

This file contains a DatascopeDatabase class that can be used to interaction with an Antelope(Datascope) flat file database. It is not intended to be a fully functional database handle. It can, however, bu used as a base class to add additional functionality.

The main point of this implementation is a mean to translate Antelope tables that can be used for related seismic data processing. The two main known uses are: (1) translating a table to a MongoDB collection and (2) loadng a small table to create a normalizing operator via a subclass of the generic mspasspy.db.normalize.BasicMatcher class. Although not currently implementd it could also, for example, but used to create a reader driven by a wfdisc table.

The “translation” model this class uses is to create a DataFrame image of the a single table or what Antelope developers call a database view. The class only supports pandas DataFrame assuming that tables are small enough to fit in memory. An extremely good assumption since Datascope uses that model. Note, however, that if one needs to create a giant table from many fragmented databases as is common with large network operations with Antelope, the dask DataFrame merge method can be used to combine a string of multiple, common tables.

The inverse of writing a DataFrame to an Datascope table is also supported via the df2table method. The forward and inverse translations can be used as the basis for workflows that utilize both MsPASS an Antelope. e.g. if you have a license for Antelope you could use their database-driven event detection and association algorithms to create a catalog and use MsPASS for waveform processing that utilizes the catalog data.

The class constructor uses an Antelope pf file to define the tables it knows how to parse. A master pf for most tables is distributed with mspass. To parse uncommon tables not defined in the master pf file you will need a license for antelope to run the python script found in Antelope contrib and in mspass called Database_schema. We include a copy of that script in the “scripts” directory one level below this one in the directory tree. Be aware that script will not run, however, without a license for Antelope because it requires proprietary libraries supplied with Antelope. An alternative for those unable to secure an antelope license is to build the pf that script generates by hand. You can use the standard version for css3.0 tables to see the clear pattern. It is VERY IMPORTANT to realize that if you build that pf by hand you must list attributes in the “attributes Tbl” in the left to right table order of the Datascope schema definition. Readers will work if you violate that rule, but the writer will scramble the output if you do and the result will almost certainly by unreadable by Datascope.

@author: Gary L. Pavlis

class mspasspy.preprocessing.css30.datascope.DatascopeDatabase(dbname, pffile=None)[source]

Bases: object

CSS30Catalog2df() DataFrame[source]

Forms the standard catalog view of CSS3.0 sans the orid==prefor condition to return a DataFrame formed by using the DatascopeDatabase join method in sequence to produce:


noting the the assoc->arrival join is done via arid. The returned dataframe will have some attributes like the “time” attributes of arrival and origin altered to clarify which is which using the pandas stock method of appending a suffix. The suffix is the parent table name. Hence, for the “time” example the output will have columns with the keys time_origin and time_arrival.

Because this method is expected to normally be run interactively it will throw exceptions for a whole range of problems for which the authors of mspass have no control. In the usual python way the posted exception stack should define the problem. Exceptions could come from methods of this class called by the function or pandas.


Pandad DataFrame with the standard css3.0 catalog view.

Attribute names are css3.0 names.

df2table(df, db=None, table='wfdisc', dir=None, append=True) DataFrame[source]

Inverse of get_table method. Writes contents of DataFrame df to Datascope table inferred from the table argument. That is, the method attempts to write the contents of df to a file “db.table” with an optional diretory (dir argument). It will immediately throw an exception if any of the df column keys do not match an attribute name for the schema defined for the specified table. Missing keys will be written as the null value defined for the schema using the pf file loaded with the class constructor.

Default behavior is to write to the Datascope handle defined as the “self” by the class constructor. An alternative instance of the class can be used to override the default by passing that instance via the db argument. Default always appends to any existing data in the output table. Set append to False to clear any previous content.


df – pandas DataFrame containing data to be written. Note the

column names must match css3.0 schema mames or an exception will be thrown. :type df: pandas DataFrame :param db: output handle. Default is None which is taken to mean use this instance. :type db: Can be any of: (1) instance of DatascopeDatabase, (2) a string defining the Datascope database base name, or (3) None. In all cases this argument is used only to generate file names for the Datascope files. For case 1 the name defined in the class instance is used. For case 2 the string received is used as the base file name (e.g. if db=”mydb” and table=”arrival” this method will write to a file called “mydb.arrival”.) In case 3 the name associated with this instance (self) will be used. :param table: Datascope table to which the data should be written. :type table: string (default ‘wfdisc’) :param dir: optional director name where the table data should be saved. Default is None which is taken to mean the current director. If the directory does not exist it will be created. :type: string or None :param append: boolean that when set causes the data to be appended to a file if it already exist. Default is True. When set False if the file exists it will be overwritten.


possibly edited copy of input dataframe with null

values inserted and columns rearrange to match Datascope table order,

get_nulls(table) dict[source]

Retrieve dictionary of null values for attributes in a table.

Unlike MongoDB a relational database requires a Null value to define when a table cell is not defined. This method returns the Null value defined for Datascope tables in their schema. This method returns all the null values for a table in a python dictionary keyed by the attibute names defined for the schema for that table. That algorithm is used instead of a function retrievng a value given table and attribute as arguments for two reasons. (1) Most conceivale applications would need most if not all of the Null values to use the data anyway and (2) the difference in time to fetch one value versus all is near zero because a linear search through a list is required to fetch a single value.


table – name of the table for which Null values is to

be retrieved. :type table: string :return: python dictionary key by attribute names with Nulls as the value associated with that attribute.

get_primary_keys(table) list[source]

Returns a list of the primary keys defined for this table in the parameter file used to create this handle. These keys are used to produce a form of “natural join” in the join method.

get_table(table='wfdisc', attributes_to_use=None) DataFrame[source]

This method converts a specified table to a dataframe. Default will load all attributes of the specified table. The equivalent of an SQL select clause can be done by passing a list of attribute names through the attributes_to_use argument. Note that list does not need to be in the same order as the attributes are stored in the Datascope text files from which the requested data will be retrieved.

Note if you want to change the names of the attributes of the DataFrame this method returns, use the pandas rename method on the return. See numerous online sources for use of the rename method.


rename_attributes – optional python dictionary used to

change the names of one or more columns of the output dataframe. This argument is passed directly to the dataframe rename method. Default is None which cause the rename call to be bypassed.


attributes_to_use – optional python list of attribute

names to extract from the larger table. If used only the attributes defined in the list will be returned in the dataframe. Default is None which cause all attributes in the table to be returned.


DataFrame representation of requested table with optional

edits applied.

join(df_left, table, join_keys='right_primary', right_suffix=None, how='right')[source]

This method provides a limited join functionality between an input dataframe and a specified table. It works with multiple join keys but the only matches supported are exact matches using string or integer keys. It is really just a front end on dataframe merge that loads and joins a named table to the input dataframe passed through arg 0 (df_left). If more sophisticated join operators are needed there are two options:

  1. Do the join operator externally in Datascaope, save the result as a Datascope view in a csv format, and then inport the csv file with the pandas read_csv method.

  2. Save the larger of the two tables you want to join to MongoDB and use one of the generic matchers that are subclasses of mspasspy.db.normalize.DataFrameCacheMatcher. If the matching operation you need is not already defined you may need to develop a custom subclass of that matcher.

  • df_left – dataframe to which table (arg1) is to be joined.

  • table – antelope database table name to be joined with df_left.

  • join_keys – If not specified the keys returned by the

get_primary_keys method will be used for left and right tables in the join. Can be a list of attribute names and if so left and right join keys will be the same. Can also be a python dictionary. Use that form if you want to use different keys for the left and right tables in the join. The keys of the dict are used for the left and the values are used for the right.


right_suffix – Duplicate attribute names in a merge

need a way to be identified. Default uses the table name with a leading underscore. (e.g. joining site would produce an lddate_site attribute in the output dataframe). If any other string is used it is passed directly to the dataframe merge method and you will get different names for ambiguous column names.


how – defines the type of join operation to use.

Passed directly to the merge dataframe method. See documentation for dataframe merge to see options allowed for how.


dataframe resulting from the join

parse_snetsta() dict[source]

Datascope is (mostly) linked to the CSS3.0 schema originally developed ine 1970s before SEED was adopted as a standard. At the time the problem of duplicate station codes was not recognized and the SEED concept of a network code (also location code for channel) was not considered. The developers of Datascope created a workaround for this problem in a special table (I am not sure if it was part of the original css3.0 schema or not) with the name `snetsta’. They use snetsta to handle duplicate station names in multiple networks. A common example is that more than one operator has used the colorful station code “HELL” so if we see an entry for HELL it can be ambiguous which level of HELL it refers to. Antelope handles this by creating compound keys like “66_HELL” for net “66” and station code “HELL”. A complication is the compound keys are only used when duplicate sta codes a detected, which is not always easy to know. In any case, the purpose of this method is to parse the snetsta table to return the data need to translate any station code (compound or not) to a unique combination of “net” and “sta” codes It does that by returning a dictionary keyed by expected station codes in other Datascope tables with a value containing a pair of string. The 0 component is the net code associated with the key value and the 1 component the station code that would match what is expected in a parent miniseed file.

wfdisc2doclist(snetsta_xref=None, default_net='XX', test_existence=False, verbose=True) list[source]

Special function to convert a wfdisc table to a list of docs that can be written to MongoDB. Alternatively the output can be passed directly to to initiate a parallel workflow or passed as a constructor to create a parallel container (i.e bag or RDD) to passed to the mspasspy.db.database.read_data() method. This method ONLY works for wfdiscs that index a collection of miniseed files. It will drop any data not marked as miniseed. The conversions process is not trivial for several reasons:

  1. We need to add some computed attributes to match the attributes required in wf_miniseed in the mspass reader.

  2. Handling Null values.

  3. Filtering out rows not defining miniseed data.

  4. the net code mismatch with css3.0 (see below)

  5. The equally obnoxious loc code problem

  1. simply involves always posting some constants.

2. is handled by silently deleting any attribute defined by the Null value for that attribute in the wfdisc schema. 3. is handled by dropping any tuples for which the “datatype” attribute on “sd” (normal mseed) or “S1” miniseed in an older compression format. When verbose is set true any entries dropped will geneate a warning print mesage.

Items 4 and 5 are a bigger complication. The developers of Antelope created a solution to this problem by utilizing two tables called snetsta and schanloc. The trick they used was whenever a station name was not unique, they create an alias merging the net and sta codes with a fixed separator of “_”. e.g. if their miniseed indexing program detected station “HELL” with net codes “66” and “33” it would create two aliases called “66_HELL” and “77_HELL”. The data defining that alias is stored in the “snetsta” table. The problem is unique sta code values are not change to the merged net_sta form but only the sta name is used in processing. This code deals with this issue assuming the “snetsta” table exists and defines the net code for every station it finds. When it encounters names like “66_HELL” it automatically drops the name in wfdisc and sets the net and sta codes using the cross-reference defined in snetsta. To handle the very common situation where snetsta is not complete (i.e. there are sta codes without an snetsta entry) when a wfdisc sta key has not entry in snetsta the value of the default_net optional argument is used to define the net name in the output. The way Amtelope loc is easier to deal with because of a dogmatic naming convention for FDSN. That is, valid SEED channel codes are required to be 3 characters in length and follow a rigid definition of what each of the 3 character imply about the data. Antelope handles loc codes, which were not conceived as needed when the CSS3.0 schema was designed, by simply appending the loc code to the channel code to produce an extended channel code tag. (e.g. channel BHZ with loc code 00 would be set to BHZ_00) Antelope defines a schanloc table that is similar to snetsta but we don’t actually need to use it in this method because the syntax rules make splitting compound channel names unambiguous. Hence, a reference to schanloc is not needed as it is to handle the net-sta problem.

The net-sta problem is handled by the argument snetsta_xref argument. If the database this object references has a complete snetsta table you can use the default and it will load and utilize the snetsta channel data to sort out net-sta ambiguities. Unless you are 100% certain your snetsta table has no missing entries (wfdisc sta values not in snetsta) you should be sure to set the default_net optional argument value to what is appropriate for your data set.


snetsta_xref – image of the snetsta table used as

described above. If set None (the default) this method will call another method of this class called parse_snetsa that reads the snetsta table and creates an instance of the data structure. See the docstring of that method below for an explanation of the data structure of this object if you need to generate one by some other means. :type snetsta_xref: python dict or None :param test_existence: Boolean that when set True (default is False) enables a file existence check. This operation is expensive on a large wfdisc as it has to run an existence check on every tuple in the wfdisc. :param verbose: When True prints a warning for each tuple it drops. If False it will drop problem tuples silently. Note tuples can be dropped for two reasons: (1) datatype values that do not define miniseed and (2) tuples failing the existence check (if enabled)

Created on Sat Oct 24 06:31:28 2020

@author: Gary Pavlis, Dept. of Earth and Atmos Sci, Indiana University

mspasspy.preprocessing.css30.dbarrival.check_for_ambiguous_sta(db, stalist, collection='arrival', verbose=False, verbose_attributes=None)[source]

Scans db.collection for any station in the list of station codes defined by the list container stalist. By default it reports only the count of the number of hits for each sta. If verbose is set it prints a summary of every record it finds - warning this can get huge so always run verbose=false first to find the scope of the problem.

  • db – Mongodb database pointer - can also be a mspass Database class object.

  • stalist – required list of station names to be checked

  • verbose – turn on verbose mode (see overview paragraph)

  • verbose_attributes – list container of database attributes to be printed in verbose mode. Note is default is None and the function will exit immediately with an error message if verbose is enable and this list is not defined. The current version blindly assumes every document found will contain these attributes. It will abort if an attribute is not defined.

mspasspy.preprocessing.css30.dbarrival.extract_unique_css30_sources(filename, attribute_names=['evid', 'source_lat', 'source_lon', 'source_depth', 'source_time', 'mb', 'ms', 'sta', 'phase', 'iphase', 'delta', 'seaz', 'esaz', 'residual', 'time', 'deltim'])[source]

Utility function to scan the same table used by load_css30_arrivals to create a dict of unique sources keyed by the parent css30 database key evid. This will only work if evid is set correctly for each row in the input table. The algorithm used is a bit ugly and exploits the unique key insertion of a python dict container that also behaves like a C++ std::map container. That is, if new data is inserted with a matching key to something already in the container the new data silently replaces the old data. This is a clean way to create a unique set of data keyed by evid, BUT as noted it will create extraneous results if evid value are not consistent with the arrivals (That shouldn’t happen if the parent css3.0 database was properly formed).

  • filename – text file to scan created form datascope shell command ending with dbselect to produce attributes in the order listedfor attribute_names (the default anyway)

  • attribute_name – is a list of keys to assign to each column of data in the input file. Default is for output of a particular shell script ending a unix chain with dbselect with attributes in the order listed. If the dbselect line changes this attribute will need to be changed too.


dict keyed by evid of source coordinate data.

mspasspy.preprocessing.css30.dbarrival.find_duplicate_sta(db, collection='site')[source]

Scans collection requested (site is default be can be run on channel) for combinations of net:sta where the sta is not unique. This can cause problem in associating data from css3.0 databases that do not have a net code for station names. Returns a dict with sta names as key and a set container with net codes associated with that sta. The algorithm used here is a large memory algorithm but considered acceptable since the total number of instruments in a data set is not currently expected to be a limiting factor. If the collection were huge it would be better to use a well crafted incantation to mongodb.

  • db – mspass Database handle or just a plain MongoDB database handle. (mspass Database is a child of MongoDBs top level database handle)

  • collection – string defining the collection name to scan (default is site)


dict of stations with nonunique sta codes as the key. The value returned in each field is a set container with net codes that use that sta code.

mspasspy.preprocessing.css30.dbarrival.find_null_net_stations(db, collection='arrival')[source]

Return a set container of sta fields for documents with a null net code (key=net). Scans collection defined by collection argument.

mspasspy.preprocessing.css30.dbarrival.find_unique_sta(db, collection='site')[source]

This function is the complement to find_duplicate_sta. It returns a list of stations with one and only one matching net code. Stations in that list can normally be forced in arrival assuming the arrival data are not disjoint with the station data.

  • db – mspass Database handle or just a plain MongoDB database handle. (mspass Database is a child of MongoDBs top level database handle)

  • collection – string defining the collection name to scan (default is site)


dict with sta as keys an net as unique net code

mspasspy.preprocessing.css30.dbarrival.force_net(db, sta=None, net=None)[source]

Forces all entries in arrival collection matching input station code sta to input value of parameter net. This is the most brute force solution to set a net code, but is often the right tool. Kind of like every toolbox needs a hammer.

  • db – Database handle (function hits only arrival collection)

  • sta – station to set

  • net – network code to set sta entries to


number or documents set.

mspasspy.preprocessing.css30.dbarrival.load_css30_arrivals(db, filename, attribute_names=['evid', 'source_lat', 'source_lon', 'source_depth', 'source_time', 'mb', 'ms', 'sta', 'phase', 'iphase', 'delta', 'seaz', 'esaz', 'residual', 'time', 'deltim'])[source]

Loads an ascii table of arrival time data extracted from an antelope (css3.0) database. The default format of the table is that produced by a shell script linked to this function that has the (current) name of dbexport_to_mongodb.csh (that name is likely to change before a release). The names are locked to css3.0 attribute names that form the argument list to a program called dbselect. Users of other database can easily simulate this in sql by listing the same attributes in the same order. The names used here are translations of concept to mspass. Note not all of these attributes would always be required and alternative implementation may want to change that list - hence attribute_name is a defaulted parameter.

  • db – is a MongoDB database handle. It can be as basic as the return of client(‘dbname’) but it can also be an instance of the mspass Database class. There is no default

  • filename – is the string defining a file containing the expected text file with columns in the order defined by attribute_names.

  • attribute_names – is the list of MongoDB attribute keys to assign to each column of data.


MongoDB InsertManyResult object. This can be used, for example, to get the number of rows inserted in arrival from len(r.insertedIds) where r is the symbol given the return.

mspasspy.preprocessing.css30.dbarrival.load_css30_sources(db, srcdict, collection='source', attribute_names=['evid', 'lat', 'lon', 'depth', 'time'])[source]

Companion to extract_unique_css30_sources to load output of that function into a MongoDB database. The algorithm is cautious and first scans the existing source collection for any matching evids. If it finds any it prints them and does nothing but issue an error message. That was done because this function is only expected to be done interactively for preprocessing.

  • db – MongoDB database handle

  • srcdict – dict output of extract_unique_css30_sources

  • collection – optional alternative collection to save (default

is source) :param attribute_names: list of keys to copy from srcdict to database.

Note currently no aliases are allowed and we don’t test that these are found. We assume the list is consistent with what is posted by extract_unique_css30_events

mspasspy.preprocessing.css30.dbarrival.make_css30_composite_sta(sta, net)[source]

Small helper for below but of potential general use. Creates a composite station code using antelope rules for mixing sta and net passed as args. Returns the composite name. (eg. AAK_II or XYZTXX)

mspasspy.preprocessing.css30.dbarrival.parse_snetsta(fname, verbose=False)[source]

Parses the raw text file in an antelope db.snetsta file. It returns a dict with their sta attribute as the key (their sta is not necessarily the seed sta). Each entry points to a dict with keys net and fsta. We use fsta as that is the field BRTT defines for the seed sta field in snetsta.

  • fname – is the snetsta file to be parsed.

  • verbose – if True the function will print all stations for which fsta does not match sta

mspasspy.preprocessing.css30.dbarrival.set_arrival_by_time_interval(db, sta=None, allowed_overlap=86401.0, use_immortal_cursor=False, verbose=False)[source]

Sets the net code in an arrival collection for occurrences of a specified station code using the net code for a given time interval defined in the site collection. This function only works reliably if the time intervals of the duplicate station names do overlap in time. The type example this function is useful is station adoption by other networks of TA net code station. Those stations typically change nothing except the network code at some specific time, although often the channel configuration also changes (e.g. many N4 sites turned on 100 sps data as H channels).

This function is a bit like a related function called set_netcode_time_interval but here the site time intervals for a specified sta field are used. set_netcode_time_interval is brutal and will blindly set all matching sta in an optional time range to a specified value. This function is preferable when the site collection has an unambiguous net defined by time invervals that do not overlap.

The function will throw an exception and do nothing if the time intervals returned by the match to sta overlap.

  • db – mspasspy.db.Database handle (requires arrival and site collections)

  • sta – station code in arrival to be updated.

  • allowed_overlap – There are lots of errors in stationxml files that cause bogus one day overlap. This defaults to 1 day but it can be set larger or smaller.

  • use_immortal_cursor – If true the cursor in the update is made “immortal” meaning it won’t time out. This may be necessary if the arrival collection is large.

  • verbose – if true prints a bunch a few messages. Silent (default) otherwise


count of number of documents updated.

mspasspy.preprocessing.css30.dbarrival.set_netcode_from_site(db, collection='arrival', time_key=None, use_immortal_cursor=False, stations_to_ignore=None)[source]

This function scans a MongoDB collection that is assumed to contain a “sta” for station code to be cross referenced with metadata stored in the site collection. (The default collection is arrival, but this could be used for any table for which sta needs to be regularized to a seed net:sta pair.) The entire objective of the function is to add missing seed net codes. The algorithm used here is the most basic possible and looks only for a match of sta and and option time matched with a site’s operation interval defined by a starttime to endtime time interval. I returns two lists of problem children that have to be handled separately: (1) a set container of station names that have no matching value in the current site collection, and (2) a set container with a tuple of [net, sta, startime, endtime] values of net:sta combinations that are ambiguous. They are defined as ambiguous if a common sta code appears in two or more networks. Both cases need to be handled by subsequent processing. The first, requires scrounging for the station metadata. A good foundation for that is obspy’s get_stations function. The ambiguous station code problem requires rules and special handling. That will be deal with in tools planned for the near future but which do not exist at the time this function was finalized. The key idea in both cases is to use the output of this function to guide additional processing with two different workflows aimed at building a clean database to initiate processing.

  • db – is a MongoDB database handle. It can be as basic as the return of client(‘dbname’) but it can also be an instance of the mspass Database class. There is no default.

  • collection – MongoDB collection to be updated. Processing keys on the data with key=”sta” and (optional) value of time_key arg. (Default is arrival)

  • time_key – is a document key in collection containing a time used to match any site’s operational starttime to endtime time window. Default is None which turns off that selection. Ambiguous keys may be reduce in large datasets by using a time key.

  • use_immortal_cursor – If true the cursor in the update is made “immortal” meaning it won’t time out. This may be necessary if the arrival collection is large.

  • stations_to_ignore – is expected to be a set container listing any station codes to be ignored in processing. This can be used to reduce processing overhead or handle sites where net is null and not needed at all. Default is None which turns this option off.


Summary of results in the form of a 4 element tuple.

Return type:

tuple with the following contents: 0 - number of documents processed 1 - number of documents updated in this run 2 - set container of tuples with content (net,sta,starttime,endtime)

of all documents matching the reference sta code but having different net codes or time spans. These data are stored in a set container to easily sort out the unique combinations.

3 - set container of station codes that found in collection that

had no matching entry in the site collection.

mspasspy.preprocessing.css30.dbarrival.set_netcode_snetsta(db, staindex, collection='arrival', use_immortal_cursor=False)[source]

Takes the dict staindex that defines how snetsta defines seed codes for antelope tables and updates a specified collection to add net code and, when necessary, repair station name used by antelope to deal with multiple sites have the same station code (sta) but different network codes.

Antelope uses the css3.0 schema which was invented before anyone conceived the need for handling the quantity of data seen today assembled from multiple sources. As a result the schema has a fundamental flaw wherein a channel is defined in css3.0 by two codes we refer to in mspass as “sta” and “chan” (these happen to be the same as those used by antelope). When the SEED standard was defined the committee drafting the standard had the wisdom to realize sta and chan were not sufficient to describe data assembled from multiple sources when station codes were chosen independently by network operators. Hence, they adopted the idea of adding a network (net) and location (loc) code to tag all data. Hence all seed and miniseed (seed contains metadata as well as data. A subset of seed called miniseed is the norm today which has only data bunched in packets with each packet keyed by net:sta:loc:chan:startime:endtime).

All that background is included for users to understand the background to this function. BRTT, the developers of Antelope, recognized the limitations of css3.0 early on but realized the depth of the problem long after their code base was deeply locked into css3.0. Rather than fix the problem right they chose to use a kludge solution that has created a weakness in antelope ever since. To handle duplicate stations they created a composite net:sta key with names like AAK_II and composite channel names (for loc codes) like BHZ_00. Things might have been better had they made all sta keys this composite, but because users are locked into sta codes for a variety of reason they elected to retain sta and use the composite ONLY IF a duplicate sta was present. That method works fine for largely static data in fixed network operations (their primary customers) but is a huge mess for research data sets bringing in data from multiple sources. Hence, for mspass we need to get rid of anything remotely linked to snetsta and schanloc as cleanly as possible. This function is aimed at fixing snetsta problems.

The function works off an index passed as staindex created by a companions function called “parse_snetsta”. This function scans the collection it is pointed at (default is arrival, but any collection containing “sta” as an attribute can be handled) and looks for matching entries for the “fsta” field in snetsta. When it finds a match it adds the net code it finds in the index, corrects the sta code (expanded in a moment), and sets a new attribute “css30_sta”. The function handles composite names defined for sta by a simple algorithm that duplicates the way antelope handles duplicate station codes. If the station code is 3 characters or less the name is created in the form sta_net (e.g. sta=’AAK’ and net=’II’ will yield AAK_II). If the sta code is 4 characters long the css30_sta is of the simple concatenation ofthe two strings (e.g. sta=’HELL’ and net=’XX’ yields ‘HELLXX’). If the code found is longer than 4 characters it is assumed to be already a composite created with the same rules. In that case the name is split to pieces and compared to the index fsta and net values. If they match the composite is used unaltered for the css30_sta name and the fsta and net values are added as sta and net in the update of the document to which they are linked.

The function also tests documents it processes for an existing net code. If it finds one it tests for the existence of css30_sta. If that attribute is already defined it skips updating that document. If css30_sta is not defined it is the only field updated. This was done as a way to use a scan of the site collection as an alternative to setting net and then using this to set css30_sta as an alias for sta for some operations.

  • db – is a mongodb database handle. It can either be the plain result of a client(‘dbname’) definition or a mspass.Database class instance.

  • staindex – is a dict returned by parse_snetsta. The key of this index is a sta name it function expects to find in an arrivals document. the dict value is a dict with two keys: fsta and net. net is the seed network code and fsta is the expected seed station code. Updates replace the sta field in arrivals with the fsta values and put the original sta value in arrival_sta.

  • use_immortal_cursor – If true the cursor in the update is made “immortal” meaning it won’t time out. This may be necessary if the arrival collection is large.

  • collection – MongoDB collection to scan to apply snetsta correction. (default is arrival)


tuple with these contentss: 0 - number of documents scanned 1 - number update 2 - set of stations names with no match in the snetsta index.

(these will often need additonal attention through another mechanism)

Return type:


mspasspy.preprocessing.css30.dbarrival.set_netcode_time_interval(db, sta=None, net=None, collection='arrival', starttime=None, endtime=None, time_filter_key='time', use_immortal_cursor=False)[source]

Forces setting net code for data with a given station code within a specified time interval.

Arrivals measured with Antelope using Datascope to manage the catalog data has a disconnect with seed’s required net:sta to specify a unique seismic observatory (what we call site). The css3.0 schema does not include the net attribute. This collides with modern stationxml files used to deliver instrument metadata because they are always indexed by net:sta. This function is one a collection of functions to set the net field in a collection (normally arrival but could be other collections with ambiguous sta keys). This particular function is intended as a last resort to more or less force setting net to a single value for all documents matching the sta key. There is an optional time range that can be used to fix ambiguous entries like some TA stations that were adopted and nothing changed but the net code on a particular day.

  • db – Database handle (can be a raw top level MongoDB database pointer or a mspass Database class

  • sta – station name to use as key to set net

  • net – net code to which all data matching sta will be set (a warning is issued if this field in the retrieved docs is already set)

  • collection – MongoDB collection to be updated (default is arrival)

  • starttime – starting time period of (optional) time filter. (default turns this off) Must be UTCDateTime

  • endtime – end of time period for (optional) time selection. (default is off) Note a MsPASSError will be thrown if endtime is not defined by starttime is or vice versa. Must be a UTCDateTime object

  • time_filter_key – key used to access document entry to use for time range test (startime<=time<=endtime).

  • use_immortal_cursor – If true the cursor in the update is made “immortal” meaning it won’t time out. This may be necessary if the arrival collection is large.


number of documents updated.

mspasspy.preprocessing.css30.dbarrival.set_source_id_from_evid(db, collection='arrival', use_immortal_cursor=False, update_all=False)[source]

Sets source_id in arrivals by matching evid attributes in the source collection. The concept here is that source_id is the unique key in MsPASS but evid is a foreign key defined when importing data from a CSS3.0 database. The evid key can thus not be trusted so if we override it with a source_id we can guarantee it is unique. This function will only work if the evid attribute is set in documents in the source collection. Currently this can be done with a function called load_css30_sources.

  • db – MongoDB handle or MsPASS Database object managing these data.

  • collection – collection to search default is arrival, but any collection that has evid defined could be scanned. The algorithm simply tries to match evid and updates documents it finds with the object id of the source record it matches.

  • use_immortal_cursor – If true the cursor in the update is made “immortal” meaning it won’t time out. This may be necessary if the arrival collection is large.

  • update_all – if true the function will force cross referencing and setting every document in arrival. The default (False) updates only documents where the source_id is not yet set. The default behavior, for example, would be the norm when new arrival data is added to a database and need that indexing.


tuple of results with mixed content. 0 and 1 are integers defining number of documents processed and the number altered respectively. 2 is a dict keyed by evid with a value equal to the count of the number of documents found and altered with that evid. Component 3 is the dict of the complement to 2; evid keyed dict with the count of the number of documents encountered but which for which evid did not match any document in source.


mspasspy.preprocessing.seed.ensembles.dbsave_raw_index(db, pdframe, collection='import_miniseed_ensemble')[source]

Database save to db for a panda data frame pdframe. This crude version collection name is frozen as import_miniseed_ensemble. db is assumed to be the client root for mongodb or the mspasspy Client that is a child of MongoClient.

  • db – MongoClient or mspass Client to save data desired

  • pdframe – panda data frame to be saved

  • collection – collection to which the data in pdframe is to be saved. Default is ‘import_miniseed_ensemble’

mspasspy.preprocessing.seed.ensembles.dbsave_seed_ensemble_file(db, file, gather_type='event', keys=None)[source]

Indexer for SEED files that are already assembled in a “gather” meaning the data have some relation through one or more keys. The association may be predefined by input though a keys array or left null for later association. There is a large overhead in this function as it has to read the entire seed file to acquire the metadata it needs. This version uses a bigger memory bloat than required because it uses obspy’s seed reader that always eats up the whole file and returns a list of Trace object. A less memory intensive approach would be to scan the seed blockettes to assemble the metadata, but that would be a future development.

A KEY POINT about this function is that it ONLY builds an index for the data file it is given. That index is loosely equivalent to the css3.0 wfdisc table, but organized completely differently.

This function writes records into a import_miniseed_ensemble collection. The records written are a hierarchy expressed in json (bson) of how a Ensemble object is define: i.e. ensemble Metadata combined with a container of TimeSeries of Seismogram objects. Because SEED data always defines something that directly maps to TimeSeries this only works to create an index to build TimeSeriesEnsemble objects.

This function was written to index ensembles that are passive array common event (source) gathers. These are the passive array equivalent of a shot gather in reflection processing. The format of the json(bson) document used for the index, however, is not limited to that case. The gather type is defined by a metadata key (for this prototype the key is “gather_type”). The concept is the gather_type can be used as both a filter to select data and as a hint to readers on how to handle the data bundle.

The gather (ensemble) metadata include a list of dict data that define a json/bson document defining the members of an ensemble. Other documentation will be needed to define this concept more clearly with figures.

A design constraint we impose for now is that one file generates one document in the import_miniseed_ensemble collection. This means if the data for an ensemble is spread through several files the best approach is to convert all the data to TimeSeries objects and assemble them with a different algorithm

A final point about this function is that it dogmatically always produces a unique uuid string using the ProcessingHistory newid method. Be warned that that string CANNOT be converted to a MongoDB ObjectId as it is generated by a completely different algorithm. The uuid is posted with the key “seed_file_id” to provide a unique name. That id is used by the reader in this module to define a unique origin for a channel of data. We note that usage is problematic for finding a particular waveform linked to a seed_file_id because the index storeds that attribute in subdocuments for each ensemble.

  • db – MongoDB database pointer - may also be a mspass Database class

  • file – seed file containing the data to be indexed.

  • gather_type

    character string defining a name that defines

    a particular ensemble type. Default is “event”, which is the only currently supported format. (others keyword will cause an error to be thrown) Anticipated alternatives are: “common_receiver” or “station”, “image_point”, and “time_window”.


    ObjectId of the document inserted that is the index for the file processed.

mspasspy.preprocessing.seed.ensembles.erase_seed_metadata(d, keys=['mseed', '_format'])[source]

Erase a set of debris obspy’s reader adds to stats array that get copied to data. We don’t need that debris once data are converted to MsPASS data objects and stored in MongoDB. Use this function when importing seed data with obspy’s reader to reduce junk in the database.

  • d – is the data object to be cleaned (assumed only to be a child of Metadata so erase will work.

  • keys – list of keys to clear. Default should be all that is needed for standard use.

This prototype function uses a not at all generic method to link data indexed in a import_miniseed_ensemble collection to source data assumed stored in the source collection. The algorithm is appropriate ONLY if the data are downloaded by obspy with a time window defined by a start time equal to the origin time of the event. We use a generic test to check if the median ensemble start time (pulled from import_miniseed_ensemble record) is within +-dt of any origin time in source. If found we extract the source_id of the maching event document and then update the record in import_miniseed_ensemble being handled. Tha process is repeated for each document in the import_miniseed_ensemble collection.

To handle css3.0 set the prefer_evid boolean True (default is False). When used the program will use a document with an evid set as a match if it finds multiple source matches. This feature is used to match data with arrivals exported from a css3.0 database where the source data is embedded in the exported database view table.

  • db – MongoDB top level handle or a mspasspy.Database object to be accessed - this function is pure database function talking to this db

  • dt – time range of match (search is + to - this value)

  • prefer_evid – As noted above if True select the source doc with evid set when there are multiple matches.

  • verbose – when true output will be more verbose.

mspasspy.preprocessing.seed.ensembles.load_arrivals_by_id(db, tsens, phase='P', required_key_map={'phase': 'phase', 'time': 'arrival_time'}, optional_key_map={'deltim': 'deltim', 'iphase': 'iphase'}, verbose=False)[source]

Special prototype function to load arrival times in arrival collection to TimeSeries data in a TimeSeriesEnsemble. Match is a fixed query that uses source_id tht is assumed set for the ensemble AND previously defined for all arrival documents to be matched. The correct record in arrival is found by the combination of matching source_id, net, and sta. This algorithm does a lot of queries to the arrival collection so an index on net and sta is essential. Probably would be good to add source_id to the index as well.

  • db – MongoDB database handle or mspsspy.Database object

  • tsens – TimeSeriesEnsemble to be processed

  • required_key_map – a dict of pairs defining how keys in arrival should map to metadata keys of ensemble members. The key of each entry in the dict is used to fetch the required attribute from the MongoDB doc found in a query. The value of that attribute is posted to each member TimeSeries object with the value of the key value pair associated with that entry. e.g. for the default we fetch the data from the MongoDB document with the key time and write the value retrieved to Metadata with the key arrival.time. If a required key is not found in the arrival document a MsPASSError will be logged and that member will be marked dead. Users should always test for an empty ensemble after running this function.

  • optional_key_map – similar to required_key_map but missing attributes only geneate a complaint message and the data will be left live

  • verbose – print some messages otherwise only posted to elog


count of number of live members in the ensemble at completion

mspasspy.preprocessing.seed.ensembles.load_channel_data(db, ens)[source]

Loads channel data into ens. Similar to load_source_data but uses a diffrent match: net,sta,loc,time matching startdate->enddate. Mark members dead and post an elog message if required metadata are not found.

mspasspy.preprocessing.seed.ensembles.load_hypocenter_data_by_time(db=None, ens=None, dbtime_key='time', mdtime_key='time_P', event_id_key='evid', phase='P', model='iasp91', dt=10.0, t0_definition='origin_time', t0_offset=0.0, kill_null=True)[source]

Loads hypocenter data (space time coordinates) into an ensemble using an arrival time matching algorithm. This is a generalization of earlier prototypes with the objective of a single interface to a common concept - that is, matching arrival documents to ensemble data using timing based on travel times.

We frequently guide processing by the time of one or more seismic phases. Those times can be either measured times done by a human or an automated system or theoretical times from an earth model. This function should work with either approach provided some earlier function created an arrival document that can be used for matching. The matching algorithm uses three keys: an exact match for net, an exact match for sta, and a time range travel time association.

The algorithm is not a general associator. It assumes we have access to an arrival collection that has been previously associated. For those familiar with CSS3.0 the type example is the join of event->origin->assoc->arrival grouped by evid or orid. We use a staged match to the ensemble to reduce compute time. That is, we first run a db find on arrival to select only arrival documents within the time span of the ensemble with the defined arrival name key. From each matching arrival we compute a theoretical origin time using obspy’s taup calculator and a specified model and hypocenter coordinates in the arrival document that we assume was loaded previously from a css3.0 database (i.e. the event->origin->assoc->arrival view). We then select and load source coordinates for the closest origin time match in the source collection. This is much simpler than the general phase association (determine source coordinates from a random bad of arrival times) but still has one complication - if multiple events have arrivals within the time span of the ensemble the simple match described above is ambiguous. We resolve that with a switch defined by the argument t0_definition. Currently there are two options defining the only two options I know of for time selection of downloaded segments. (1) if set to ‘origin_time’ we assume member t0 values are near the origin time of the event. (2) if set to ‘phase_time’ we assume the member t0 values are relative to the phase used as a reference. In both cases an optional t0_offset can be specified to offset each start time by a constant. The sign of the shift is to compare the data start time to the computed time MINUS the specified offset. (e.g. if the reference is a P phase time and we expect the data to have been windowed with a start time 100 s before the theoretical P time, the offset would be 100.0) Note if arrival windowing is selected the source information in arrival will not be referenced but that data is required if using origin time matching. In any case when multiple sources are found to match the ensemble the one with the smallest rms misfit for the windowing is chosen. A warning message is always posted in that situation.

By default any ensemble members without a match in arrival will be killed. Note we use the kill method which only marks the data dead but does not clear the contents. Hence, on exit most ensembles will have at least some members marked dead. The function returns the number of members set. The caller should test and complain if there are no matches.

mspasspy.preprocessing.seed.ensembles.load_one_ensemble(doc, create_history=False, jobname='Default job', jobid='99999', algid='99999', ensemble_mdkeys=[], apply_calib=False, verbose=False)[source]

This function can be used to load a full ensemble indexed in the collection import_miniseed_ensemble. It uses a large memory model that eat up the entire file using obspy’s miniseed reader. It contains some relics of early ideas of potentially having the function utilize the history mechanism. Those may not work, but were retained.

  • doc – is one record in the import_miniseed_ensemble collection

  • create_history – if true each member of the ensemble will be defined in the history chain as an origin and jobname and jobid will be be used to construct the ProcessingHistory object.

  • jobname – as used in ProcessingHistory (default “Default job”)

  • jobid – as used in processingHistory

  • algid – as used in processingHistory

  • ensemble_mdkeys – list of keys to copy from first member to ensemble Metadata (no type checking is done)

  • apply_calib – if True tells obspy’s reader to apply the calibration factor to convert the data to ground motion units. Default is false.

  • verbose – write informational messages while processing

mspasspy.preprocessing.seed.ensembles.load_site_data(db, ens)[source]

Loads site data into ens. Similar to load_source_data but uses a diffrent match: net,sta, time matching startdate->enddate. Mark members dead and post an elog message if the site coordinates are not found.

mspasspy.preprocessing.seed.ensembles.load_source_data_by_id(db, mspass_object)[source]

Prototype function to load source data to any MsPASS data object based on the normalization key. That keys is frozen in this version as “source_id” but may be changed to force constraints by the mspasspy schema classes.

Handling of Ensembles and atomic objects are different conceptually but in fact do exactly the same thing. That is, in all cases the algorithm queries the input object for the key “source_id”. If that fails it returns an error. Otherwise, it finds the associated document in the source collection. It then posts a frozen set of metadata to mspass_object. If that is an ensemble it is posted to the ensemble metadata area. If it is an atomic object it gets posted to the atomic object’s metadata area.


Use obspy’s miniseed reader to eat up a (potentially large) file and build an index as a table (returned) of data that can be written to a database. Obspy’s reader was written to accept the abomination of miniseed with random packets scattered through the file (or so it seems, since they have no foff concept in their reader). Hence, what this reader does is make a table entry for each net:sta:chan:loc trace object their reader returns. It does this with panda dataframes to build the table. One required argument is the file name containing the miniseed data.

mspasspy.preprocessing.seed.util.channel_report(db, net=None, sta=None, chan=None, loc=None, time=None)[source]

Prints a nicely formatted table of information about channel documents matching a set of seed codes.

SEED uses net, sta, chan, and loc codes along with time intervals to define a unique set of metadata for a particular channel of seismic observatory data. This function can be used to produce a human readable table of data linked to one or more of these keys. All queries are exact matches against defined keys for the net, sta, chan, and loc arguments. If a time stamp is given it will produce an interval query for records where starttime<=time<=endtime. Omiting any key will cause all values for that key to be returned. e.g. specifying only net, sta, and loc will produce a table of all matching net, sta, loc entries for all channels and all times (if there are multiple time interval documents).

  • db – required mspasspy.db.Database handle.

  • net – seed network code

  • sta – seed station code

  • chan – seed channel code

  • loc – seed location code

  • time – time stamp used as described above. Can be either a unix epoch time or a UTCDateTime.

mspasspy.preprocessing.seed.util.site_report(db, net=None, sta=None, loc=None, time=None)[source]

Prints a nicely formatted table of information about site documents matching a set of seed codes.

SEED uses net, sta, chan, and loc codes along with time intervals to define a unique set of metadata for a particular channel of seismic observatory data. This function can be used to produce a human readable table of data linked to one or more of these keys save as documents in the MsPASS site collection. The site collection has no information on channels and is used only to define the spatial location of a “seismic station”. Hence not channel information will be printed by this function since there is none in the site collection.

All queries are exact matches against defined keys for the net, sta, and loc arguments. If a time stamp is given it will produce an interval query for records where starttime<=time<=endtime. Omiting any key will cause all values for that key to be returned. e.g. specifying only net and stat will produce a table of all matching net and sta entries for all location codes and all times (if there are multiple time interval documents).

  • db – required mspasspy.db.Database handle.

  • net – seed network code

  • sta – seed station code

  • loc – seed location code

  • time – time stamp used as described above. Can be either a unix epoch time or a UTCDateTime.