Source code for mspasspy.preprocessing.seed.util

from obspy import UTCDateTime
from mspasspy.ccore.utility import MsPASSError

[docs]def channel_report(db, net=None, sta=None, chan=None, loc=None, time=None): """ Prints a nicely formatted table of information about channel documents matching a set of seed codes. SEED uses net, sta, chan, and loc codes along with time intervals to define a unique set of metadata for a particular channel of seismic observatory data. This function can be used to produce a human readable table of data linked to one or more of these keys. All queries are exact matches against defined keys for the net, sta, chan, and loc arguments. If a time stamp is given it will produce an interval query for records where starttime<=time<=endtime. Omiting any key will cause all values for that key to be returned. e.g. specifying only net, sta, and loc will produce a table of all matching net, sta, loc entries for all channels and all times (if there are multiple time interval documents). :param db: required mspasspy.db.Database handle. :param net: seed network code :param sta: seed station code :param chan: seed channel code :param loc: seed location code :param time: time stamp used as described above. Can be either a unix epoch time or a UTCDateTime. """ if net == None and sta == None and chan == None and loc == None: raise MsPASSError( "channel_report usage error: must specify at least one of sta, net, or loc", "Fatal", ) query = dict() if net != None: query["net"] = net if sta != None: query["sta"] = sta if chan != None: query["chan"] = chan if loc != None: query["loc"] = loc if time != None: if isinstance(time, UTCDateTime): t_to_use = time.timestamp else: t_to_use = time query["starttime"] = {"$lte": t_to_use} query["endtime"] = {"$gte": t_to_use} dbchan = n = dbchan.count_documents(query) if n == 0: print("site collection has no documents matching the following query") print(query) return print( "{:>4}".format("net"), "{:>8}".format("sta"), "{:>6}".format("chan"), "{:=^6}".format("loc"), "latitude longitude starttime endtime", ) curs = dbchan.find(query) for doc in curs: print( "{:>4}".format(doc["net"]), "{:>8}".format(doc["sta"]), "{:>6}".format(doc["chan"]), "{:=^6}".format(doc["loc"]), doc["lat"], doc["lon"], doc["elev"], UTCDateTime(doc["starttime"]), UTCDateTime(doc["endtime"]), )
[docs]def site_report(db, net=None, sta=None, loc=None, time=None): """ Prints a nicely formatted table of information about site documents matching a set of seed codes. SEED uses net, sta, chan, and loc codes along with time intervals to define a unique set of metadata for a particular channel of seismic observatory data. This function can be used to produce a human readable table of data linked to one or more of these keys save as documents in the MsPASS site collection. The site collection has no information on channels and is used only to define the spatial location of a "seismic station". Hence not channel information will be printed by this function since there is none in the site collection. All queries are exact matches against defined keys for the net, sta, and loc arguments. If a time stamp is given it will produce an interval query for records where starttime<=time<=endtime. Omiting any key will cause all values for that key to be returned. e.g. specifying only net and stat will produce a table of all matching net and sta entries for all location codes and all times (if there are multiple time interval documents). :param db: required mspasspy.db.Database handle. :param net: seed network code :param sta: seed station code :param loc: seed location code :param time: time stamp used as described above. Can be either a unix epoch time or a UTCDateTime. """ if net == None and sta == None and loc == None: raise MsPASSError( "site_report usage error: must specify at least one of sta, net, or loc", "Fatal", ) query = dict() if net != None: query["net"] = net if sta != None: query["sta"] = sta if loc != None: query["loc"] = loc if time != None: if isinstance(time, UTCDateTime): t_to_use = time.timestamp else: t_to_use = time query["starttime"] = {"$lte": t_to_use} query["endtime"] = {"$gte": t_to_use} dbsite = n = dbsite.count_documents(query) if n == 0: print("site collection has no documents matching the following query") print(query) return print( "{:>4}".format("net"), "{:>8}".format("sta"), "{:=^6}".format("loc"), "latitude longitude starttime endtime", ) curs = dbsite.find(query) for doc in curs: print( "{:>4}".format(doc["net"]), "{:>8}".format(doc["sta"]), "{:=^6}".format(doc["loc"]), doc["lat"], doc["lon"], doc["elev"], UTCDateTime(doc["starttime"]), UTCDateTime(doc["endtime"]), )