Functions for converting to and from MsPASS data types.
from typing import Collection
import numpy as np
import obspy.core
import collections
import pandas as pd
import dask.dataframe as daskdf
__mspasspy_has_dask = True
except ImportError:
__mspasspy_has_dask = False
from mspasspy.ccore.utility import Metadata, AntelopePf, MsPASSError, ErrorSeverity
from mspasspy.ccore.seismic import (
from mspasspy.ccore.algorithms.basic import _ExtractComponent
# dict.toMetadata = dict2Metadata
Metadata.todict = Metadata2dict
[docs]def AntelopePf2dict(pf):
Converts a AntelopePf object to a Python dict.
This converts a AntelopePf object to a Python dict by recursively
decoding the tbls.
:param pf: AntelopePf object to convert.
:type md: :class:`~mspasspy.ccore.AntelopePf`
:return: Python dict equivalent to md.
:rtype: dict
keys = pf.keys()
tbl_keys = pf.tbl_keys()
arr_keys = pf.arr_keys()
data = collections.OrderedDict()
for key in keys:
val = pf.get(key)
data[key] = val
for key in tbl_keys:
val = pf.get_tbl(key)
data[key] = val
for key in arr_keys:
pf_branch = pf.get_branch(key)
branch_dict = AntelopePf2dict(pf_branch)
data[key] = branch_dict
return data
AntelopePf.todict = AntelopePf2dict
[docs]def TimeSeries2Trace(ts):
Converts a TimeSeries object to an obspy Trace object.
MsPASS can handle scalar data either as an obspy Trace object or
as with the mspass TimeSeries object. The capture nearly the same
concepts. The main difference is that TimeSeries support the
error logging and history features of mspass while obspy, which is
a separate package, does not. Obspy has a number of useful
algorithms that operate on scalar data, however, so it is frequently
useful to switch between Trace and TimeSeries formats. The user is
warned, however, that converting a TimeSeries to a Trace object
with this function will result in the loss of any error log information.
For production runs unless the data set is huge, we recommend saving
the intermediate result AFTER calling this function if there is any
possibility there are errors posted on any data. We say after because
some warning errors from this function may be posted in elog. Since
python uses call by reference d may thus be altered.
:param ts: is the TimeSeries object to be converted
:type ts: :class:`~mspasspy.ccore.TimeSeries`
:return: an obspy Trace object from conversion of d. An empty Trace
object will be returned if d was marked dead
:rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace`b
dresult = obspy.core.Trace()
dresult.dead_mspass = True
# Silently return an empty trace object if the data are marked dead now
if not ts.live:
return dresult
# We first deal with attributes in BasicTimeSeries that have to
# be translated into an obspy stats dictionary like object
dresult.dead_mspass = False
dresult.stats["delta"] = ts.dt
dresult.stats["npts"] = ts.npts
dresult.stats["starttime"] = obspy.core.UTCDateTime(ts.t0)
# It appears obspy computes endtime - this throws an AttributeError if
# included. Ratained for reference to keep someone from putting this back
# dresult.stats['endtime']=obspy.core.UTCDateTime(ts.endtime())
# todo relative time attribute
# These are required by obspy but optional in mspass. Hence, we have
# to extract them with caution. Note defaults are identical to
# Trace constructor
# Check for "sampling_rate" attribute
if ts.is_defined(Keywords.sampling_rate):
sampling_rate = ts["sampling_rate"]
# Check if sampling_rate is consistent with 1/dt
if abs(sampling_rate - 1.0 / ts.dt) > 1e-6:
# Record inconsistency in error log (elog)
message = "sampling_rate inconsistent with 1/dt; updating to 1/dt"
ts.elog.log_error("TimeSeries2Trace", message, ErrorSeverity.Complaint)
# Update sampling_rate to 1/dt
ts["sampling_rate"] = 1.0 / ts.dt
dresult.stats["sampling_rate"] = 1.0 / ts.dt
# Set sampling_rate to 1/dt
ts["sampling_rate"] = 1.0 / ts.dt
dresult.stats["sampling_rate"] = 1.0 / ts.dt
if ts.is_defined(Keywords.net):
dresult.stats["network"] = ts.get_string(Keywords.net)
dresult.stats["network"] = ""
if ts.is_defined(Keywords.sta):
dresult.stats["station"] = ts.get_string(Keywords.sta)
dresult.stats["station"] = ""
if ts.is_defined(Keywords.chan):
dresult.stats["channel"] = ts.get_string(Keywords.chan)
dresult.stats["channel"] = ""
if ts.is_defined(Keywords.loc):
dresult.stats["location"] = ts.get_string(Keywords.loc)
dresult.stats["location"] = ""
if ts.is_defined("calib"):
dresult.stats["calib"] = ts.get_double("calib")
dresult.stats["calib"] = 1.0
# We have to copy other metadata to preserve them too. That is
# complicated by the fact that some (notably endtime) are read only
# and will abort the program if we just naively copy them.
# The list below are the keys to exclude either because they
# are computed by Trace (i.e. endtime) or are already set above
do_not_copy = [
for k in ts.keys():
if not (k in do_not_copy):
dresult.stats[k] = ts[k]
# dresult.data = np.ndarray(ts.npts)
# for i in range(ts.npts):
# dresult.data[i] = ts.data[i]
dresult.data = np.array(ts.data)
return dresult
TimeSeries.toTrace = TimeSeries2Trace
[docs]def Seismogram2Stream(
sg, chanmap=["E", "N", "Z"], hang=[90.0, 0.0, 0.0], vang=[90.0, 90.0, 0.0]
# fixme hang and vang parameters
Convert a mspass::Seismogram object to an obspy::Stream with 3 components split apart.
mspass and obspy have completely incompatible approaches to handling three
component data. obspy uses a Stream object that is a wrapper around and
a list of Trace objects. mspass stores 3C data bundled into a matrix
container. This function takes the matrix container apart and produces
the three Trace objects obspy want to define 3C data. The caller is
responsible for how they handle bundling the output.
A very dark side of this function is any error log entries in the part
mspass Seismogram object will be lost in this conversion as obspy
does not implement that concept. If you need to save the error log
you will need to save the input of this function to MongoDB to preserve
the errorlog it may contain.
:param sg: is the Seismogram object to be converted
:type sg: :class:`~mspasspy.ccore.Seismogram`
:param chanmap: 3 element list of channel names to be assigned components
:type chanmap: list
:param hang: 3 element list of horizontal angle attributes (azimuth in degrees)
to be set in Stats array of output for each component. (default is
for cardinal directions)
:type hang: list
:param vang: 3 element list of vertical angle (theta of spherical coordinates)
to be set in Stats array of output for each component. (default is
for cardinal directions)
:type vang: list
:return: obspy Stream object containing a list of 3 Trace objects in
mspass component order. Presently the data are ALWAYS returned to
cardinal directions (see above). It will be empty if sg was marked dead
:rtype: :class:`obspy.core.stream.Stream`
dresult = obspy.core.Stream()
dresult.dead_mspass = True
# Note this logic will silently return an empty Stream object if the
# data are marked dead
if sg.live:
dresult.dead_mspass = False
uuids = sg.id()
logstuff = sg.elog
for i in range(3):
ts = _ExtractComponent(sg, i)
ts.put_string(Keywords.chan, chanmap[i])
ts.put_double(Keywords.channel_hang, hang[i])
ts.put_double(Keywords.channel_vang, vang[i])
# ts is a CoreTimeSeries but we need to add a few things to
# make it mesh with TimeSeries2Trace
tsex = TimeSeries(ts, uuids)
tsex.elog = logstuff
dobspy = TimeSeries2Trace(tsex)
for i in range(3):
tc = obspy.core.Trace()
tc.dead_mspass = True
return dresult
Seismogram.toStream = Seismogram2Stream
[docs]def Trace2TimeSeries(trace, history=None):
Convert an obspy Trace object to a TimeSeries object.
An obspy Trace object mostly maps directly into the mspass TimeSeries
object with the stats of Trace mapping (almost) directly to the TimeSeries
Metadata object that is a base class to TimeSeries. A deep copy of the
data vector in the original Trace is made to the result. That copy is
done in C++ for speed (we found a 100+ fold speedup using that mechanism
instead of a simple python loop) There is one important type collision
in copying obspy starttime and endtime stats fields. obspy uses their
UTCDateTime object to hold time but TimeSeries only supports an epoch
time (UTCDateTime.timestamp) so the code here has to convert from the
UTCDateTime to epoch time in the TimeSeries. Note in a TimeSeries
starttime is the t0 attribute.
The biggest mismatch in Trace and TimeSeries is that Trace has no concept
of object level history as used in mspass. That history must be maintained
outside obspy. To maintain full history the user must pass the
history maintained externally through the optional history parameter.
The contents of history will be loaded directly into the result with
no sanity checks.
:param trace: obspy trace object to convert
:type trace: :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace`
:param history: mspass ProcessingHistory object to post to result.
:return: TimeSeries object derived from obpsy input Trace object
:rtype: :class:`~mspasspy.ccore.TimeSeries`
# The obspy trace object stats attribute only acts like a dictionary
# we can't use it directly but this trick simplifies the copy to
# mesh with py::dict for pybind11 - needed in TimeSeries constructor below
h = dict(trace.stats)
# These tests are excessively paranoid since starttime and endtime
# are required attributes in Trace, but better save in case
# someone creates one outside obspy
if Keywords.starttime in trace.stats:
t = h[Keywords.starttime]
h[Keywords.starttime] = t.timestamp
# We have to set this to something if it isn't set or
# the TimeSeries constructor may abort
h[Keywords.starttime] = 0.0
# we don't require endtime in TimeSeries so ignore if it is not set
if "endtime" in trace.stats:
t = h["endtime"]
h["endtime"] = t.timestamp
# these define a map of aliases to apply when we convert to mspass
# metadata from trace - we redefined these names but others could
# surface as obspy evolves independently from mspass
mspass_aliases = dict()
mspass_aliases["station"] = Keywords.sta
mspass_aliases["network"] = Keywords.net
mspass_aliases["location"] = Keywords.loc
mspass_aliases["channel"] = Keywords.chan
for k in mspass_aliases:
if k in h:
x = h.pop(k)
alias_key = mspass_aliases[k]
h[alias_key] = x
dout = TimeSeries(h, trace.data)
if history != None:
# The following dead_mspass attribute is used by our decorator API
# to determine whether an object was dead before the conversion.
if trace.dead_mspass:
dout.live = False
except AttributeError:
return dout
obspy.core.Trace.toTimeSeries = Trace2TimeSeries
[docs]def Stream2Seismogram(st, master=0, cardinal=False, azimuth="azimuth", dip="dip"):
Convert obspy Stream to a Seismogram.
Convert an obspy Stream object with 3 components to a mspass::Seismogram
(three-component data) object. This implementation actually converts
each component first to a TimeSeries and then calls a C++ function to
assemble the complete Seismogram. This has some inefficiencies, but
the assumption is this function is called early on in a processing chain
to build a raw data set.
:param st: input obspy Stream object. The object MUST have exactly 3 components
or the function will throw a AssertionError exception. The program is
less dogmatic about start times and number of samples as these are
handled by the C++ function this python script calls. Be warned,
however, that the C++ function can throw a MsPASSrror exception that
should be handled separately.
:param master: a Seismogram is an assembly of three channels composed created from
three TimeSeries/Trace objects. Each component may have different
metadata (e.g. orientation data) and common metadata (e.g. station
coordinates). To assemble a Seismogram a decision has to be made on
which component has the definitive common metadata. We use a simple
algorithm and clone the data from one component defined by this index.
Must be 0,1, or 2 or the function wil throw a RuntimeError. Default is 0.
:param cardinal: boolean used to define one of two algorithms used to assemble the
bundle. When true the three input components are assumed to be in
cardinal directions (x1=positive east, x2=positive north, and x3=positive up)
AND in a fixed order of E,N,Z. Otherwise the Metadata fetched with
the azimuth and dip keys are used for orientation.
:param azimuth: defines the Metadata key used to fetch the azimuth angle
used to define the orientation of each component Trace object.
Default is 'azimuth' used by obspy. Note azimuth=hang in css3.0.
Cannot be aliased - must be present in obspy Stats unless cardinal is true
:param dip: defines the Metadata key used to fetch the vertical angle orientation
of each data component. Vertical angle (vang in css3.0) is exactly
the same as theta in spherical coordinates. Default is obspy 'dip'
key. Cannot be aliased - must be defined in obspy Stats unless
cardinal is true
:raise: Can throw either an AssertionError or MsPASSrror(currently defaulted to
pybind11's default RuntimeError. Error message can be obtained by
calling the what method of RuntimeError).
# First make sure we have exactly 3 components
assert len(st) == 3, "Stream length must be EXACTLY 3 for 3-components"
assert 0 <= master < 3, "master argument must be 0, 1, or 2"
# if all traces are dead in a stream, it should be converted to a dead seismogram
size = len(st)
for i in range(len(st)):
if st[i].dead_mspass:
size -= 1
if size == 0:
res = Seismogram()
res.live = False
return res
except AttributeError:
# Complicated logic here, but the point is to make sure the azimuth
# attribute is set. The cardinal part is to override the test if
# we can assume he components are ENZ
if not cardinal:
if (
azimuth not in st[0].stats
or azimuth not in st[1].stats
or azimuth not in st[2].stats
raise RuntimeError(
"Stream2Seismogram: Required attribute "
+ azimuth
+ " must be in mdother list"
if not cardinal:
if dip not in st[0].stats or dip not in st[1].stats or dip not in st[2].stats:
raise RuntimeError(
"Stream2Seismogram: Required attribute "
+ dip
+ " must be in mdother list"
# Outer exception handler to handle range of possible errors in
# converting each component. Note we pass an empty list for mdother
# and aliases except the master
bundle = []
for i in range(3):
# The constructor we use below has frozen names hang for azimuth and
# vang for what obspy calls dip. Copy to those names - should work
# even if the hang and vang are the names although with some inefficiency
# assume that would not be normal so avoid unnecessary code
if cardinal:
bundle[0].put(Keywords.channel_hang, 90.0)
bundle[1].put(Keywords.channel_hang, 0.0)
bundle[2].put(Keywords.channel_hang, 0.0)
bundle[0].put(Keywords.channel_vang, 90.0)
bundle[1].put(Keywords.channel_vang, 90.0)
bundle[2].put(Keywords.channel_vang, 0.0)
for i in range(3):
hang = bundle[i].get_double(azimuth)
bundle[i].put(Keywords.channel_hang, hang)
vang = bundle[i].get_double(dip)
bundle[i].put(Keywords.channel_vang, vang)
# Assume now bundle contains all the pieces we need. This constructor
# for _CoreSeismogram should then do the job
# This may throw an exception, but we require the caller to handle it
# All errors returned by this constructor currenlty leave the data INVALID
# so handler should discard anything with an error
dout = _CoreSeismogram(bundle, master)
res = Seismogram(dout, "INVALID")
res.live = True
return res
obspy.core.Stream.toSeismogram = Stream2Seismogram
[docs]def TimeSeriesEnsemble2Stream(tse):
Convert a timeseries ensemble to stream. Always copies
all ensemble Metadata to tse members before conversion. That is
necessary to avoid loss of data in the case where the only copy is
stored in the ensemble's metadata.
:param tse: timeseries ensemble
:return: converted stream
res = obspy.core.Stream()
# Save the set of keys in ensemble metadata and post the list
# to ensmeble md with a special key. The inverse function
# looks for that special list and uses it to restore the
# ensemble's metadata. That handling is similar to how we handle
# dead on atomic data. Note _get_ensemble_md is not a C function but
# defined only in the pybind11 wrappers
md = tse._get_ensemble_md()
# Having this as const in is a maitenanc issue. Shouldn't be a problem
# provided no other file uses this key. For now it is self contained in
# this module.
tse["CONVERTER_ENSEMBLE_KEYS"] = md.keys()
# This pushes all conents of ensemble md to all members. That includes
# the scratch list we just posted. inverse needs to clear the temp
# Remover the temporary from the ensemble metadata or the return
# will be inconsistent with the input
for ts in tse.member:
return res
TimeSeriesEnsemble.toStream = TimeSeriesEnsemble2Stream
[docs]def list2Ensemble(l, keys=None):
Convert a list of TimeSeries or Seismograms to a corresponding type of Ensemble.
This function will make copies of all the data, to create a new Ensemble.
Note that the Ensemble's Metadata will always be copied from the first member.
If the keys argument is specifid, it will only copy the keys specified.
If a key does not exist in the first member, it will be skipped and leave a complaint in the error log of the ensemble.
:param l: a list of TimeSeries or Seismograms
:param keys: a list of keys to be copied from the first object to the Ensemble's Metadata
:return: converted TimeSeriesEnsemble or SeismogramEnsemble
if isinstance(l[0], TimeSeries):
res = TimeSeriesEnsemble()
elif isinstance(l[0], Seismogram):
res = SeismogramEnsemble()
raise MsPASSError(
"list2Ensemble: The elements of the list needs to be TimeSeries or Seismogram but '{}' is given".format(
for d in l:
if keys:
md = Metadata()
for k in keys:
md[k] = res.member[0][k]
"key: '{}' not found in the first element".format(k),
return res
[docs]def Pf2AttributeNameTbl(pf, tag="attributes"):
This function will parse a pf file to extract a tbl with a specific
key and return a data structure that defines the names and types of
each column in the input file.
The structure returned is a tuple with three components:
1 (index 0) python array of attribute names in the original tbl order
This is used to parse the text file so the order matters a lot.
2 (index 1) parallel array of type names for each attribute.
These are actual python type objects that can be used as the
second arg of isinstance.
3 (index 2) python dictionary keyed by name field that defines
what a null value is for this attribute.
:param pf: AntelopePf object to be parsed
:param tag: &Tbl tag for section of pf to be parsed.
tbl = pf.get_tbl(tag)
names = []
dtypes = []
nullvalues = []
i = 0
for line in tbl:
temp = line.split()
typenamein = temp[1].lower() # allows upper or lower case in names
if typenamein == "string" or typenamein == "str":
typ = type("foobar")
nullval = temp[2]
elif typenamein == "integer" or typenamein == "int" or typenamein == "long":
typ = type(1)
nullval = int(temp[2])
elif (
typenamein == "float"
or typenamein == "double"
or typenamein == "real"
or typenamein == "epochtime"
typ = type(1.0)
nullval = float(temp[2])
elif typenamein == "bool" or typenamein == "boolean":
typ = type(True)
nullval = bool(temp[2])
raise MsPASSError(
"parse_attribute_name_tbl: unsupported data type file=" + typenamein,
i += 1
nulls = dict()
i = 0
for k in names:
nulls[k] = nullvalues[i]
i += 1
return tuple([names, dtypes, nulls])
[docs]def Textfile2Dataframe(
Import a text file representation of a table and store its
representation as a pandas dataframe.
Note that even in the parallel environment, a dask dataframe will be
transfered back to a pandas dataframe for the consistency.
:param filename: path to text file that is to be read to create the
table object that is to be processed (internally we use pandas or
dask dataframes)
:param separator: The delimiter used for seperating fields,
the default is "\s+", which is the regular expression of "one or more
For csv file, its value should be set to ','.
This parameter will be passed into pandas.read_csv or dask.dataframe.read_csv.
To learn more details about the usage, check the following links:
:param type_dict: pairs of each attribute and its type, usedd to validate
the type of each input item
:param header_line: defines the line to be used as the attribute names for
columns, if is < 0, an attribute_names is required. Please note that if an
attribute_names is provided, the attributes defined in header_line will
always be override.
:param attribute_names: This argument must be either a list of (unique)
string names to define the attribute name tags for each column of the
input table. The length of the array must match the number of
columns in the input table or this function will throw a MsPASSError
exception. This argument is None by default which means the
function will assume the line specified by the "header_line" argument as
column headers defining the attribute name. If header_line is less
than 0 this argument will be required. When header_line is >= 0
and this argument (attribute_names) is defined all the names in
this list will override those stored in the file at the specified
line number.
:param rename_attributes: This is expected to be a python dict
keyed by names matching those defined in the file or attribute_names
array (i.e. the panda/dataframe column index names) and values defining
strings to use to override the original names. That usage, of course,
is most common to override names in a file. If you want to change all
the name use a custom attributes_name array as noted above. This
argument is mostly to rename a small number of anomalous names.
:param attributes_to_use: If used this argument must define a list of
attribute names that define the subset of the dataframe dataframe
attributes that are to be saved. For relational db users this is
effectively a "select" list of attribute names. The default is
None which is taken to mean no selection is to be done.
:param one_to_one: is an important boolean use to control if the
output is or is not filtered by rows. The default is True
which means every tuple in the input file will create a single row in
dataframe. (Useful, for example, to construct an wf_miniseed
collection css3.0 attributes.) If False the (normally reduced) set
of attributes defined by attributes_to_use will be filtered with the
panda/dask dataframe drop_duplicates method. That approach
is important, for example, to filter things like Antelope "site" or
"sitechan" attributes created by a join to something like wfdisc and
saved as a text file to be processed by this function.
:param parallel: When true we use the dask dataframe operation.
The default is false meaning the simpler, identical api panda
operators are used.
:param insert_column: a dictionary of new columns to add, and their value(s).
If the content is a single value, it can be passedto define a constant value
for the entire column of data. The content can also be a list, in that case,
the list should contain values that are to be set, and it must be the same
length as the number of tuples in the table.
if (
attribute_names is not None and len(attribute_names) > 0
): # If given attribute_names, header_line would be overriden
header_line = None
if (
header_line is None or header_line < 0
): # Header_line not given, using attribute_names
if parallel and __mspasspy_has_dask:
df = daskdf.read_csv(filename, sep=separator, names=attribute_names)
if parallel:
print("WARNING: No dask detected. Running pandas dataframe")
df = pd.read_csv(filename, sep=separator, names=attribute_names)
else: # header_line is given and attribute_names is not given
if parallel and __mspasspy_has_dask:
df = daskdf.read_csv(filename, sep=separator, header=header_line)
if parallel:
print("WARNING: No dask detected. Running pandas dataframe")
df = pd.read_csv(filename, sep=separator, header=header_line)
# Convert data in each column to the type given in type_dict
if type_dict is not None:
for field, type in type_dict.items():
if field in df:
if attributes_to_use is not None:
df = df[attributes_to_use]
if not one_to_one:
df = df.drop_duplicates()
# Intentionally left to last as the above can reduce the size of df
if rename_attributes is not None:
df = df.rename(columns=rename_attributes)
# Add new columns to the dataframe
if insert_column is not None:
for key, val in insert_column.items():
df[key] = val
# Transfer dask dataframe back to pandas dataframe to keep the consistency in internal representation
if parallel and __mspasspy_has_dask:
df = df.compute()
return df
def _converter_get_ensemble_keys(ens):
Small helper for converting from Stream to either of the
mspass ensemble objects. Returns a list of keys from the first
live member using the internal key CONVERTER_ENSEMBLE_KEYS.
Normally should return a list of any ensemble keys. If the
special key is not found it returns an empty list.
for d in ens.member:
if d.live:
if d.is_defined("CONVERTER_ENSEMBLE_KEYS"):
return list()
[docs]def Stream2TimeSeriesEnsemble(stream):
Convert a stream to timeseries ensemble.
:param stream: stream input
:return: converted timeseries ensemble
size = len(stream)
tse = TimeSeriesEnsemble()
for i in range(size):
# potential dead loss problem is resolved by saving the info in converted objects
# Handle the ensemble metadata. The little helper we call here
# get the list set with CONVERTER_ENSEMBLE_KEYS.
enskeys = _converter_get_ensemble_keys(tse)
if len(enskeys) > 0:
post_ensemble_metadata(tse, enskeys)
for d in tse.member:
if d.is_defined("CONVERTER_ENSEMBLE_KEYS"):
return tse
obspy.core.Stream.toTimeSeriesEnsemble = Stream2TimeSeriesEnsemble
[docs]def SeismogramEnsemble2Stream(sge):
Convert a seismogram ensemble to stream
:param sge: seismogram ensemble input
:return: stream
# This uses the same approach as TimeSeriesEnsemblet2Stream to handle
# ensemble metadata. See comments there for potential maintenanc issues
md = sge._get_ensemble_md()
sge["CONVERTER_ENSEMBLE_KEYS"] = md.keys()
# as above remove this temporary from sge or it alters the
# input - python gives us a pointer to this thing so it is mutable
res = obspy.core.Stream()
for sg in sge.member:
res += Seismogram2Stream(sg)
return res
SeismogramEnsemble.toStream = SeismogramEnsemble2Stream
[docs]def Stream2SeismogramEnsemble(stream):
Convert a stream to seismogram ensemble.
:param stream: stream input
:return: converted seismogram ensemble
size = len(stream)
res = SeismogramEnsemble()
for i in range(int(size / 3)):
res.member.append(Stream2Seismogram(stream[i * 3 : i * 3 + 3], cardinal=True))
# fixme cardinal
# Handle the ensemble metadata. The little helper we call here
# get the list set with CONVERTER_ENSEMBLE_KEYS. The
# code here is identical to that for TimeSeriesEnsemble version
# because the ensemble containers have parallel symbols and the atomic
# members are close relatives
enskeys = _converter_get_ensemble_keys(res)
if len(enskeys) > 0:
post_ensemble_metadata(res, enskeys)
# By default the above leaves copies of the ensemble md in each member
# Treat that a ok, but we do need to clear the temporary we posted
for d in res.member:
if d.is_defined("CONVERTER_ENSEMBLE_KEYS"):
return res
obspy.core.Stream.toSeismogramEnsemble = Stream2SeismogramEnsemble
def _all_members_match(ens, key):
This is a helper function for below. I scans ens to assure all members
of the ensemble have the same value for the requested key. It uses
the python operator == for testing. That can fail for a variety of
reasons the "match" may be overly restrictive for some types of data
linked to key.
:param ens: ensemble data to scan. Function will throw a MsPASS error if
the data this symbol is associated with is not a mspass ensemble object.
:param key: key whose values are to be tested for all members of ens.
:return: True of all members match, false if there are any differences.
Note if a key is not defined in a live member the result will be false.
Dead data are ignored.
if isinstance(ens, TimeSeriesEnsemble) or isinstance(ens, SeismogramEnsemble):
nlive = 0
for d in ens.member:
if d.live:
if nlive == 0:
val0 = d[key]
nlive += 1
if not key in d:
return False
val = d[key]
if val0 != val:
return False
nlive += 1
return True
raise MsPASSError(
"_all_members_match: input is not a mspass ensemble object", "Invalid"
[docs]def post_ensemble_metadata(ens, keys=[], check_all_members=False, clean_members=False):
It may be necessary to call this function after conversion from
an obspy Stream to one of the mspass Ensemble classes. This function
is necessary because a mspass Ensemble has a concept not part of the
obspy Stream object. That is, mspass ensembles have a global
Metadata container. That container is expected to contain Metadata
common to all members of the ensemble. For example, for data from
a single earthquake it would be sensible to post the source location
information in the ensemble metadata container rather than
having duplicates in each member.
Two different approaches can be used to do this copy. The faster,
but least reliable method is to simply copy the values from the first
member of the ensemble. That approach is enabled by default.
It is completely reliable when used after a conversion from an obspy
Stream but ONLY if the data began life as a mspass ensemble with
exactly the same keys set as global. The type example of that
is after an obspy algorithm is applied to a mspass ensemble
via the mspass decorators.
A more cautious algorithm can be enabled by setting check_all_members
True. In that mode the list of keys received is tested with a
not equal test for against each member. Note we do not do anything
fancy with floating point data to allow for finite precision.
The reason is Metadata float values are normally expected to be
constant data. In that case an != test will yield false when the
comparison is between two copies. The not equal test may fail, however,
if used with computed floating point numbers. An example where
that is possible would be spatial gathers like PP data assembled by
midpoint coordinates. If you need to build gathers in such a context
we recommend you use an integer image point tied to a specialized
document collection in MongoDB that defines the geometry of that
point. There may be other examples, but the point is don't trust
computed floating point values to work. It will also not work if
the values of a key-value pair don't support an != comparison.
That could be common if the value request for copy was a python object.
:param ens: ensemble data to be processed. The function will throw
a MsPASSError exception of ens is not either a TimeSeriesEnsemble or a
:param keys: is expected to be a list of metadata keys (required to be
strings) that are to be copied from member metadata to ensemble
:param check_all_members: switch controlling method used to extract
metadata that is to be copied (see above for details). Default is False
:param clean_members: when true data copied to ensemble metadata
will be removed from all members. This option is only allowed
if check_all_members is set True. It will be silently ignored if
check_all_members is False.
alg = "post_ensemble_metadata"
if isinstance(ens, TimeSeriesEnsemble) or isinstance(ens, SeismogramEnsemble):
md = Metadata()
for d in ens.member:
if d.live:
for k in keys:
if not k in d:
raise MsPASSError(
+ ": no data matching requested key="
+ k
+ " Cannot post to ensemble",
md[k] = d[k]
if check_all_members:
for d in ens.member:
for k in keys:
if not _all_members_match(ens, k):
raise MsPASSError(
+ ": Data mismatch data members with key="
+ k
+ "\n In check_all_members mode all values associated with this key must match",
if clean_members:
for d in ens.member:
for k in keys:
raise MsPASSError(
+ ": Illegal data received. This function runs only on mspass ensemble objects",