version  0.0.1
Defines the C++ API for MsPASS
No Matches
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
mspass::seismic Namespace Reference

Define metadata keys. More...


class  BasicSpectrum
class  BasicTimeSeries
 Base class for time series objects. More...
class  CoreSeismogram
 Vector (three-component) seismogram data object. More...
class  CoreTimeSeries
 Scalar time series data object. More...
class  DataGap
class  Ensemble
class  LoggingEnsemble
 Template class that extends Ensemble to include an error log and live tests. More...
class  PowerSpectrum
class  Seismogram
 Implemntation of Seismogram for MsPASS. More...
class  SeismogramWGaps
class  SlownessVector
 Slowness vector object. More...
class  TimeSeries
 Implemntation of TimeSeries for MsPASS. More...
class  TimeSeriesWGaps
class  TimeWindowCmp
 Function object used for weak comparison to order TimeWindow objects. More...


typedef Ensemble< TimeSeriesTimeSeriesEnsemble
typedef Ensemble< SeismogramThreeComponentEnsemble


enum class  TimeReferenceType { UTC , Relative }
 Type of time standard for time series data. More...


const std::string SEISMICMD_npts ("npts")
const std::string SEISMICMD_dt ("delta")
const std::string SEISMICMD_t0 ("starttime")
const std::string SEISMICMD_sampling_rate ("sampling_rate")
const std::string SEISMICMD_rlat ("site_lat")
const std::string SEISMICMD_rlon ("site_lon")
const std::string SEISMICMD_relev ("site_elev")
const std::string SEISMICMD_clat ("channel_lat")
const std::string SEISMICMD_clon ("channel_lon")
const std::string SEISMICMD_celev ("channel_elev")
const std::string SEISMICMD_hang ("channel_hang")
const std::string SEISMICMD_vang ("channel_vang")
const std::string SEISMICMD_slat ("source_lat")
const std::string SEISMICMD_slon ("source_lon")
const std::string SEISMICMD_sdepth ("source_depth")
const std::string SEISMICMD_stime ("source_time")
const std::string SEISMICMD_dfile ("dfile")
const std::string SEISMICMD_dir ("dir")
const std::string SEISMICMD_foff ("foff")
const std::string SEISMICMD_tmatrix ("tmatrix")
const std::string SEISMICMD_uuid ("uuid")
const std::string SEISMICMD_rawdata ("rawdata")
const std::string SEISMICMD_net ("net")
const std::string SEISMICMD_sta ("sta")
const std::string SEISMICMD_chan ("chan")
const std::string SEISMICMD_loc ("loc")
const std::string SEISMICMD_time_standard ("time_standard")
const std::string SEISMICMD_t0_shift ("starttime_shift")
const std::string SEISMICMD_utc_convertible ("utc_convertible")

Detailed Description

Define metadata keys.

This include file defines a set ofconst std::string values that serve as keys to Metadata get and put calls. They are placed in this one file to easy maintainability of the code base. This is essential because in MsPaSS we need to map Metadata keys to and from MongoDB database key names. If the schema needs to change due to some external constraint like assimilating some external code base we need only change the names here. The comments with each name are roughly the same as the concept line in the yaml file for the mspass schema at the time this file was created. Do not depend on an exact match, but the idea behind each phrase should not change (the concept).

Typedef Documentation

◆ ThreeComponentEnsemble

Useful alias for Ensemble<Seismogram>

◆ TimeSeriesEnsemble

Useful alias for Ensemble<TimeSeries>

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ TimeReferenceType

Type of time standard for time series data.

Time series data have two common standards. Absolute time means the time is an epoch time. Relative means time is some other arbitrary reference. An example is an arrival time reference frame where all data are set with time zero defined by a set of arrival time picks.


Use an absolute (usually UTC) time base - previously absolute in SEISPP.


Time is relative to some other standard like shot time

Function Documentation

◆ SEISMICMD_celev()

const std::string mspass::seismic::SEISMICMD_celev ( "channel_elev"  )

elevation of a seismic station/instrument in km (subtract emplacement depth for borehole instruments) - TimeSeries

◆ SEISMICMD_chan()

const std::string mspass::seismic::SEISMICMD_chan ( "chan"  )

channel name (e.g. HHZ, BHE, etc.) - normally a SEED channel code

◆ SEISMICMD_clat()

const std::string mspass::seismic::SEISMICMD_clat ( "channel_lat"  )

latitude of a seismic station/instrument in degrees - TimeSeries

◆ SEISMICMD_clon()

const std::string mspass::seismic::SEISMICMD_clon ( "channel_lon"  )

longitude of a seismic station/instrument in degrees - TimeSeries

◆ SEISMICMD_dfile()

const std::string mspass::seismic::SEISMICMD_dfile ( "dfile"  )

External data file name.


const std::string mspass::seismic::SEISMICMD_dir ( "dir"  )

Directory path to an external file (always used with dfile)


const std::string mspass::seismic::SEISMICMD_dt ( "delta"  )

data sample interval in seconds.

◆ SEISMICMD_foff()

const std::string mspass::seismic::SEISMICMD_foff ( "foff"  )

Offset in bytes from beginning of a file to first data sample.

◆ SEISMICMD_hang()

const std::string mspass::seismic::SEISMICMD_hang ( "channel_hang"  )

Azimuth (in degree) of a seismometer component - horizontal angle


const std::string mspass::seismic::SEISMICMD_loc ( "loc"  )

location code assigned to an instrument (loc component of SEED net:sta:chan)


const std::string mspass::seismic::SEISMICMD_net ( "net"  )

network code (net component of SEED net:sta:chan)

◆ SEISMICMD_npts()

const std::string mspass::seismic::SEISMICMD_npts ( "npts"  )

Number of data samples.

◆ SEISMICMD_rawdata()

const std::string mspass::seismic::SEISMICMD_rawdata ( "rawdata"  )

Boolean used to tag a history chain as beginning with raw data

◆ SEISMICMD_relev()

const std::string mspass::seismic::SEISMICMD_relev ( "site_elev"  )

elevation of a seismic station/instrument in km (subtract emplacement depth for borehole instruments) - Seismogram

◆ SEISMICMD_rlat()

const std::string mspass::seismic::SEISMICMD_rlat ( "site_lat"  )

latitude of a seismic station/instrument in degrees - Seismogram

◆ SEISMICMD_rlon()

const std::string mspass::seismic::SEISMICMD_rlon ( "site_lon"  )

longitude of a seismic station/instrument in degrees - Seismogram

◆ SEISMICMD_sampling_rate()

const std::string mspass::seismic::SEISMICMD_sampling_rate ( "sampling_rate"  )

Data sampling frequency in Hz=1/s

◆ SEISMICMD_sdepth()

const std::string mspass::seismic::SEISMICMD_sdepth ( "source_depth"  )

Depth (in km) of the hypocenter of seismic source

◆ SEISMICMD_slat()

const std::string mspass::seismic::SEISMICMD_slat ( "source_lat"  )

Latitude (in degrees) of the hypocenter of seismic source

◆ SEISMICMD_slon()

const std::string mspass::seismic::SEISMICMD_slon ( "source_lon"  )

Longitude (in degrees) of the hypocenter of seismic source


const std::string mspass::seismic::SEISMICMD_sta ( "sta"  )

station code assigned to a spot on Earth (sta component of SEED net:sta:chan)

◆ SEISMICMD_stime()

const std::string mspass::seismic::SEISMICMD_stime ( "source_time"  )

Origin time of the hypocenter of a seismic source.


const std::string mspass::seismic::SEISMICMD_t0 ( "starttime"  )

Time of first sample of data (epoch time or relative to some other time mark)

◆ SEISMICMD_t0_shift()

const std::string mspass::seismic::SEISMICMD_t0_shift ( "starttime_shift"  )

Define the t0_shift attribute of BasicTimeSeries.

◆ SEISMICMD_time_standard()

const std::string mspass::seismic::SEISMICMD_time_standard ( "time_standard"  )

Define time reference (normally UTC or Relative)

◆ SEISMICMD_tmatrix()

const std::string mspass::seismic::SEISMICMD_tmatrix ( "tmatrix"  )

Holds transformation matrix in MsPASS use for Seismogram.

◆ SEISMICMD_utc_convertible()

const std::string mspass::seismic::SEISMICMD_utc_convertible ( "utc_convertible"  )

Defines boolean used in BasicTimeSeries for properly handling Relative/UTC time standards

◆ SEISMICMD_uuid()

const std::string mspass::seismic::SEISMICMD_uuid ( "uuid"  )

Universal Unique Identifier used for history.

◆ SEISMICMD_vang()

const std::string mspass::seismic::SEISMICMD_vang ( "channel_vang"  )

Inclination from +up (in degree) of a seismometer component - vertical angle