
class TimeSeries : public mspass::seismic::CoreTimeSeries, public mspass::utility::ProcessingHistory

Implemntation of TimeSeries for MsPASS.

This is the working version of a three-component TimeSeries object used in the MsPASS framework. It extends CoreTimeSeries by adding common MsPASS components (ProcessingHistory). It may evolve with additional special features.

Subclassed by mspass::seismic::TimeSeriesWGaps

Public Functions

inline TimeSeries()

Default constructor. Only runs subclass default constructors.

inline TimeSeries(const size_t nsamples)

Bare bones constructor allocates space and little else.

Sometimes it is helpful to construct a skeleton that can be fleshed out manually. This constructor allocates an nsamples vector and initializes it to all zeros. The data are marked dead because the assumption is the caller will fill out commonly needed basic Metadata, load some kind of sample data into the data vector, and then call the set_live method when that process is completed. That kind of manipulation is most common in preparing simulation or test data where the common tags on real data do not exist and need to be defined manually for the simulatioon or test. The history section is initialized with the default constructor, which currently means it is empty. If a simulation or test requires a history origin the user must load it manaually.


nsamples – is the number of samples needed for storing the data vector.

inline TimeSeries(const BasicTimeSeries &bts, const Metadata &md)

Partially construct from components.

There are times one wants to use the Metadata area as a template to flesh out a CoreTimeSeries as what might be called skin and bones: skin is Metadata and bones as BasicTimeSeries data. This constructor initializes those two base classes but does not fully a valid data vector. It only attempts to fetch the number of points expected for the data vector using the npts metadata (integer) key (i.e. it sets npts to md.get_int(“npts”)). It then creates the data vector of that length and initialzies it to all zeros.

This constructor is largely a wrapper for the CoreTimeSeries version with the same signature but it also initalizes the ProcessingHistory to null (calling the default constructor)

TimeSeries(const Metadata &md)

Partially construct from Metadata alone.

This constructor is useful for interaction with MongoDB where the Metadata container is constructed directly from MongoDB documents the database uses for storage. A key restrition of this constructor is that BasicTimeSeries attributes and the size of the internal array buffer, which is set by npts, are extracted from Metadata with keys fixed in the C++ code. The following keys are required or this contructor will throw a MwPASSWrror:

dt - sample sample_interval t0 - data startttime npts - number of samples (s array will be initialized to this many zeros) time_standard - UTC or Relative (anything but UTC is taken as relative)

It will also handle but not require the two attributes used in the mspass schema to handle shifting from absolute to relative time. These keys are t0_shift - sets amount t0 has been shiftee when originally utc but set to relative with the shift method. Ignored if time is UTC or it is not defined.

inline TimeSeries(const mspass::seismic::CoreTimeSeries &d)

Construct from lower level CoreTimeSeries.

In MsPASS CoreTimeSeries has the primary functions that define the concept of a a single channel seismogram. TimeSeries implements mspass specific features needed to mesh with the mspass processing system. This constructor clones only the CoreTimeSeries components and initializes the ProcessingHistory with the default constructor leaving the history in an empty state. Users should call methods in ProcessingHistory to initiate a valid history chain. Processing can continue if left in that state, but the history chain will have an undefined origin. Job information will also be lost if not initialized (see BasicProcessingHistory)


d – is the data to be copied to create the new TimeSeries object. Note that means a deep copy wherein the data vector is copied.

TimeSeries(const mspass::seismic::CoreTimeSeries &d, const std::string alg)

Contruct from a core time series and initialize history as origin.

This constructor is a variant of a similar one built only from a CoreTimeSeries. This constuctor is intended to be used mainly on simulation data created by some mechanism (e.g. a python procedure). It is more rigid that the simple one arg constructor as it will create a top level history record. The record will mark the result as an origin with an id set as a uuid created by a random number generator (boost implementation). The jobname and jobid are frozen as “test”. Use a different constructor and/or reset job info if more flexibility is desired. Use of this constructor is recommended only for test python programs that do not need to interact with MongoDB.

  • is – core data to be cloned

  • alg – is the algorithm name to set for the origin history record.

TimeSeries(const mspass::seismic::BasicTimeSeries &b, const mspass::utility::Metadata &m, const mspass::utility::ProcessingHistory &mcts, const std::vector<double> &d)

Special constructor for pickle interface.

The pickle interface required by spark presented problems for MsPASS. The complicated data objects of TimeSeries and TimeSeries have to be serialized in pieces. This constructor is only used in the function called indirectly by pickle.load. It essentially contains a TimeSeries dismembered into the pieces that can be the serialized independently. The parameters are each associated with one of those required pieces and are simply copied to build a valid TimeSeries object in the pickle.load function

inline TimeSeries(const TimeSeries &parent)

Standard copy constructor.

TimeSeries &operator=(const TimeSeries &parent)

Standard assignment operator.

size_t memory_use() const

Return an estimate of the memmory use by the data in this object.

Memory consumed by a TimeSeries object is needed to implement the sizeof method in python that dask/spark use to manage memory. Without that feature we had memory fault issues. Note the estimate this method returns should not be expected to be exact. The MsPASS implementation or any alternative implementation avoids an exact calculation because it requries an (expensive) traversal of multiple map containers.