import pickle
import numpy as np
from bson import ObjectId
from scipy.signal import hilbert
from obspy.geodetics import locations2degrees
from mspasspy.ccore.utility import MsPASSError, ErrorSeverity, ErrorLogger
from mspasspy.ccore.seismic import TimeSeries, Seismogram, PowerSpectrum
from mspasspy.ccore.algorithms.deconvolution import MTPowerSpectrumEngine
from mspasspy.ccore.algorithms.amplitudes import (
from mspasspy.ccore.algorithms.basic import TimeWindow, Butterworth, _ExtractComponent
from mspasspy.algorithms.signals import filter
from mspasspy.algorithms.window import WindowData
# debug
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# from mspasspy.util.seismic import print_metadata
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
[docs]def EstimateBandwidth(
) -> BandwidthData:
Estimates a set of signal bandwidth estimates returned in the the
class `BandwidthData`. The algorithm is most appropriate for body
waves recorded at teleseimic distances from earthquake sources.
The reason is that the algorithm is most appropriate for signal
and noise spectra typical of that type of data. In particular,
broadband noise is very colored by the microseisms. Large enough
signals can exceed the microseism peak but smaller events will not.
The smallest events typically are only visible in the traditional
short-period band. The most difficult are the ones that have
signals in both the short and long period band but have high
noise levels in the microseism band making a single bandwidth
the wrong model. This function handles that by only returning the
band data for the section near the search start defined by the
"f0" argument.
The algorithm works by searching from a starting frequency defined
by the "f0" argument. The basic idea is it hunts up and down the
frequency axis until it detects the band edge. The "band edge"
detection is defined as the point where the signal-to-noise ratio
first falls below the value defined by the "snr_threshold" argument.
The algorithm has two variants of note:
1. If no point in the snr curve exceeds the valued defined by
"snr_threshold" the function returns immediately with all
attributes of the `BandwidthData` object set to 0.
2. If the snr value at f0 does not exceed the threshold it searches down
until it finds a value exceeding the threshold. In that situation
it marks the first point found as the high frequency band
edge and continues hunt backward to attempt to define
the low frequency band edge.
The "df_smoother" argument can be used to smooth the internally
generated signal-to-noise ratio vector. It is particularly useful
for data with noise containing spectral lines that can create
incorrect bandwidth data. It is rarely necessary if the
power spectra are computed with the multitaper method as that
method produces spectra that are inherently smooth at a specified
scale. In that case if smoothing is desired we recommend the
smoothing width be of the form k*tbp*df where tbp is the time
bandwidth product, df is the Rayleigh bin size, and k is some
small multipler (note multitaper spectra a inherently smoothed
by 2*tbp*df).
:param S: power spectrum computed from signal time window.
:type S: :py:class:`mspasspy.ccore.seismic.PowerSpectrum`
:param N: power spectrum computed from noise time window
(Note S and N do not need to be on the same frequency
grid but the signal grid is used to compute the signal to
noise ratio curve)
:type N: :py:class:`mspasspy.ccore.seismic.PowerSpectrum`
:param snr_threshold: value of snr used to define the
band edges. As noted above the algorithm searches from
the value f0 for the first points above and below that
frequency where the snr curve has a value less than or
equal to this value.
:type snr_threshold: float (default 1.5)
grid but the signal grid is used to compute the signal to
spectrum within the range defined by this parameter.
i.e. the number of points in the smoother is
:type df_smoother: float (default is None which is taken
as a signal turn off this option and not smooth the
snr curve.)
:param f0: frequency to start searching up and down
the frequency axis.
:type f0: float (default 1.0)
:return: Returns an instance of the `BandwidthData` class.
`BandwidthData` has the following attributes that are
set by this function:
- "low_edge_f" low frequency corner of estimated bandwidth
- "low_edge_snr" snr at low corner
- "high_edge_f" high frequency corner of estimated bandwidth
- "high_edge_snr" snr at high corner
- "f_range" total frequency range of estimate (range of S)
Note the low edge can be zero which must be handled
carefully if the output is used for designing a filter.
Further all values will be 0 if no points in the snr curve
exceed the defined threshold.
alg = "EstimateBandwidth"
if not isinstance(S, PowerSpectrum):
message = (
+ ": arg0 must be a PowerSpectrum object computed from signal; actual type={}".format(
raise TypeError(message)
if not isinstance(N, PowerSpectrum):
message = (
+ ": arg1 must be a PowerSpectrum object for noise estimate; actual type={}".format(
raise TypeError(message)
# set the ceiling on the high frequency band edge
# Default is 80% of Nyquist
if f_max:
if f_max > S.Nyquist():
# silently reset to Nyquist if f_max is illegal
high_f_ceiling = 0.8 * S.Nyquist()
high_f_ceiling = f_max
high_f_ceiling = 0.8 * S.Nyquist()
# use the S grid to define the snr curve - note N grid can be different
snrdata = np.zeros(
for i in range(
f = S.frequency(i)
i_n = N.sample_number(f)
# conditional needed in case S and N are computed with different sample intervals
if i_n <
Nnow = N.spectrum[i_n]
Snow = S.spectrum[i]
if Snow <= 0.0:
snrdata[i] = 1.0
elif Nnow <= 0.0:
if Snow > 0:
snrdata[i] = SNR_CEILING
# this would give an NaN otherwise so flag it as bag
# by setting it to 1
snrdata[i] = 1.0
snrdata[i] = Snow / Nnow
snrdata[i] = 1.0
# S and N are power, convert to amplitude
snrdata = np.sqrt(snrdata)
if df_smoother:
smoother_npts = round(df_smoother / S.df())
# silently do nothing if the smoother requested is smaller than df
if smoother_npts > 1:
smoother = np.ones(smoother_npts) / smoother_npts
np.convolve(snrdata, smoother, mode="valid")
result = BandwidthData()
result.f_range = S.frequency( - 1) - S.frequency(0)
# test for no data exceeding tbhreshold - send null result if that is the case
snrmax = np.max(snrdata)
if snrmax < snr_threshold:
result.high_edge_f = 0.0
result.high_edge_snr = 0.0
result.low_edge_f = 0.0
result.low_edge_snr = 0.0
return result
# get index of search start
i0 = S.sample_number(f0)
i_max = S.sample_number(high_f_ceiling)
# search upward in f
i = i0
while i < i_max:
if snrdata[i] <= snr_threshold:
i += 1
# this should never happen but avoids a seg fault if it does
if i >= len(snrdata):
i = len(snrdata) - 1
if i > i0:
result.high_edge_f = S.frequency(i)
result.high_edge_snr = snrdata[i]
# if we land here snr at f0 is less than the threshold
# in that case search backward to find the first
# point above the threshold (there has to be one because of
# test for max snrdata above)
i = i0
while (
snrdata[i] < snr_threshold and i >= 0
): # i>=0 test not essential but safer
i -= 1
result.high_edge_f = S.frequency(i)
result.high_edge_snr = snrdata[i]
i0 = i
# now search backward to find low edge
i = i0
# gt 0 so if 0 is above threshold i will be 0 on exiting this loop
while i > 0:
if snrdata[i] <= snr_threshold:
i -= 1
result.low_edge_f = S.frequency(i)
result.low_edge_snr = snrdata[i]
return result
def _window_invalid(d, win):
Small helper used internally in this module. Tests if TimeWidow defined
by win has a span inside the range of the data object d. Return True
if the range is invalid - somewhat reversed logic is used because of
the name choice that make the code conditioals clearer.
if d.t0 < win.start and d.endtime() > win.end:
return False
return True
def _safe_snr_calculation(s, n):
Helper used in this module for all snr calculations. snr is
always defined as a ratio of signal amplitude divided by noise amplitude.
An issue is that with simulation data it is very common to have a noise
window that is pure zeros. If computed naively snr would then be
normally be returned as NaN. NaNs can cause a lot of mysterious errors
so we handle that differently here. When noise amplitude is 0 we
then test the signal amplitude. If it is nonzero we return large
number defined inside this function as 999999.9 (just under 1 million).
If both amplitudes are zero we return -1.0 which can be properly treated
as an error or data with low snr.
if n == 0.0:
if s > 0.0:
return 999999.9
return -1.0
return s / n
[docs]def snr(
noise_window=TimeWindow(-130.0, -5.0),
signal_window=TimeWindow(-5.0, 120.0),
Compute time-domain based signal-to-noise ratio with a specified metric.
Signal-to-noise ratio is a fundamental measurement in all forms of
seismic data processing. There is, however, not a single unified metric
that ideal for all types of signals one may want to analyze. One class
of metrics used time-domain metrics to use some measure of amplitude in
a signal and noise window cut from a single waveform segment. A type
example is snr of some particular "seismic phase" (P, S, PP, ScS, etc)
relative to some measure of background noise. e.g. for P phases it is
nearly universal to try to estimate snr from some window defined by the
arrival time of P and a noise window before the time P arrives (pre-event noise).
This function provides a generic api to measure a large range of metrics
using one of four choices for measuring the norm of the data in the
signal and noise windows:
1. rms - L2 norm
2. mad - median absolute difference, which is essentially the median amplitude in this context
3. perc - percentage norm ala seismic unix. perc is defined at as the
amplitude level were perc percentage of the data have an amplitude
smaller than this value. It is computed by ranking (sorting) the
data, computing the count of that perctage relative to the number of
amplitude samples, and returning the amplitude of the nearest value
to that position in the ranked data.
4. peak - is the peak value which in linear algebra is the L infinity norm
Note the user can specify a different norm for the signal and noise windows.
The perc metric requires specifying what percentage level to use. It is
important to recognize that ALL of these metrics are scaled to amplitude
not power (amplitude squared).
This function will throw a MsPASSError exception if the window parameters
do not define a time period inside the range of the data_object. You will
need a custom function if the model of windows insider a larger waveform
segment does not match your data.
There is one final detail about an snr calculation that we handle carefully.
With simulation data it is very common to have error free simulations where
the "noise" window one would use with real data is all zeros. An snr calculated
with this function in that situation would either return inf or NaN depending
on some picky details. Neither is good as either can cause downstream
problems. For that reason we trap any condition where the noise amplitude
measure is computed as zero. If the signal amplitude is also zero we return
a -1.0. Otherwise we return a large, constant, positive number. Neither
condition will cause an exception to be thrown as that condition is considered
somewhat to be anticipated.
:param data_object: MsPASS atomic data object (TimeSeries or Seismogram)
to use for computing the snr. Note that for Seismogram objects the
metrix always use L2 measures of amplitude of each sample (i.e. vector amplitudes)
If snr for components of a Seismogram are desired use ExtractComponent and
apply this function to each component separately.
:param noise_window: TimeWindow objects defining the time range to extract
from data_object to define the part of the signal considered noise.
Times can be absolute or relative. Default the range -5 to 120 which
is makes sense only as time relative to some phase arrival time.
:param signal_window: TimeWindow object defining the time range to
extract from data_object to define the part of the signal defines as
signal to use for the required amplitude measure. Default of -130 to
-5 is consistent with the default noise window (in terms of length) and
is assumes a time relative to a phase arrival time. For absolute times
each call to this function may need its own time window.
:param noise_metric: string defining one of the four metrics defined above
('mad','peak','perc' or 'rms') to use for noise window measurement.
:param signal_metric: string defining one of the four metrics defined above
('mad','peak','perc' or 'rms') to use for signal window measurement.
:return: estimated signal-to-noise ratio as a single float. Note the
special returns noted above for any situation where the noise window
amplitude is 0
if _window_invalid(data_object, noise_window):
raise MsPASSError(
"snr: noise_window []{wstart} - {wend}] is outside input data range".format(
wstart=noise_window.start, wend=noise_window.end
if _window_invalid(data_object, signal_window):
raise MsPASSError(
"snr: noise_window []{wstart} - {wend}] is outside input data range".format(
wstart=noise_window.start, wend=noise_window.end
n = WindowData(data_object, noise_window.start, noise_window.end)
s = WindowData(data_object, signal_window.start, signal_window.end)
if noise_metric == "rms":
namp = RMSAmplitude(n)
elif noise_metric == "mad":
namp = MADAmplitude(n)
elif noise_metric == "peak":
namp = PeakAmplitude(n)
elif noise_metric == "perc":
namp = PercAmplitude(n, perc)
raise MsPASSError(
"snr: Illegal noise_metric argument = " + noise_metric,
if signal_metric == "rms":
samp = RMSAmplitude(s)
elif signal_metric == "mad":
samp = MADAmplitude(s)
elif signal_metric == "peak":
samp = PeakAmplitude(s)
elif signal_metric == "perc":
samp = PercAmplitude(s, perc)
raise MsPASSError(
"snr: Illegal signal_metric argument = " + signal_metric,
return _safe_snr_calculation(samp, namp)
def _reformat_mspass_error(
mserr, prefix_message, suffix_message="Some requested metrics may not be computed"
Helper for below used to reformat a message from ccore functions that
throw a MsPASSError. Needed to produce rational messages from
different error metric calculations.
:param mserr: MsPASSError object caught with a try: except: block
:param prefix_message: string that becomes the first part of the revised
message posted.
:param suffix_message: string that becomes a third line of the revised
message posted. Note this string is always preceded by a newline so do not
put a newline in this arg unless you want a blank line.
:return: expand message string
log_message = "FD_snr_estimator: error in computing an snr metric"
log_message += prefix_message
log_message += mserr.message
log_message += "\n"
log_message += suffix_message
return log_message
[docs]def FD_snr_estimator(
noise_window=TimeWindow(-130.0, -5.0),
signal_window=TimeWindow(-5.0, 120.0),
) -> tuple:
Estimates one or more amplitude metrics of signal-to-noise from a TimeSeries object.
Results are returned as a set of key-value pairs in a python dict.
FD_snr_estimator first estimates bandwidth with the function in this
module called `EstimateBandwidth`. See the docstring of that function
for how the bandwidth is estimated. The metrics this function
computes all depend upon that bandwidth estimate. The default return
of this function is the return of `EstimateBandwidth` translated to
keyp-value pairs. Those are:
*low_f_band_edge* - lowest frequency exceeding threshold
*high_f_band_edge* - highest frequency exeeding threshold
*high_f_band_edge_snr* and *low_f_band_edge_snr* are the snr values
at the band edges
*spectrum_frequency_range* - total frequency band for estimate
(really just 0 to Nyquist).
*bandwidth* - bandwidth of estimate in dB.
i.e. 20*log10(high_f_band_edge/low_f_band_edge)
*bandwidth_fraction* - bandwidth/spectrum_frequency_range
A set of optional metrics can be computed. All optional metrics use
the bandwidth estimates in one way or another. Optional metrics are
defined by the following keywords passed through a list (actually
any iterable container will work) of strings defining one or more
of the keywords. The metrics and a brief description of each follow:
*snr_stats* computes what are commonly plotted in box plots for the
snr estimates within the estimated bandwidth: minimum, maximum,
0.25 (1/4) point, 0.75 (3/4) point, and the median. These are set
with following dict keys: 'snr_band_maximum','snr_band_minimum',
'snr_band_1/4', 'srn_band_3/4', and 'snr_band_median' respectively.
*filtered_envelope*, *filtered_L2*, *filtered_Linf*, *filtered_perc*, and *filtered_MAD*:
All of these optional metrics first copy the data_object and then
filter the copy with a Butterworth bandpass filter with the number of
poles specified by the npoles argument and corners at the estimated
band edge by the EstimateBandwidth function. The algorithm automatically
handles the case of a zero low frequency edge. That is, with large events
the low band edge can be computed as 0 frequency. More commonly the band edge
is computed as one or two rayleigh bins above 0. A bandpass filtered applied
with a corner too close to 0 can produced distorted (or null) results.
To prevent that the default behavior is to revert to a low pass filter
versus a bandpass filter when the estimated value of low_f_band_edge is small.
By default "small" is defined as <= 2.0*tbp*df, where tbp is the
time bandwidth product for the multitaper spectral estimates (in optional
argument) and df is the frequency sampling interval of the spectrum computed from
the data in `signal_window`. You can use a different recipe by passing
a value for the optional parameter "f_low_zero_test" which will replace
the computed value using the formula above for switching to a lowpass filter.
The optional metrics are time domain estimates computed from
the bandpass (lowpass) filtered data. They are
actually computed from functions in this same module that can be
used independently and have their own docstring description. The
functions called have the following names in order of the keyword
list above: *snr_envelope*, *snr_filtered_rms*, *snr_Linv*, and *snr_filtered_mad*.
When the computed they are set in the output dictionary with the
following (again in order) keys: 'snr_envelope','snr_filtered_rms', 'srn_Linf',
and 'snr_filtered_mad'.
It is important to note that all the metrics this function returns
are measures of amplitude NOT power. You need to be particularly
aware of this if you unpickle the spectra created if you set
save_spectra true as those are power spectra.
:param data_object: TimeSeries object to be processed. For Seismogram
objects the assumption is algorithm would be used for a single
component (e.g longitudinal or vertical for a P phase)
:param noise_window: defines the time window to use for computing the
spectrum considered noise. The time span can be either relative or
UTC (absolute) time but we do not check for consistency. This low
level function assumes they are consistent. If not, the calculations
are nearly guaranteed to fail. Type must be mspasspy.ccore.TimeWindow.
:type noise_window: :py:class:`mspasspy.ccore.algorithms.basic.TimeWindow`
default -130 to -5 s.
:param signal_window: defines the time window to use that defines what
you consider "the signal". The time span can be either relative or
UTC (absolute) time but we do not check for consistency. This low
level function assumes they are consistent. If not, the calculations
are nearly guaranteed to fail. Type must be mspasspy.ccore.TimeWindow.
:type signal_window: :py:class:`mspasspy.ccore.algorithms.basic.TimeWindow`
default -5 to 120 s
:type noise_spectrum_engine: None (default) or an instance of
:param signal_spectrum_engine: is the comparable MTPowerSpectralEngine
to use to compute the signal power spectrum. Default is None with the
same caveat as above for the noise_spectrum_engine.
:type signal_spectrum_engine: None (default) or an instance of
:param band_cutoff_snr: defines the signal-to-noise ratio floor
used in the search for band edges. See description of the algorithm
above and in the user's manual. Default is 1.5
:type band_cutoff_snr: float
:param signal_spectrum_engine: is the comparable MTPowerSpectralEngine
to use to compute the signal power spectrum. Default is None with the
same caveat as above for the noise_spectrum_engine.
:param band_cutoff_snr: defines the signal-to-noise ratio floor
used in the search for band edges. See description of the algorithm
above and in the user's manual. Default is 2.0
:param signal_detection_minimum_bandwidth: As noted above this
algorithm first tries to estimate the bandwidth of data where the
signal level exceeds the noise level defined by the parameter
band_cutoff_snr. It then computes the bandwidth of the data in
dB computed as 20*log10(f_high/f_low). For almost any application
if the working bandwidth falls below some threshold the data is
junk to all intends and purpose. A factor more relevant to this
algorithm is that the "optional parameters" will all be meaningless
and a waste of computational effort if the bandwidth is too small.
A particular extreme example is zero bandwidth that happens all the
time if no frequency band exceeds the band_cutoff_snr for a range
over that minimum defined by the time-bandwidth product. The
default is 6.0. (One octave which is roughly the width of the traditional
short-period band) which allows optional metrics to be computed
but may be too small for some applications. If your application
requires higher snr and wider bandwidth adjust this parameter
and/or band_cutoff_snr.
:type signal_detection_minimum_bandwidth: float (default 6.0 dB)
:param f_low_zero_test: optional lower bound on frequency to use for
test to disable the low frequency corner. (see above)
:type f_low_zero_test: float (default is None which causes the test to
revert to 2.0*tbp*df (see above).
:param tbp: time-bandwidth product to use for computing the set of
Slepian functions used for the multitaper estimator. This parameter is
used only if the noise_spectrum_engine or signal_spectrum_engine
arguments are set as None.
:type tbp: float (default 4.0)
:param ntapers: is the number of Slepian functions (tapers) to compute
for the multitaper estimators. Like tbp it is referenced only if
noise_spectrum_engine or signal_spectrum_engine are set to None.
Note the function will throw an exception if the ntaper parameter is
not consistent with the time-bandwidth product.
:type ntapers: integer (default 6)
:param f0: frequency to use to start search for bandwidth up and down
the frequency axis (see above).
:type f0: float (default 1.0)
:param npoles: defines number of poles to us for the Butterworth
bandpass or lowpass applied for the "filtered" metrics (see above). Default is 3.
:type npoles: integer (default 3)
:param perc: used only if 'filtered_perc' is in the optional metrics list.
Specifies the perc parameter as used in seismic unix. Uses the percentage
point specified of the sorted abs of all amplitudes. (Not perc=50.0 is
identical to MAD) Default is 95.0 which is 2 sigma for Gaussian noise.
:type perc: float (default 95.0)
:param optional_metrics: is an iterable container containing one or more
of the optional snr metrics discussed above. Typos in names will create
log messages but will not cause the function to abort.
:type optional_metrics: should be a list of strings matching the set of
required keywords. Default is None which means none of the optional
metrics will be computed.
:param save_spectra: If set True (default is False) the function
will pickle the computed noise and signal spectra and save the
strings created along with a set of related metadata defining the
time range to the output python dict (these will be saved in MongoDB
when db is defined - see below). This option should ONLY be used
for spot checking, discovery of why an snr metric has unexpected
results using graphics, or a research topic where the spectra would
be of interest. It is a very bad idea to turn this option on if
you are processing a large quantity of data and saving the results
to MongoDB as it may bloat the database. Consider a
different strategy if that essential for your work.
:return: python tuple with two components. 0 is a python dict with
the computed metrics associated with keys defined above. 1 is a
mspass.ccore.ErrorLogger object. Any errors in computng any of the
metrics will be posted to this logger. Users should then test this
object using it's size() method and if it the log is not empty (size >0)
the caller should handle that condition. For normal use that means
pushing any messages the log contains to the original data object's
error log. Component 0 will also be empty with no log entry if
the estimated bandwidth falls below the threshold defined by the
parameter signal_detection_minimum_bandwidth.
algname = "FN_snr_estimator"
my_logger = ErrorLogger()
# For this algorithm we dogmatically demand the input be a TimeSeries
if not isinstance(data_object, TimeSeries):
raise MsPASSError(
"FD_snr_estimator: Received invalid data object - arg0 data must be a TimeSeries",
# MTPowerSpectrum at the moment has an issue with how it handles
# a user error in specifying time-band product and number of tapers.
# We put in an explicit trap here and abort if the user makes a mistake
# to avoid a huge spray of error message
if ntapers > round(2 * tbp):
message = (
+ "(Fatal Error): ntapers={ntapers} inconsistent with tbp={tbp}\n".format(
ntapers=ntapers, tbp=tbp
message += "ntapers must be >= round(2*tbp)"
raise MsPASSError(message, ErrorSeverity.Fatal)
if data_object.dead():
"Datum received was set dead - cannot compute anything",
return [dict(), my_logger]
# We enclose all the main code here in a try block and cat any MsPASSErrors
# they will be posted as log message. Others will not be handled
# intentionally letting python's error mechanism handle them as
# unexpected exceptions - MsPASSError can be anticipated for data problems
snrdata = dict()
# First extract the required windows and compute the power spectra
n = WindowData(data_object, noise_window.start, noise_window.end)
s = WindowData(data_object, signal_window.start, signal_window.end)
# WARNING: this handler depends upon an implementation details
# that could be a maintenance issue. The python code has a catch
# that kills a datum where windowing fails. The C++ code throws
# an exception when that happens. The python code posts that error
# message to the output which we extract here
if n.dead() or s.dead():
if n.dead():
if n.elog.size() > 0:
my_logger += n.elog
if s.dead():
if s.elog.size() > 0:
my_logger += s.elog
if noise_spectrum_engine:
nengine = noise_spectrum_engine
nengine = MTPowerSpectrumEngine(n.npts, tbp, ntapers, n.npts * 2, n.dt)
if signal_spectrum_engine:
sengine = signal_spectrum_engine
sengine = MTPowerSpectrumEngine(s.npts, tbp, ntapers, s.npts * 2, s.dt)
N = nengine.apply(n)
S = sengine.apply(s)
# the apply methods can fail. They flag that with a return marked dead
# we append the elog messages to this datum, kill it, and return if that
# happens
if N.dead() or S.dead():
if S.dead():
# this elog should have a message with further info on why it was killed
my_logger += S.elog
"spectrum esimator returned signal spectrum marked dead",
if N.dead():
my_logger += N.elog
"spectrum esimator returned noise spectrum marked dead",
return [dict(), my_logger]
bwd = EstimateBandwidth(S, N, snr_threshold=band_cutoff_snr, f0=f0)
# The low edge can be zero but that will not work correctly with the
# bandwidth method of bwd. That C++ function has a bug in that it doesn't
# handle that highly possible error condition. This is a workaround
if bwd.low_edge_f <= 0.0:
# handle completely null result
if bwd.high_edge_f > 0.0:
bandwidth = 20.0 * np.log10(bwd.high_edge_f / S.df())
bandwidth = 0.0
bandwidth = bwd.bandwidth()
# here we return empty result if the bandwidth is too low
if bandwidth < signal_detection_minimum_bandwidth:
message = "Estimated bandwidth={} below detection minimum={}".format(
bandwidth, signal_detection_minimum_bandwidth
my_logger.log_error(algname, message, ErrorSeverity.Invalid)
return [dict(), my_logger]
# These estimates are always computed and posted once we pass the above test for validity
snrdata["low_f_band_edge"] = bwd.low_edge_f
snrdata["high_f_band_edge"] = bwd.high_edge_f
snrdata["low_f_band_edge_snr"] = bwd.low_edge_snr
snrdata["high_f_band_edge_snr"] = bwd.high_edge_snr
snrdata["spectrum_frequency_range"] = bwd.f_range
snrdata["bandwidth"] = bandwidth
snrdata["bandwidth_fraction"] = bwd.bandwidth_fraction()
if save_spectra:
snrdata["signal_spectrum"] = pickle.dumps(S)
snrdata["noise_spectrum"] = pickle.dumps(N)
snrdata["signal_window_start_time"] = signal_window.start
snrdata["signal_window_end_time"] = signal_window.end
snrdata["noise_window_start_time"] = noise_window.start
snrdata["noise_window_end_time"] = noise_window.end
except MsPASSError as err:
newmessage = _reformat_mspass_error(
"Spectrum calculation and EstimateBandwidth function section failed with the following message\n",
"No SNR metrics can be computed for this datum",
my_logger.log_error(algname, newmessage, ErrorSeverity.Invalid)
return [dict(), my_logger]
# For current implementation all the optional metrics require
# computed a filtered version of the data. If a new option is
# desired that does not require filtering the data the logic
# here will need to be changed to create a more exclusive test
if optional_metrics:
if f_low_zero_test:
fcutoff = f_low_zero_test
fcutoff = 2.0 * tbp * S.df()
# use the mspass butterworth filter for speed - obspy
# version requires a conversion to Trace objects
# TODO: setting low_poles to 0 seems necessary to
# enable lowpass filter turning off low corner terms
# I (GLP) am not sure why that is necessary looking at the
# C++ code.
if bwd.low_edge_f > fcutoff:
use_lowcorner = True
low_poles = poles
use_lowcorner = False
low_poles = 0
BWfilt = Butterworth(
filtered_data = TimeSeries(data_object)
nfilt = WindowData(
sfilt = WindowData(
# this is needed externally as a signal to use a lowpass instead of
# bandpass to recreate the filtered data
if use_lowcorner:
snrdata["filter_type"] = "bandpass"
snrdata["filter_type"] = "lowpass"
snrdata["filter_number_poles"] = poles
# In this implementation we don't need this any longer so we
# delete it here. If options are added beware
del filtered_data
# Some minor efficiency would be possible if we avoided
# duplication of computations when multiple optional metrics
# are requested, but the fragility that adds to maintenance
# is not justified
for metric in optional_metrics:
if metric == "snr_stats":
stats = BandwidthStatistics(S, N, bwd)
# stats is a Metadata container - copy to snrdata
# but do so only if the results are marked valid
if stats["stats_are_valid"]:
for k in stats.keys():
snrdata[k] = stats[k]
"BandwidthStatistics marked snr_stats data invalid",
except MsPASSError as err:
# This handler is entered only if BandwidthStatistics
# throws an exception. Currently that can only happen
# if an internal C class VectorStatistics throws
# an exception. The internal logic shouldn't let that
# happen but this is a safety in case it does.
newmessage = _reformat_mspass_error(
"BandwithStatistics threw the following error\n",
"Five snr_stats attributes were not computed",
my_logger.log_error(algname, newmessage, err.severity)
elif metric == "filtered_envelope":
analytic_nfilt = hilbert(
analytic_sfilt = hilbert(
nampvector = np.abs(analytic_nfilt)
sampvector = np.abs(analytic_sfilt)
namp = np.median(nampvector)
samp = np.max(sampvector)
snrdata["snr_filtered_envelope_peak"] = _safe_snr_calculation(
samp, namp
"Error computing filtered_envelope metrics: snr_filtered_envelope_peak not computed",
elif metric == "filtered_L2":
namp = RMSAmplitude(nfilt)
samp = RMSAmplitude(sfilt)
snrvalue = _safe_snr_calculation(samp, namp)
snrdata["snr_filtered_rms"] = snrvalue
except MsPASSError as err:
newmessage = _reformat_mspass_error(
"Error computing filtered_L2 metric",
"snr_filtered_rms attribute was not compouted",
my_logger.log_error(algname, newmessage, err.severity)
elif metric == "filtered_MAD":
namp = MADAmplitude(nfilt)
samp = MADAmplitude(sfilt)
snrvalue = _safe_snr_calculation(samp, namp)
snrdata["snr_filtered_mad"] = snrvalue
except MsPASSError as err:
newmessage = _reformat_mspass_error(
"Error computing filtered_MAD metric",
"snr_filtered_mad attribute was not computed",
my_logger.log_error(algname, newmessage, err.severity)
elif metric == "filtered_Linf":
# the C function expects a fraction - for users a percentage
# is clearer
namp = PercAmplitude(nfilt, perc / 100.0)
samp = PeakAmplitude(sfilt)
snrvalue = _safe_snr_calculation(samp, namp)
snrdata["snr_filtered_peak"] = snrvalue
except MsPASSError as err:
newmessage = _reformat_mspass_error(
"Error computing filtered_Linf metric",
"snr_filtered_peak attribute was not computed",
my_logger.log_error(algname, newmessage, err.severity)
elif metric == "filtered_perc":
namp = MADAmplitude(nfilt)
samp = PercAmplitude(sfilt, perc / 100.0)
snrvalue = _safe_snr_calculation(samp, namp)
snrdata["snr_filtered_perc"] = snrvalue
snrdata["snr_perc"] = perc
except MsPASSError as err:
newmessage = _reformat_mspass_error(
"Error computing filtered_perc metric",
"snr_perf metric was not computed",
my_logger.log_error(algname, newmessage, err.severity)
message = "Illegal optional_metrics keyword=" + metric + "\n"
message += (
"If that is a typo expect some metrics will be missing from output"
my_logger.log_error(algname, message, ErrorSeverity.Complaint)
return [snrdata, my_logger]
[docs]def arrival_snr(
noise_window=TimeWindow(-130.0, -5.0),
signal_window=TimeWindow(-5.0, 120.0),
Specialization of FD_snr_estimator. A common situation where snr
data is a critical thing to estimate is data windowed around a given
seismic phase. FD_snr_estimator is a bit more generic. This function
removes some of the options from the more generic function and
has a frozen structure appropriate for measuring snr of a particular phase.
In particular it always stores the results as a subdocument (python dict)
keyed by the name defined in the metadata_output_key argument.
This function has a close sibling called "broadband_snr_QC" that
has similar behavior but add some additional functionality. The
most significant limitation of this function relative to broadband_snr_QC
is that this function ONLY accepts TimeSeries data as input.
This function is most appropriate
for QC done within a workflow where the model is to process a large
data set and winnow it down to separate the wheat from the chaff, to
use a cliche consistent with "winnow". In that situation the normal
use would be to run this function with a map operator on atomic data
and follow it with a call to filter to remove dead data and/or filter
with tests on the computed metrics. See User's Manual for guidance on
this topic. Because that is the expected normal use of this function
the kill_null_signals boolean defaults to True.
To be more robust the function tries to handle a common error. That is,
if the input data has a UTC time standard then the noise and signal
windows would need to be shifted to some reference time to make any sense.
Consequently, this algorithm silently handles that situation automatically
with a simple test. If the data are relative time no test of the
time window range is made. If the data are UTC, however, it tests if
the signal time window is inside the data range. If not, it shifts the
time windows by a time it tries to pull from the input with the key
defined by "arrival_time_key". If that attribute is not defined a
message is posted to elog of the input datum and it is returned with
no other change. (i.e. the attribute normally output with the tag
defined by metadata_output_key will not exist in the output).
Large data workflows need to handle this condition,.
Dead inputs are handled the standard way - returned immediately with no change.
Most parameters for this function are described in detail in the
docstring for FD_snr_estimator. The user is referred there to
see the usage. The following are added for this specialization:
:param phase_name: Name tag for the seismic phase being analyzed.
This string is saved to the output subdocument with the key "phase".
The default is "P"
:param arrival_time_key: key (string) used to fetch an arrival time
if the data are in UTC and the time window received does not overlap
the data range (see above)
:param kill_null_signals: boolean controlling how null snr estimator
returns are handled. When True (default) if FD_snr_estimator returns a null
result (no apparent signal) that input datum is killed before being
returned. In that situation no snr metrics will be in the output because
null means FD_snr_estimator couldn't detect a signal and the algorithm
failed. When False the datum is returned silently but
will have no snr data defined in a dict stored with the key
metadata_output_key (i.e. that attribute will be undefined in output)
:param metadata_output_key: is a string used as a key under which the
subdocument (python dict) created internally is stored. Default is
"Parrival". The idea is if multiple phases are being analyzed
each phase should have a different key set by this argument
(e.g. if PP were also being analyzed in the same workflow you
might use a key like "PParrival").
:return: a copy of data_object with the the results stored under
the key defined by the metadata_output_key argument.
if not isinstance(data_object, TimeSeries):
raise TypeError("arrival_snr: input arg0 must be a TimeSeries")
if data_object.dead():
return data_object
# here we try to recover incorrect window usage
# Note we always make a deep copy for internal use
signal_window = TimeWindow(signal_window)
noise_window = TimeWindow(noise_window)
if data_object.time_is_UTC():
# should work for anything but an absurd test near epoch 0 which should happen
if signal_window.end < data_object.t0:
if arrival_time_key in data_object:
atime = data_object[arrival_time_key]
signal_window = signal_window.shift(atime)
noise_window = noise_window.shift(atime)
# could test again here but we let FD_snr_estimator handle that error
message = (
"Input has UTC time standard but windows appear to be relative time\n"
+ "Tried to recover with time set with key="
+ arrival_time_key
+ " but it was not defined in this datum\n"
+ "Cannot compute snr metrics"
"arrival_snr", message, ErrorSeverity.Complaint
return data_object
[snrdata, elog] = FD_snr_estimator(
if elog.size() > 0:
data_object.elog += elog
# FD_snr_estimator returns an empty dictionary if the snr
# calculation fails or indicates no signal is present. This
# block combines that with the kill_null_signals in this logic
if len(snrdata) > 0:
snrdata["phase"] = phase_name
data_object[metadata_output_key] = snrdata
elif kill_null_signals:
"FD_snr_estimator flagged this datum as having no detectable signal",
return data_object
[docs]def broadband_snr_QC(
noise_window=TimeWindow(-130.0, -5.0),
signal_window=TimeWindow(-5.0, 120.0),
Compute a series of metrics that can be used for quality control
filtering of seismic phase data.
This function is intended as a workhorse to be used for low-level,
automated QC of broadband data when the the data set is defined
by signals linked to a timeable seismic phase. It can be
thought of as a version of a related function called
"arrival_snr" with some additional features. See the docstring
for that function for what those base features are. Features this
function adds not found in arrival_snr are:
1. This function allows Seismogram inputs. Only TimeSeries
data are handled by arrival_snr.
2. This function provides an option to compute arrival times
from source coordinates, receiver coordinates, and a handle
to an obspy tau-p calculator.
Otherwise it behaves the same. Note both functions may or may not
choose to interact with the function save_snr_arrival. If you want to
save the computed metrics into a form more easily fetched
your workflow should extract the contents of the python dictionary
stored under the metadata_output_key tag and save the result to
MongoDB with the save_snr_arrival function. That option is most
useful for test runs on a more limited data set to sort out
values of the computed metrics that are appropriate for a secondary
winnowing of the your data. See User's Manual for more on
this concept.
The input of arg0 (data_object) can be either a TimeSeries or
a Seismogram object. If a Seismogram object is passed the "component"
argument is used to extract the specified single channel from the Seismogram
object and that component is used for processing. That is necessary
because all the algorithms used are single channel algorithms. To
use this function on all components use a loop over components BUT
make sure you use a unique value for the argument "metadata_output_key" for
each component. Note this will also produce multiple documents per
input datum.
The type of the data_object also has a more subtle implication the
user must be aware of. That is, in the MsPASS schema we store receiver coordinates
in one of two different collections: "channel" for TimeSeries data and
"site" for Seismogram data. When such data are loaded the generic keys
like lat are always converted to names like channel_lat or site_lat
for TimeSeries and Seismogram data respectively. This function uses
the data type to set that naming. i.e. if the input is TimeSeries
it tries to fetch the latitude data as channel_lat while if it the input
is a Seismogram it tries to fetch site_lat. That is true of all coordinate
data loaded by normalization from a source and receiver collection.
Most of the arguments to this function are passed directly to
`FD_snr_estimator`. See the docstring of that function for reference.
The following are additional parameters specific to this function:
:param data_object: An atomic MsPASS data object to which the
algorithms requested should be applied. Currently that means a
TimeSeries or Seismogram object. Any other input will result
in a TypeError exception. As noted above for Seismogram input the
component argument defines which data component is to be used for the
snr computations.
:param component: integer (0, 1, or 2) defining which component of a
Seismogram object to use to compute the requested snr metrics. This
parameter is ignored if the input is a TimeSeries.
:param metadata_output_key: string defining the key where the results
are to be posted to the returned data_object. The results are always
posted to a python dictionary and then posted to the returned
data_object with this key. Default is "Parrival"
:param use_measured_arrival_time: boolean defining the method used to
define the time reference for windowing used for snr calculations.
When True the function will attempt to fetch a phase arrival time with
the key defined by the "measured_arrival_time_key" argument. In that
mode if the fetch fails the data_object will be killed and an error
posted to elog. That somewhat brutal choice was intentional as the
expectation is if you want to use measured arrival times you don't
want data where there are no picks. The default is True to make
the defaults consistent. The reason is that the tau-p calculator
handle is passed to the function when using model-based travel times.
There is no way to default that so it defaults to None.
:param measured_arrival_time_key: is the key used to fetch a
measured arrival time. This parameter is ignored if use_measured_arrival_time
is False.
:param taup_model: when use_measured_arrival_time is False this argument
is required. It defaults as None because there is no way the author
knows to initialize it to anything valid. If set it MUST be an instance
of the obspy class TauPyModel
Mistakes in use of this argument can cause a MsPASSError exception to
be thrown (not logged thrown as a fatal error) in one of two ways:
(1) If use_measured_arrival_time is False this argument must be defined,
and (2) if it is defined it MUST be an instance of TauPyModel.
:param source_collection: normalization collection for source data.
The default is the MsPASS name "source" which means the function will
try to load the source hypocenter coordinates (when required) as
source_lat, source_lon, source_depth, and source_time from the input
data_object. The id of that document is posted to the output dictionary
stored under metadata_output_key.
:param receiver_collection: when set this name will override the
automatic setting of the expected normalization collection naming
for receiver functions (see above). The default is None which causes
the automatic switching to be involked. If it is any other string
the automatic naming will be overridden.
:return: the data_object modified by insertion of the snr QC data
in the object's Metadata under the key defined by metadata_output_key.
if data_object.dead():
return data_object
if isinstance(data_object, TimeSeries):
# We need to make a copy of a TimeSeries object to assure the only
# thing we change is the Metadata we add to the return
data_to_process = TimeSeries(data_object)
if receiver_collection:
rcol = receiver_collection
rcol = "channel"
elif isinstance(data_object, Seismogram):
if component < 0 or component > 2:
raise MsPASSError(
"arrival_snr_QC: usage error. "
+ "component parameter passed with illegal value={n}\n".format(
+ "Must be 0, 1, or 2",
data_to_process = _ExtractComponent(data_object, component)
if receiver_collection:
rcol = receiver_collection
rcol = "site"
raise MsPASSError(
"arrival_snr_QC: received invalid input data\n"
+ "Input must be either TimeSeries or a Seismogram object",
if use_measured_arrival_time:
arrival_time = data_object[measured_arrival_time_key]
# This test is essential or python will throw a more obscure,
# generic exception
if taup_model is None:
raise MsPASSError(
"arrival_snr_QC: usage error. "
+ "taup_model parameter is set None but use_measured_arrival_time is False\n"
+ "This gives no way to define processing windows. See docstring",
source_lat = data_object[source_collection + "_lat"]
source_lon = data_object[source_collection + "_lon"]
source_depth = data_object[source_collection + "_depth"]
source_time = data_object[source_collection + "_time"]
receiver_lat = data_object[rcol + "_lat"]
receiver_lon = data_object[rcol + "_lon"]
delta = locations2degrees(source_lat, source_lon, receiver_lat, receiver_lon)
arrival = taup_model.get_travel_times(
arrival_time = source_time + arrival[0].time
taup_arrival_phase = arrival[0]
# not sure if this will happen but worth trapping it as a warning if
# it does
if phase_name != taup_arrival_phase:
"Requested phase name="
+ phase_name
+ " does not match phase name tag returned by obpsy taup calculator="
+ taup_arrival_phase,
if data_to_process.time_is_UTC():
# debug
# plt.plot(data_to_process.time_axis(),
[snrdata, elog] = FD_snr_estimator(
if elog.size() > 0:
data_object.elog += elog
# FD_snr_estimator returns an empty dictionary if the snr
# calculation fails or indicates no signal is present. This
# block combines that with the kill_null_signals in this logic
if len(snrdata) == 0:
"FD_snr_estimator flagged this datum as having no detectable signal",
if kill_null_signals:
return data_object
snrdata["phase"] = phase_name
snrdata["snr_arrival_time"] = arrival_time
snrdata["snr_signal_window_start"] = arrival_time + signal_window.start
snrdata["snr_signal_window_end"] = arrival_time + signal_window.end
snrdata["snr_noise_window_start"] = arrival_time + noise_window.start
snrdata["snr_noise_window_end"] = arrival_time + noise_window.end
# debug
# print_metadata(snrdata)
# These cross-referencing keys may not always be defined when a phase
# time is based on a pick so we add these cautiously
scol_id_key = source_collection + "_id"
rcol_id_key = rcol + "_id"
if data_object.is_defined(scol_id_key):
snrdata[scol_id_key] = data_object[scol_id_key]
if data_object.is_defined(rcol_id_key):
snrdata[rcol_id_key] = data_object[rcol_id_key]
# Note we add this result to data_object NOT data_to_process because that
# is not always the same thing - for a TimeSeries input it is a copy of
# the original but it may have been altered while for a Seismogram it is
# an extracted component
data_object[metadata_output_key] = snrdata
return data_object
[docs]def save_snr_arrival(
) -> ObjectId:
This function is a companion to broadband_snr_QC. It handles the
situation where the workflow aims to post calculated snr metrics to
an output database (normally in the "arrival" collection but optionally
to a parent waveform collection. ). The alternative models as
noted in the User's Manual is to use the kill option to broadband_snr_QC
followed by a call to the filter method of bag/rdd to remove the
deadwood and reduce the size of data passed downstream in large
parallel workflow. That case is better handled by using
broadband_snr_QC directly.
How the data are saved is controlled by four parameters: save_collection,
use_update, update_id and subdocument_key. They interact in a way
that is best summarized as a set of cases that procuce behavior
you may want:
1. If save_collection is not the parent waveform collection,
behavior is driven by use_update combined with subdocument_key.
When use_update is False (default) the contents of doc_to_save
will be used to define a new document in save_collection
with the MongoDB insert_one method.
2. When use_update is True the update_id will be assumed to be
defined and point be the ObjectId of an existing document
in save_collection. Specifically that id will be used as
the query clause for a call the insert_one method. This
combination is useful if a workflow is being driven by
arrival data stored in save_collection created, for example,
for a css3.0 a event->origin->assoc->arrival catalog of
arrival picks. A variant of this mode will occur if the
argument subdocument_key is defined (default is None). If
you define subgdocument_key the contents of doc_to_save will
be stored as a subdocument in save_collection accessible
with the key defined by subdocument_key.
3. If save_collection is the same as the parent waveform collection
(defined via the input parameter wf_collection) the
value of use_update will be ignored and only an update will
be attempted. The reason is that if one tried to save the
contents of doc_to_save to a waveform collection would corrupt
the database by have a bunch of documents that that could not
be used to construct a valid data object (the normal use for
one of the wf collections).
:param db: MongoDB database handle to use for transactions that
are the focus of this algorithm.
:param doc_to_save: python dictionary containing data to be saved.
Where and now this is saved is controlled by save_collection,
use_update, and subdocument_key as described above.
:param wfid: waveform document id of the parent datum. It is
assumed to be an ObjectId of linking the data in doc_to_save to
the parent. It is ALWAYS saved in the output with the key "wfid".
:param wf_collection: string defining the collection from which the
datum from which the data stored in doc_to_save are associated. wfid
is assumed define a valid document in wf_collection. Default is
:param save_collection: string defining the collection name to which
doc_to_save should be pushed. See above for how this name interacts
with other parameters.
:param subdocument_key: Optional key for saving doc_to_save as a
a subdocument in the save_collection. Default is None which means
the contents of doc_to_save will be saved (or update) as is.
For saves to (default) arrival collection this parameter should
normally be left None, but is allowed. If save_collection is the
parent waveform collection setting this to some sensible key is
recommended to avoid possible name collisions with waveform
Metadata key-value pairs. Default is None which means no
subdocuments are created.
:param use_update: boolean controlling whether or not to use
updates or inserts for the contents of doc_to_save. See above for
a description of how this interacts with other arguments to this
function. Default is False.
:param update_id: ObjectId of target document when running in update
mode. When save_collection is the same as wf_collection this parameter
is ignored and the required id passed as wfid will be used for the
update key matching. Also ignored with the default behavior if
inserting doc_to_save as a new document. Required only if running
with a different collection and updating is desired. The type example
noted above would be updates to existing arrival informations
created from a css3.0 database.
:param validate_wfid: When set True the id defined by the
required argument wfid will be validated by querying wf_collection.
In this mode if wfid is not found the function will silently return None.
Callers using this mode should handle that condition.
:return: ObjectId of saved record. None if something went wrong
and nothing was saved.
dbwfcol = db[wf_collection]
if validate_wfid:
query = {"_id": wfid}
ndocs = dbwfcol.count_documents(query)
if ndocs == 0:
return None
dbcol = db[save_collection]
update_mode = use_update
# silently enforce update mode if saving back to waveform collection
if wf_collection == save_collection:
update_mode = True
upd_id = wfid
upd_id = update_id
# this block sets doc for save with or without subdoc option
doc = dict(doc_to_save) # this acts like a deep copy
doc["wfid"] = wfid
if subdocument_key:
# The constructor for a dict is necesary to assure a deepcopy here
doc[subdocument_key] = dict(doc)
if update_mode:
# note update is only allowed on the parent wf collection
filt = {"_id": upd_id}
update_clause = {"$set": doc}
dbcol.update_one(filt, update_clause)
save_id = upd_id
save_id = dbcol.insert_one(doc).inserted_id
return save_id
[docs]def filter_by_snr_bandwidth(
d, qcdoc=None, subdoc_key="Parrival", bandpass_low_f_limit=0.02, npoles=4
Filter function to automatically handle data processed with arrival_snr
or broadband_snr_QC.
The two MsPASS functions `arrival_snr` and `broadband_snr_QC` are
front ends to a lower level function called `FD_broadband_snr`.
That function is designed to estimate the bandwidth of a signal
and compute a suite of snr metrics that can be used to winnow
data for further processing. One often wants to then filter the
data so processed into the frequency band the algorithm determines.
This function does that automaticallty for any atomic datum
previously processed with `arrival_snr` or `broadband_snr_QC`.
An important complication this function handles is that for large
earthquakes the low frequency band edge can be 0 or close
(meaning within a few Rayleigh bins) of 0. In that situation
a bandpass filter with the corner near 0 is unstable and the
filter operator would fail if you tried to use that corner.
This function handles that all automatically if you use the
defaults for `arrival_snr` or `broadband_snr_QC`. If you
change any of the defaults you may need to change one of the kwargs
for this function. See descriptions below for guidance.
:param d: atomic MsPASS data object to be filtered.
:type d: :py:class:`mspasspy.ccore.seismic.TimeSeries` or
:param qcdoc: use attributes stored in a dictionary.
Use this approach if you want to impose attributes externally.
If defined the contents of this dictionary will be used. If it
isn't define the function will use subdoc_key to try to fetch
the same data. Using a dictionary passed via this argument
is a way to filter an ensemble in a common band for all members.
:type qdoc: dict or None (default)
:param subdoc_key: subdocument Metadata key to use to fetch data posted
by `arrival_snr` or `broadband_snr_QC`. Both by default post the
computed attributes to a subdocument (python dictionary) that can
be fetched from the Metadata of d with a particular key. This
argument is the key that should be used to fetch that data. The
default is the default for `arrival_snr` and `broadband_snr_QC`.
Note if no data is found for this key the function attempts to
extract the required attributes from the top level of the
Metadata container of d. If that fails the function will kill
the datum and post an elog message.
:type subdoc_key: string (default "Parrival")
:param bandpass_low_f_limit:
:type bandpass_low_f_limit: float (default 0.02 = 1/50 s)
:param npoles: number of poles to use for Butterworth filter function
if not defined in the datum's Metadata.
:type npoles: integer (default 4)
alg = "filter_by_snr_bandwidth"
if not isinstance(d, (TimeSeries, Seismogram)):
message = alg + ": arg0 has illegal type={}\n".format(type(d))
message += "Must be a TimeSeries or Seismogram object"
raise ValueError(message)
if d.dead():
return d
# qcdoc overides all else
if qcdoc:
doc = qcdoc
elif d.is_defined(subdoc_key):
doc = d[subdoc_key]
# do this automatically and depend upon later messages if it
# doesn't work
doc = dict(d)
if "low_f_band_edge" in doc and "high_f_band_edge" in doc:
f_low = doc["low_f_band_edge"]
f_high = doc["high_f_band_edge"]
if "filter_type" in doc:
ftype = doc["filter_type"]
npoles = doc["filter_number_poles"]
if f_low < bandpass_low_f_limit:
ftype = "lowpass"
ftype = "bandpass"
# mismatch here that should not be significant. Using the obspy filter
# here but FD_snr_estimator (the core snr function) uses the mspass
# Butterworth implementation. Should not matter for this function
if ftype == "lowpass":
filtered_data = filter(d, "lowpass", freq=f_high, corners=npoles)
filtered_data = filter(
d, "bandpass", freqmin=f_low, freqmax=f_high, corners=npoles
return filtered_data
message = (
"Required arguments low_f_band_edge and high_f_band_edge where not defined"
d.elog.log_error(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Invalid)
return d
[docs]def visualize_qcdata(
Creates a set of plots to visualize qc results computed from
spectral estimates. Requires the input datum d to have
the spectra stored in metadata as pickled serialization of
spectra used for the estimators. That requires the data to
have been run with the option "save_spectra=True" in on
of the QC function that use FD_snr_estimator. The function
with throw a MsPASSError exception if that metadata is missing.
This function generates graphics and must not be used in
a large data processing job. It is for exploratory work only
for use on a small subset of data. Note "exploratory" also
implies it is not as robust as a processing function and
may fail in ways that require debugging.
:param d: Datum to display
:type d: :py:class:`mspasspy.ccore.seismic.TimeSeries` or
:param component: component to display if input is a
`Seismogram` object. Ignore if input is a `TimeSeries`.
:type component: integer
:param qc_subdoc_key: key used to fetch the subdocument
from d normally used to store the output from
`broadband_snr_QC`. If set to None will attempt
to fetch required attributes from Metdata container
of d.
:type qc_subdoc_key: string or None. Default "Parrival"
is default of `broadband_arrival_QC`.
def pts2box(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) -> tuple:
Small internal to convert range xmin to xmax and
same for y (ymin to yamx) to a list of points that
can be passed to plot to produce a box with that range.
returns a tuple with 0 the x values and 1 the y values
that define the box.
x = [xmin, xmax, xmax, xmin, xmin]
y = [ymin, ymin, ymax, ymax, ymin]
return tuple([x, y])
if isinstance(d, Seismogram):
d = _ExtractComponent(d, component)
if not isinstance(d, TimeSeries):
message = "arg0 value must be a TimeSeries object\n"
message += "Actual type={}".str(type(d))
raise ValueError(message)
if qc_subdoc_key:
doc = d[qc_subdoc_key]
doc = dict(d)
if "signal_spectrum" in doc and "noise_spectrum" in doc:
pdata = doc["signal_spectrum"]
S = pickle.loads(pdata)
pdata = doc["noise_spectrum"]
N = pickle.loads(pdata)
del pdata
# If we get here we can assume these Metadata values have been
swin = TimeWindow(
doc["signal_window_start_time"], doc["signal_window_end_time"]
nwin = TimeWindow(doc["noise_window_start_time"], doc["noise_window_end_time"])
f_low = doc["low_f_band_edge"]
f_high = doc["high_f_band_edge"]
ymax = np.max(S.spectrum)
ymin = np.min(N.spectrum)
# this draws a box around band estimate
x, y = pts2box(f_low, f_high, ymin, ymax)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
fig.suptitle("Spectrum estimates")
ax.loglog(S.frequencies(), S.spectrum, "-", N.frequencies(), N.spectrum, ":")
ax.loglog(x, y, "-")
if "filter_type" in doc:
filtered_data = filter_by_snr_bandwidth(d, subdoc_key=qc_subdoc_key)
fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots(2)
fig2.suptitle("Time Series Data")
ymin = np.min(
ymax = np.max(
xn, yn = pts2box(nwin.start, nwin.end, ymin, ymax)
xs, ys = pts2box(swin.start, swin.end, ymin, ymax)
ax2[0].plot(xn, yn)
ax2[0].plot(xs, ys)
ax2[0].set_title("Input data")
ax2[1].plot(xn, yn)
ax2[1].plot(xs, ys)
ax2[1].set_title("Filtered to bandwidth estimate")
"This datum was not run with optional metrics to define filtered data"
print("Cannot make the time series data showing oiginal and filtered data")
message = (
"Missing required metadata with keys signal_spectrum and noise_spectrum\n"
message += "You probably need to run the data through broadband_snr_QC with save_spectra set True"
raise MsPASSError("visuallize_qcdata", message, ErrorSeverity.Invalid)