples + ts.t0 - beam.t0 return lagtime def _update_xcor_beam(xcorens, beam0, robust_stack_method, wts) -> TimeSeries: """ Internal method used to update the beam signal used for cross correlation to the current best stack estimate. Note the algorithm assumes xcorens members have a larger time range than beam0. To compute the beam stack each member is windowed in the range beam0.t0 to beam0.endtime() before use. :param xcorens: ensemble data being used for cross-correlation :type xcorens: TimeSeriesEnsemble :param rens: ensemble returned by robust_stack (Ignored for median stack) :type rens: TimeSeriesEnsemble :param beam0: current beam estimate. The output will have size determined by beam.t0 and beam.endtime() :type beam0: TimeSeries :param robust_stack_method: name of robust stacking method to use. Currently must either "dbxcor" or "median". :type robust_stack_method: string :param robust_weight_key: key needed to extract robust stack weight from rens when running an estimator like dbxcor that uses a weighted stack. ignored for median stack. """ beam = TimeSeries(beam0) # A tricky but fast way to initialize the data vector to all zeros # warning this depends upon a special property of the C++ implementation beam.set_npts(beam0.npts) # Cautioniously copy these to beam. Maybe should log an error if they # aren't defined but for now do this silently. Possible # maintenace issue if these keys ever change in MCXcorPPrep. # at present it sets these in ensemble's Metadata container for key in ["MCXcor_f_low", "MCXcor_f_high", "MCXcor_npoles"]: if xcorens.is_defined(key): beam[key] = xcorens[key] stime = beam.t0 etime = beam.endtime() N = len(xcorens.member) if robust_stack_method == "dbxcor": # we can assume for internal use that xcorens and rens are the # same size. We don't assume all are live though to allow # flexibility in the algorithm sumwt = 0.0 for i in range(N): # the dbxcor stacking function weight is set negative if # a datum was marked dead if xcorens.member[i].live and wts[i] > 0: wt = wts[i] d = WindowData( xcorens.member[i], stime, etime, short_segment_handling="pad" ) d *= wt # TimeSeries::operator+= handles time correctly so indexing is not needed here beam += d sumwt += wt if sumwt > 0.0: # TimeSeries does not have operator /= defined but it does have *= defined scale = 1.0 / sumwt beam *= scale else: beam.elog.log_error( "_update_xcor_beam", "dbxcor weights are all 0.0 - all ensemble members were probably killed", ErrorSeverity.Invalid, ) beam.kill() else: # for now landing here means median stack - change if new algorithms addede nlive = 0 # note sizes passed to shape are set above when validating inputs and are assumed to not have changed Npts = beam.npts gather_matrix = np.zeros(shape=[N, Npts]) i = 0 for d in xcorens.member: # always use the zero padding method of WindowData # run silently for median stack. Maybe should allow # options for this case dcut = WindowData( d, stime, etime, short_segment_handling="pad", log_recoverable_errors=False, ) i += 1 if # rounding effects with a window time range # iteractions with t0 can cause the size of # dcut to differ from beam.npts # logic handles that if dcut.npts == Npts: gather_matrix[nlive, :] = np.array( elif dcut.npts < Npts: gather_matrix[nlive, 0 : dcut.npts] = np.array( else: gather_matrix[nlive, :] = np.array([0:Npts]) nlive += 1 stack_vector = np.median(gather_matrix[0:nlive, :], axis=0) # this matrix could be huge so we release it as quickly as possible del gather_matrix # logic above guarantees stack_vector is beam.npts in size = DoubleVector(stack_vector) return beam