from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from mspasspy.util.decorators import mspass_func_wrapper
from mspasspy.ccore.utility import MsPASSError, ErrorSeverity, dmatrix
from mspasspy.ccore.seismic import (
from mspasspy.util.converter import (
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
[docs]class BasicResampler(ABC):
Base class for family of resampling operators. All this class really does is
define the interface and standardize the target of the operator.
A key concept of this family of operator is they are intended to
be used in a map operator to regularize the sample rate to a
constant. Hence, the base class defines that constant output
sample rate (alternatively the sample interval, dt).
ALL implementations must recognize a couple fundamental concepts:
1. This is intended to ONLY be used on waveform segments.
The problem of resampling continuous data requires different
algorithms. The reason is boundary effects. All
implementations are subject to edge transients. How the
implementation does or does not handle that issue is
viewed as an implementation detail,
2. Downsampling ALWAYS requires some method to avoid aliasing of
the output. How that is done is considered an implementation
This is a sketch of an algorithm is pseudopython code showing how
a typical instance of this class (in the example ScipyResampler)
would be used in parallel workflow sketch:
.. rubric:: Example
resamp_op = ScipyResampler(10.0) # target sample rate of 10 sps
cursor = db.TimeSeries.find({})
bag = read_distributed_data(cursor,collection="wf_TimeSeries")
bag =
A point to emphasize is the model is to generate the operator
through a constructor (ScipResampler in the example) that defines
the target sample rate. All data passed through that operator
through the map operator call will be returned to create a bag/rdd
with a uniform sample rate. All implementations should also
follow the MsPASS rule for parallel algorithms to kill data that
cannot be handled and not throw exceptions unless the whole usage is
def __init__(self, dt=None, sampling_rate=None):
if dt and sampling_rate:
raise MsPASSError(
"BasicResample: usage error. Specify either dt or sampling_rate. You defined both",
if dt:
self.dt = dt
self.samprate = sampling_rate
elif sampling_rate:
self.dt = 1.0 / sampling_rate
self.samprate = sampling_rate
[docs] def target_samprate(self):
return self.samprate
[docs] def target_dt(self):
return self.dt
[docs] def dec_factor(self, d):
All implementations of decimation algorithms should use this
method to test if resampling by decimation is feasible.
A decimation operator only works for downsampling with
the restriction that the ouptut sample interval is an integer
multiple of the input sample interval.
The function returns a decimation factor to use for atomic data d
being tested. The algorithm uses the numpy "isclose"
function to establish if the sample interval is feasible.
If so it returns the decimation factor as an integer that should be
used on d. Not implementations should handle a return of 1
specially for efficiency. A return of 1 means no resampling
is needed. A return of 0 or -1 is used for two slightly different
cases that indicate a decimation operation is not feasible.
A return of 0 should be taken as a signal that the data requires
upsampling to match the target sampling rate (interval).
A return of -1 means the data require downsampling but the
a decimator operator is not feasible. (e.g. needing to create
10 sps data from 25 sps input.)
:param d: input mspass data object to be tested. All that is
actually required is d have a "dt" attribute (i.e. d.dt is defined)
that is the sample interval for that datum.
:type d: assumed to be a MsPASS atomic data object for which the
dt attribute is defined. This method has no safeties to test
input type. It will throw an exception if d.dt does not resolve.
# internal use guarantees this can only be TimeSeries or Seismogram
# so this resolves
d_dt = d.dt
float_dfac = self.dt / d_dt
int_dfac = int(float_dfac)
# This perhaps should use a softer constraint than default
if np.isclose(float_dfac, float(int_dfac)):
return int_dfac
elif int_dfac == 0:
return 0
return -1
[docs] @abstractmethod
def resample(self, mspass_object):
Main operator a concrete class must implement. It should accept
any mspass data object and return a clone that has been resampled
to the sample interface defined by this base class.
[docs]class ScipyResampler(BasicResampler):
This class is a wrapper for the scipy resample algorithm. Obspy users
should note that the Trace and Stream method called "resample"
is only a light wrapper to apply the scipy resample function.
The algorithm and its limitations are described in the scipy
documentation you can easily find with a web search. A key point
about this algorithm is that unlike decimate it allows resampling to
something not an integer multiple or division from the input OR
if you need to upsample data to match the rest of the data set
(Note that is not usually a good idea unless the upsampling is followed
by a decimator to get all data to a lower, uniform sample rate.)
A type example where that is essential is some old OBS data from
Scripps instruments that had a sample rate that was a multiple of
one of the more standard rates like 20 or 100. Such data can be
downsampled immediately too something like 10 sps with this operator
or upsampled to something like 50 and then downsampled to something
like 10 with a factor of 5 decimator.
We emphasize a nice feature of the scipy implementation is that
it automatically applies a rational antialiasing filter when downsampling,
If, however, you need to do something like regularize a data set with
irregular sample rates but preserve a common upper frequency response
controlled at the high frequency end by digizer antialias filters
(e.g. LH channels from Q330 data) you will need to crack the
scipy documentation on setting up a custom antialias filter using
FIR filters defined through the window argument. All common digitizer
FIR filter coefficients can be found in appropriate response files.
That should, in principle, be feasible but mspass developers have
not tested that hypothesis.
The concept of the window argument in this constructor is idential
to that described in the documentation for scipy.signal.resample.
The value passed, in fact, is used as the argument whenever the scipy
function is called. Note the other optional arguments to scipy
resample are always defaulted because the current default apply to
all cases we handle. Be careful if resample changes.
The primary method of this class is a concrete implementation of the
resample method.
def __init__(self, sampling_rate, window="hann"):
""" """
self.window = window
[docs] def resample(self, mspass_object):
Applies the scipy.signal.resample function to all data held in
a mspass container passed through arg0 (mspass_object).
This method will accept all supported MsPASS datat objects:
TimeSeries, Seismogram, TimeSeriesEnsemble, and SeismogramEnsemble.
For Ensembles the method is called recursively on each of the
The method returns mspass_object with the sample data altered
by the operator defined by a particular instance, which is defined
exclusively by the target sample rate for the output. All metadata
will be clone without checking. If the metadata have attributes
linked to the sample interval the metadata of the result may not
match the data.
If the input is marked dead it will be returned immediately with
no change.
# We do this test at the top to avoid having returns testing for
# a dead datum in each of the if conditional blocks below
if isinstance(
(TimeSeries, Seismogram, TimeSeriesEnsemble, SeismogramEnsemble),
if mspass_object.dead():
return mspass_object
message = "ScipyResampler.resample: received unsupported data type=" + str(
raise TypeError(message)
if isinstance(mspass_object, TimeSeries):
data_time_span = (
mspass_object.endtime() - mspass_object.t0 + mspass_object.dt
n_resampled = int(data_time_span * self.samprate)
rsdata = signal.resample(, n_resampled, window=self.window
mspass_object.dt = self.dt
mspass_object["sampling_rate"] = self.samprate
# We have to go through this conversion to avoid TypeError exceptions
# i.e we can't just copy the entire vector rsdata to the data vector
dv = DoubleVector(rsdata) = dv
elif isinstance(mspass_object, Seismogram):
data_time_span = (
mspass_object.endtime() - mspass_object.t0 + mspass_object.dt
n_resampled = int(data_time_span * self.samprate)
rsdata = signal.resample(, n_resampled, window=self.window, axis=1
mspass_object.dt = self.dt
mspass_object["sampling_rate"] = self.samprate
# We have to go through this conversion to avoid TypeError exceptions
# i.e we can't just copy the entire vector rsdata to the data vector
dm = dmatrix(rsdata) = dm
# The else above is equivalent to the following:
# elif isinstance(mspass_object,(TimeSeriesEnsemble,SeismogramEnsemble)):
# Change if additional data object support is added
for d in mspass_object.member:
return mspass_object
[docs]class ScipyDecimator(BasicResampler):
This class defines a generic operator where a decimator can be used
to downsample any input data to a common sample rate. A decimator
requires the ratio of the input to output sample rate to be an
integer (equivalently the ratio of the output sample interval to the
input sample interval). The operator will fail on any data it
receives that are irregular in that sense. For example, 10 sps
data can be created by downsampling 40 sps data by a factor of 4.
In constract, 10 sps can not be created by decimation of 25 sps
data because the ratio is 2.5 (not an integer).
This operator satisfies the concept defined in BasicResampler.
That is, a particular concrete instance once constructed will
define an operator that will resample any input data to a common sample
rate/interval. Because of the requirement of this algorithm that
the sample intervals/rates are related by integers the operator
has to be able to handle irregular sample rate data. The algorithm
is brutal and will kill any datum for which the integer test fails
and post an elog message.
This operator is really little more than a wrapper around a
scipy function with a similar same name (scipy.signal.decimate).
The resample method handles any supported MsPASS data object type
but will fail with a TypeError if it receives any other data type.
Be aware decimators all have unavoidable edge effects. The anitialias
filter that has to be applied (you can get garbage otherwise) will always
produce an edge transient. A key to success with any downsampling
operator is to always have a pad zone if possible. That is, you start
with a longer time window than you will need for final processing and
discard the pad zone when you enter the final stage. Note that is
actually true of ALL filtering.
The constructor has almost the same arguments defined in the documentation
page for scipy.signal.decimate. The only exception is the axis
argument. It needs to be defined internally.
For scalar data we pass 0 while for three component data we sent it 1 which is
means the decimator is applied per channel.
def __init__(self, sampling_rate, n=None, ftype="iir", zero_phase=True):
""" """
self.ftype = ftype
self.zero_phase = zero_phase
self.order = n
def _make_illegal_decimator_message(self, error_code, data_dt):
Private method to format a common message if the data's sample
interval, data_dt, is not feasible to produce by decimation.
The error message is the return
if error_code == 0:
message = "Data sample interval={ddt} is smaller than target dt={sdt}. This operator can only downsample".format(
ddt=data_dt, sdt=self.dt
message = (
"Data sample interval={ddt} is not an integer multiple of {sdt}".format(
ddt=data_dt, sdt=self.dt
return message
[docs] def resample(self, mspass_object):
Implementation of required abstract method for this operator.
The only argument is mspass_object. The operator will downsample
the contents of the sample data container for any valid input.
If the input is not a mspass data object (i.e. atomic TimeSeries
or Seismogram) or one of the enemble objects it will throw a
TypeError exception.
Note for ensembles the algorithm simply applies this method in
a loop over all the members of the ensemble. Be aware that any
members of the ensemble cannot be resampled to the target sampling
frequency (interval) they will be killed. For example, if you
are downsampling to 20 sps and you have 25 sps data in the ensemble
the 25 sps data will be killed on output with an elog message
Returns an edited clone of the input with revised sample data but
no changes to any Metadata.
# We do this test at the top to avoid having returns testing for
# a dead datum in each of the if conditional blocks below
if isinstance(
(TimeSeries, Seismogram, TimeSeriesEnsemble, SeismogramEnsemble),
if mspass_object.dead():
return mspass_object
message = "ScipyDecimator.resample: received unsupported data type=" + str(
raise TypeError(message)
if isinstance(mspass_object, TimeSeries):
decfac = self.dec_factor(mspass_object)
if decfac <= 0:
message = self._make_illegal_decimator_message(decfac, mspass_object.dt)
"ScipyDecimator.resample", message, ErrorSeverity.Invalid
dsdata = signal.decimate(,
dsdata_npts = len(dsdata)
mspass_object.dt = self.dt
mspass_object["sampling_rate"] = self.samprate
# We have to go through this conversion to avoid TypeError exceptions
# i.e we can't just copy the entire vector rsdata to the data vector = DoubleVector(dsdata)
elif isinstance(mspass_object, Seismogram):
decfac = self.dec_factor(mspass_object)
if decfac <= 0:
message = self._make_illegal_decimator_message(decfac, mspass_object.dt)
"ScipyDecimator.resample", message, ErrorSeverity.Invalid
# note axis=1 means apply the decimator along the column
# index - that means by channel.
dsdata = signal.decimate(,
# Seismogram stores data as a 3xnpts matrix. numpy
# uses the shape attribute to hold rowsxcolumns
msize = dsdata.shape
dsdata_npts = msize[1]
mspass_object.dt = self.dt
mspass_object["sampling_rate"] = self.samprate
# We have to go through this conversion to avoid TypeError exceptions
# i.e we can't just copy the entire vector rsdata to the data vector = dmatrix(dsdata)
# else here is equivalent to this:
# elif isinstance(mspass_object,(TimeSeriesEnsemble,SeismogramEnsemble)):
# Change if we add support for additional data objects like gather
# version of ensemble currently under construction
for d in mspass_object.member:
d = self.resample(d)
return mspass_object
def resample(
Resample any valid data object to a common sample rate (sample interval).
This function is a wrapper that automates handling of resampling.
Its main use is in a dask/spark map operator where the input can
be a set of irregularly sampled data and the output is required to be
at a common sample rate (interval). The problem has some complexity
because decimation is normally the preferred method of resampling
when possible due to speed and more predictable behavior.
The problem is that downsampling by decimation is only possible if
the output sampling interval is an integer multiple of the input
sample interval. With modern seismology data that is usually
possible, but there are some common exceptions. For example,
10 sps cannot be created from 25 sps by decimation. The algorithm
tests the data sample rate and if decimation is possible it
applies a decimation operator passed as the argument "decimator".
If not, it calls the operator "resampler" that is assumed to be
capable of handling any sample rate change. The two operators
must have been constructed with the same output target sampling
frequency (interval). Both must also be a subclass of BasicResampler
to match the api requirements.
The parameters object_history, alg_name, alg_id, dryrun, inplace_return,
and function_return_key are handled by the decorator called
mspass_func_wrapper used by this function. See the docstring for
mspass_func_wrapper for the generic use of those parameters.
:param mspass_object: mspass datum to be resampled
:type mspass_object: Must a TimeSeries, Seismogram, TimeSeriesEnsemble,
or SeismogramEnsemble object.
:param decimator: decimation operator.
:type decimator: Must be a subclass of BasicResampler
:param resampler: resampling operator
:type resampler: Must be a subclass of BasicResampler
:param verify_operators: boolean controlling whether safety checks
are applied to inputs. When True (default) the contents of
decimator and resampler are verified as subclasses of BasicResampler
and the function tests if the target output sampling frequency (interval)
of both operators are the same. The function will throw an exception if
any of the verify tests fail. Standard practice should be to verify
the operators and valid before running a large workflow and running
production with this arg set False for efficiency. That should
acceptable in any case I can conceive as once the operators are
defined in a parallel workflow they should be invariant for the
entire application in a map operator.
if verify_operators:
if not isinstance(decimator, BasicResampler):
raise TypeError(
"resample: decimator operator (arg1) must be subclass of BasicResampler"
if not isinstance(resampler, BasicResampler):
raise TypeError(
"resample: resampler operator (arg2) must be subclass of BasicResampler"
if not np.isclose(decimator.target_dt(), resampler.target_dt()):
raise MsPASSError(
"resample: decimator and resampler must have the same target sampling rate",
if isinstance(mspass_object, (TimeSeries, Seismogram)):
# This method returns -1 if decimation is not possible because
# sampling frequency is not an integer multiple of the target
# df defined in decimator. Use that as switch to enable
# resampling
decfac = decimator.dec_factor(mspass_object)
if decfac == 1:
return mspass_object
elif decfac > 0:
return decimator.resample(mspass_object)
return resampler.resample(mspass_object)
elif isinstance(mspass_object, (TimeSeriesEnsemble, SeismogramEnsemble)):
if mspass_object.dead():
return mspass_object
# I tried to do this loop with recursion but spyder kept
# flagging it as an error - I'm not sure it would be.
# The logic for atomic data is simple anyway and this
# might actually be faster avoiding the function calls
nmembers = len(mspass_object.member)
for i in range(nmembers):
d = mspass_object.member[i]
decfac = decimator.dec_factor(d)
# Note when decfac is 1 the current member is not altered
if decfac > 1:
mspass_object.member[i] = decimator.resample(d)
elif decfac <= 0:
mspass_object.member[i] = resampler.resample(d)
return mspass_object
elif mspass_object is None:
# Handle this automatically for robustness. Just silently return
return mspass_object
# It should be an exception if we get anything else
raise TypeError("resample: arg0 must be a MsPASS data object")