Source code for mspasspy.algorithms.calib

import pickle
import numpy as np
from mspasspy.ccore.seismic import TimeSeries, TimeSeriesEnsemble
from mspasspy.ccore.utility import MsPASSError, ErrorSeverity
from obspy import UTCDateTime

[docs]class ApplyCalibEngine: """ A special case of response correction is a simple scalar multiply by a constant used to convert data from raw counts to the (now) standard units of nm/s. For many applications using broadband data that correction is sufficient to assure ensembles of signals are on a common amplitude scale. A basic rule if the passband of the processing is inside the instrument passband a full response correction is not alway necessary. A case in point is reeiver function processing where the passband of actual data is inside the passband of most "broadband sensors". This class can be used to process TimeSeries or TimeSeriesEnsemble objects to convert data from raw counts to units of nm/s. The effort required to extract the conversion factor from the archain response format of seed and station xml is not trivial. We rely here on the conversion of downloaded station metadata from fdsn sources via web services and obspy's downloading methods. Obspy converts that archain data to what they call an Inventory object. In MsPASS we disaggregate the complicated Inventory object into a set of MongoDB documents with one entry for each seed time period fr each channel of data. Inside that document is a an attibute with the tag "serialized_channel_data" that contains the detailed response data serialized with pickle. The constructor for this object runs pickle.loads on that data to yield an obspy Response object. We only extract the "sensitivity" value from Response. A major complication is unit restrictions and invalid Response objects. These are handled by the constructor as described below. The current implementation can only handle Response objects with "input units" of meters per second and "output units" of counts. Note input and output is because the Response object uses sensitivity = 1/calib. i.e. sensitivity is the scale to convert physical units to counts which backward from what this class is designed for - converting counts to physical units of nm/s. """ def __init__( self, db, query=None, collection="channel", ounits=["counts", "COUNTS", "count", "COUNT"], iunits=["m/s", "M/S"], response_data_key="serialized_channel_data", verbose=False, ): """ Constructor for this object loads the serialized response data and builds an internal cache to cross-reference channel_id with calib values. :param db: MongoDB Database handle assumed to contained a channell collection created from an Inventory object with the MsPASS database method `save_inventory`. :param query: optional MongoDB query operator to apply to collection before using. Size, for exampe, might be reduced by using a time range query. :type query: python dictionary. Default is None which is taken to mean use the entire colleciton without a query. :param collection: optional alternative collection name. Rarely if ever should be changed as the code here has dependence on MsPASS specific keys and the way we disaggregate obspy's Inventory object. :type collection: str (default "channel") :param ounits: list of acceptable "output unit" definitions, The default is various perturbation of"counts" . :type ounits: list of string defining acceptable units. :param iunits: list of acceptable names for "input units" in the Response data structure. Default is known to work with most FDSN data for velocity instruments. You would likely change this list only if you wanted to wanted to use accelerometer data or some other nonstandard unit data. Note "input units" in FDSN jargon is kind of confusing in this context as the purpose of this object is to convert raw data to physical units so this object's output is actually the units of iunits. :type inunits: list of string names that must match xml posted units. The default should almost always be sufficient. :param response_data_key: key used to access the serialized response data from each MongoDB document parsed by this construtor. :type response_data_key: str (default is key sed in mspass and should not normally be chaged. ) :param verbose: When set True (default is False) will print error messages when it finds response data it cannot handle. Turned off by default because a database with a few thousand channels can generate a lot of error if you mix up acceleration data with normal velocity sensor data. This class will not handle acceleration channels as converting acceleration data to velocity data is true response correction not a simple calib correction. """ if query: cursor = db[collection].find(query) else: cursor = db[collection].find({}) self.calib = dict() for doc in cursor: if response_data_key in doc: chandata = pickle.loads(doc[response_data_key]) resp = chandata.response sens = resp.instrument_sensitivity if sens is None and verbose: stastr = self._parse_stadata(doc) print(stastr, " invalid instrument response") print("pickle.loads returned this: ", str(resp)) elif sens: if verbose: message = self._parse_stadata(doc) + ": " if sens.input_units and sens.output_units: if sens.input_units in iunits: if sens.output_units in ounits: if sens.value is None: if verbose: message += "units ok but sensitivity value is undefined" print(message) else: id = doc["_id"] # inventory saves a "sensitivity" value # which is he reciprocal of calib self.calib[str(id)] = 1e9 / sens.value elif verbose: message += "Illegal output_unit value=" message += sens.output_units + "\n" print(message) elif verbose: message += "Illegal input_units value=" message += sens.input_units + "\n" print(message) elif verbose: message += ( "sensitivity data is undefined in this response object" ) print(message) elif verbose: stastr = self._parse_stadata(doc) print( stastr, " does not contain pickled response data - keey=", response_data_key, ) if len(self.calib) == 0: message = ( "ApplyCalibEngine construtor: Database has no valid response data" ) raise MsPASSError(message, ErrorSeverity.Invalid)
[docs] def apply_calib(self, d, id_key="channel_id", kill_if_undefined=True): """ Use this method to apply a calib value to a TimeSeries or all the live members of a TimeSeriesEnsemble. This is the processing function used for applying calibration. It is a method instead of a function because the class allows the calib values to be cached inside the object. The input(s) must contain a MongoDB ObjectId that can be matched with the ids loaded in the cache by the constructor. By default the key used is "channel_id". That can be changed with the "id_key" argument. If a match is found all the sample valued are multiplied by calib AND the calib attribute is set. Note a complaint will be issued if calib was found to already be defined in AND is not 1.0 (a default sometimes appropriate) This method can easily become a mass murderer. By default any datum with an undefined calib value in the cache of this object will be marked dead on return with a error message posted to its elog container. If the `kill_if_undefined` argument is set False such data will not be killed but an elog message will be posted marked complaint. :param d: input data to process :type d: `TimeSeries` or `TimeSeriesEnsemle` This method will raise a ValueError exception if d is anything else. :param kill_if_undefined: bolean that when True (default) will cause any datum for which a matching calib cannot be found to be killed. Note this operation is atomic so for ensembles only members that fail the match will be killed. :return: copy of input with amplitudes multiplied by calib factor. """ if isinstance(d, TimeSeries): alg = "ApplyCalibEngine.apply_calib" if if id_key in d: idstr = str(d[id_key]) if idstr in self.calib: this_calib = self.calib[idstr] if "calib" in d: if not np.isclose(d["calib"], 1.0): old_calib = d["calib"] new_metadata_calib = old_calib * this_calib message = "calib was already defined in this datum as {}\n".format( d["calib"] ) message += "Data will be multiplied by calib defined in this object={}\n".format( this_calib ) message += "New calib in header = {}\n".format( new_metadata_calib ) message += "Amplitudes may be wrong with this datum" d.elog.log_error(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Complaint) d["calib"] = new_metadata_calib else: d["calib"] = this_calib *= this_calib else: message = "calib factor could not be determined\n" message += "Response data missing or flawed" if kill_if_undefined: d.elog.log_error(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Invalid) d.kill() else: d.elog.log_error(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Complaint) else: message = "Missing required channel_id need to get calib factor" if kill_if_undefined: d.elog.log_error(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Invalid) d.kill() else: d.elog.log_error(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Complaint) elif isinstance(d, TimeSeriesEnsemble): for i in range(len(d.member)): d.member[i] = self.apply_calib(d.member[i]) else: message = "Illegal input data type={}".format(str(type(d))) raise ValueError(message) return d
[docs] def size(self): """ Return size of the cache of calib values stored in the object. """ return len(self.calib)
def _parse_stadata(self, doc, null_value="Undefined") -> str: """ Internal method to cautiously parse document doc to always a string of the form net:sta:chan:loc. Any keys not defined will be replaced with null_value string. """ outstr = "" count = 0 for k in ["net", "sta", "chan", "loc"]: if k in doc: outstr += doc[k] else: outstr += null_value if count < 3: outstr += ":" count += 1 outstr += " for time range " count = 0 for k in ["starttime", "endtime"]: if k in doc: outstr += str(UTCDateTime(doc[k])) else: outstr += null_value if count == 0: outstr += "->" return outstr